Working class white men very angery...

spoken like a democrat. I think you are way simplifying the Trump message into "it's racism".

For sure he's said a lot of shit about Mexicans/ and some crap about women in the past.
But Hilary hasn't gone after that since he's tied her to as an enabler to BJ Clinton's philandering..

But to the point:

Hillary has supported the TPP in the past calling it the "gold standard" of trade agreements. Now that sanders has become a real threat
she's shape shifted away from that argument.
Trump is backing so called "fair trade" the same as sanders -while their proposed methods differ they both recognize globalization'has eaten away or high paying jobs, and sent them overseas for cheap labor..

So sanders and Trump have a few things in common. both support universal health care.

Hillary offers nothing, no empowerment of the middle class - just "break down the barriers" -old scholl Democratic mantra
like this is somehow the Big Problem facing the middle class.

Hers is a campaign of "no we can't" to sanders political revolution.. Trump is just 3rd party insurgency who has tapped into discontent

your shits are racists fucktard
we can not let their stupidest lie stand

their dishonesty has to be FULLY exposed for their evil to lose power
What is funny is that you bemoan prejudice against minorities yet it is you who treats them as inferior. You think that they somehow need your help to overcome whatever injustices or slights they perceive is standing in their way. It is you that perpetuates this notion that somehow blacks are still living in the Jim Crow era your party created.

I suspect that if GayRods little girl ever brought home a nice colored boy with tattoos on his face and pants around his ass, GayRod would be none too pleased.

I would not care about the color, I would about the tats.
I don't think they need my help... I think the we all need less artificial obstacles in the way. I think the nation needs a more equal playing field so that the best rise to the top while the inferior sink to the bottom regardless of the station in life they were born to.
Desh, you claimed high school educated white males who vote Democrat aren't racist and high school educated white males who vote Republican are. You have given no evidence to support your claim.

You then pivoted to claiming SOMEONE claimed high school educated white males only vote Republican. You have yet to show who made that claim.

Now you're back to calling everyone racist.
so globalization, automation and stagnant wages have nothing to do with why these white men are angry?

Those are a group of issues facing the working man these days, they are what brings pressure to the table, but the fact that Women, Minorities and other minorities are at the table competing is what keeps them from retaining their superior position in the market. There have always been problems facing the job market but in the past they were the first in line for the jobs that existed.

Globalization, and automation are here to stay. Wages will improve once the world economy does and when the obstacles the wealthy have placed on progress are wiped out.
I was watching MSNBC's election coverage, and they had these Ohio plantworkers who are lifelong Dems who might switch registration to vote Rump in hopes of voting for him again in November. Fuckers. If you like him so much, you should have drafted him into your own primary.
Those are a group of issues facing the working man these days, they are what brings pressure to the table, but the fact that Women, Minorities and other minorities are at the table competing is what keeps them from retaining their superior position in the market. There have always been problems facing the job market but in the past they were the first in line for the jobs that existed.

Globalization, and automation are here to stay. Wages will improve once the world economy does and when the obstacles the wealthy have placed on progress are wiped out.

""Manufacturing in the US grew by 517,000 jobs from January 2010 to February 2013 according to a report from the National Women’s Law Center. But, since January 2010, women lost more manufacturing roles than they gained. In fact, women’s share of the manufacturing sector is currently just over 27 percent – the lowest level since 1971. This means that while women represent nearly half of the total U.S. labor force, they only constitute approximately a quarter of the U.S. manufacturing workforce. How is this possible when women’s rights in the workplace have come so far over the same time period?""

So if women's share is less today than in 1971 how do you support your argument that women are hurting blue collar white men today as opposed to 45 years ago?
Historically uneducated heterosexual white men enjoyed a certain privilege in our country, no matter their personal circumstances society allowed them to consider themselves better, and in fact they often had better opportunity, than those who were "different". They had better job prospects, better earning potential, and a specific standing that existed not based on merit, but on how society viewed them.

These people are not racist necessarily, they simply enjoyed a life made possible by prejudice, likely mostly without consciously knowing it.

In the past 25 years great strides have been made to change the social order in our nation. Women, minorities and homosexuals have grown in social standing to attain a closer to equal standing with the white man. Many, including myself, call this progress.

The result however has become a class who are not automatically held in such high esteem without regard for merit. Many of these men are have been left with a feeling that America is no longer great, without reflection on the reasons, they "feel" their standing has been lowered, and without study of the reason they are strongly attracted to the slogan "Make America Great Again."

So while not overtly racist, the slogan to these people represents a return to a time when things were better for this group of people, but not better for a conglomeration of minorities, To these minorities the reasoning behind the slogan rings of racism. So the white supporters of Trump are bewildered when accused of Racism and the minorities who do not want to return to an America that was not "great" for them.

This is where we stand facing the 2016 election. Will the once white male majority convince enough women to join them to get Trump elected, or will the confederacy of minorities band together and elect Hillary Clinton.

This from somebody who cannot get through one day out of the year without trashing the meaning of the Christmas holiday.

Lawyer bastard, you're not worth one healthy dump.
Historically uneducated heterosexual white men enjoyed a certain privilege in our country, no matter their personal circumstances society allowed them to consider themselves better, and in fact they often had better opportunity, than those who were "different". They had better job prospects, better earning potential, and a specific standing that existed not based on merit, but on how society viewed them.

These people are not racist necessarily, they simply enjoyed a life made possible by prejudice, likely mostly without consciously knowing it.

In the past 25 years great strides have been made to change the social order in our nation. Women, minorities and homosexuals have grown in social standing to attain a closer to equal standing with the white man. Many, including myself, call this progress.

The result however has become a class who are not automatically held in such high esteem without regard for merit. Many of these men are have been left with a feeling that America is no longer great, without reflection on the reasons, they "feel" their standing has been lowered, and without study of the reason they are strongly attracted to the slogan "Make America Great Again."

So while not overtly racist, the slogan to these people represents a return to a time when things were better for this group of people, but not better for a conglomeration of minorities, To these minorities the reasoning behind the slogan rings of racism. So the white supporters of Trump are bewildered when accused of Racism and the minorities who do not want to return to an America that was not "great" for them.

This is where we stand facing the 2016 election. Will the once white male majority convince enough women to join them to get Trump elected, or will the confederacy of minorities band together and elect Hillary Clinton.

Very well said Jarod, Thank you.
Those are a group of issues facing the working man these days, they are what brings pressure to the table, but the fact that Women, Minorities and other minorities are at the table competing is what keeps them from retaining their superior position in the market. There have always been problems facing the job market but in the past they were the first in line for the jobs that existed.

Globalization, and automation are here to stay. Wages will improve once the world economy does and when the obstacles the wealthy have placed on progress are wiped out.

Complete crock of shit. They aren't competing they are being given preferential treatment because of this bullshit white privilege you think exists. Of course you probably do not think you benefit from white privilege or if you do won't do anything to hamper your own life to fix it
I guess GayRod thinks that women are taking all of those rough steel jobs. The reality is that people like GayRod think they are better than everyone else and truth be told, GayRod would rather have the undesirables weeded out of society altogether.