Working class white men very angery...

Wow. In fact, double wow.

So zero mention of the technological revolution and globalization causing the 1) massive loss of manufacturing jobs and 2) their wages stagnating for over 30 years

It's just racism?

And someone is paying you for this?

Its not racism.
Trump is the easiest conservatard to beat.
The angry white man use to be the union guy.
Info tech and globalization are why manufacturing loss jobs
Whitey hadn't even gave the brothers those jobs yet so how is it racism.
Gridlock rules
Train by day, Joe rogan podcast by night!
Poor choice of words Jarod "uneducated heterosexual white men ". You're average working class straight white male is hardly uneducated. He may only have a high school education but that is hardly uneducated.
Poor choice of words Jarod "uneducated heterosexual white men ". You're average working class straight white male is hardly uneducated. He may only have a high school education but that is hardly uneducated.

Excellent point. Considering only 30% or so of the country holds college bachelor degrees that leaves a lot of "uneducated" Americans.
Excellent point. Considering only 30% or so of the country holds college bachelor degrees that leaves a lot of "uneducated" Americans.

True, they lack a formal education, but likely know more than most with a college degree.
Uneducated white men are a troublesome element that needs to be policed and suppressed to ensure tranquility and the self defense of the people.
I am not sure about HRC, but I feel Obama did what he could to effectuate some change and mounting progress. HRC is the most likely to get change of the current slate. It has to be done slowly and with deliberate progress. We are better off now than the previous generation. We can all go forward together, eliminating prejudice toward minorities is a good step, we have to all move forward together or it will not be true progress.

Separating us into groups and isolating people is only a step backward.

What is funny is that you bemoan prejudice against minorities yet it is you who treats them as inferior. You think that they somehow need your help to overcome whatever injustices or slights they perceive is standing in their way. It is you that perpetuates this notion that somehow blacks are still living in the Jim Crow era your party created.

I suspect that if GayRods little girl ever brought home a nice colored boy with tattoos on his face and pants around his ass, GayRod would be none too pleased.
all this talk about uneducated white men voting for someone...

what would happen if people talked about uneducated black men voting for someone? I dare say people would find that very inappropriate.
many many uneducated white men vote for the democratic party

Its the racist ones who vote republican that are the problem
The irony of Desh calling people with high school degrees uneducated when she herself doesn't even have that.