Working class white men very angery...

NO, this is about the growing indifference to unimportant differences among us. The coming lack of need for affirmative action. The social upheaval that has resulted in in the growing egalitarian attitudes of Americans.
Okay, if everything is hunky-dory, what are you flapping yer gums about?
Something happened with race relations after 2008. What's you're theory?

One theory is that the idea of a (half) black man becoming president brought out prejudices people were reluctant to speak about openly. Just like various memes that take hold in the media, some talking head gives a particular thought legitimacy and then millions of others decide it's okay to repeat.
One theory is that the idea of a (half) black man becoming president brought out prejudices people were reluctant to speak about openly. It just like various memes that take hold in the media, some talking head gives a particular thought legitimacy and then millions of others decide it's okay to repeat.

Even granting that's true, how does it explain Fergusun or Baltimore? It's pretty obvious to us angry white guys [who rarely act angry on the scale of the folks in Fergusun or Baltimore] on the right that Obama used his leadership position to stoke the fires of racial tension. He started early on by weighing in on a two-bit 'controversy' and blaming a white cop in a very knee-jerk fashion.

Only to get worse as time went on. As the first black president he had the opportunity to be a racial healer but he turned out to be a racial divider instead.

Also, the vast majority of white conservatives would have been quite happy with a Ben Carson in the WH. It has nothing to do with the fact Obama is black.
Even granting that's true, how does it explain Fergusun or Baltimore? It's pretty obvious to us angry white guys [who rarely act angry on the scale of the folks in Fergusun or Baltimore] on the right that Obama used his leadership position to stoke the fires of racial tension. He started early on by weighing in on a two-bit 'controversy' and blaming a white cop in a very knee-jerk fashion.

Only to get worse as time went on. As the first black president he had the opportunity to be a racial healer but he turned out to be a racial divider instead.

Also, the vast majority of white conservatives would have been quite happy with a Ben Carson in the WH. It has nothing to do with the fact Obama is black.

How can anyone blame Ferguson or Baltimore on Obama?

It's a fact that people can change only if they want to. And going by some of the people on this forum, I don't see any of the usual suspects asking for ideas on how to overcome their prejudices, and believe that holds true IRL also. And I believe the only way Obama "stoked racial tensions" was by being a (half) black man who became president. Almost 250 years of history gave us 43 white male presidents and there are those who believe it should never change.
I think the dumbest thing Obama has done regarding racial incidents was his handling of the Prof. Gates incident, because Gates was being retarded, and the cop involved was not misbehaving (now, the idiots who called for him, OTOH...). The beer conference was cool, at least, because it involved beer...
I think the dumbest thing Obama has done regarding racial incidents was his handling of the Prof. Gates incident, because Gates was being retarded, and the cop involved was not misbehaving (now, the idiots who called for him, OTOH...). The beer conference was cool, at least, because it involved beer...

It was dumb but it was also instructional about Obama. He's a racialist---he reads race into issues where it only exists in his imagination. Maybe it was all those years listening to Rev. Wright.
It was dumb but it was also instructional about Obama. He's a racialist---he reads race into issues where it only exists in his imagination. Maybe it was all those years listening to Rev. Wright.

This is a perfect example of what I was talking about, calling Obama a "racialist." And that cop was 100% wrong in the way he handled the professor. Not to mention the "neighbor" who called the cops... she didn't know what Prof. Gates looked like although she lived next door?

HLG: I just finished making my new documentary series for PBS called “Faces of America.” It was a glorious week in Shanghai and Ningbo and Beijing, and on my trip, I took my daughter along. After we finished working in Ningbo we went to Beijing and had three glorious days as tourists. It was great fun.

We flew back on a direct flight from Beijing to Newark. We arrived on Wednesday, and on Thursday I flew back to Cambridge. I was using my regular driver and my regular car service. And went to my home arriving at about 12:30 in the afternoon. My driver and I carried several bags up to the porch, and we fiddled with the door and it was jammed. I thought, well, maybe the door’s latched. So I walked back to the kitchen porch, unlocked the door and came into the house. And I unlatched the door, but it was still jammed.

My driver is a large black man. But from afar you and I would not have seen he was black. He has black hair and was dressed in a two-piece black suit, and I was dressed in a navy blue blazer with gray trousers and, you know, my shoes. And I love that the 911 report said that two big black men were trying to break in with backpacks on. Now that is the worst racial profiling I’ve ever heard of in my life. (Laughs.) I’m not exactly a big black man. I thought that was hilarious when I found that out, which was yesterday...

[Crowley] said ‘I’m here to investigate a 911 call for breaking and entering into this house.’ And I said ‘That’s ridiculous because this happens to be my house. And I’m a Harvard professor.’ He says ‘Can you prove that you’re a Harvard professor?’ I said yes, I turned and closed the front door to the kitchen where I’d left my wallet, and I got out my Harvard ID and my Massachusetts driver’s license which includes my address and I handed them to him. And he’s sitting there looking at them...

This is a perfect example of what I was talking about, calling Obama a "racialist." And that cop was 100% wrong in the way he handled the professor. Not to mention the "neighbor" who called the cops... she didn't know what Prof. Gates looked like although she lived next door?

HLG: I just finished making my new documentary series for PBS called “Faces of America.” It was a glorious week in Shanghai and Ningbo and Beijing, and on my trip, I took my daughter along. After we finished working in Ningbo we went to Beijing and had three glorious days as tourists. It was great fun.

We flew back on a direct flight from Beijing to Newark. We arrived on Wednesday, and on Thursday I flew back to Cambridge. I was using my regular driver and my regular car service. And went to my home arriving at about 12:30 in the afternoon. My driver and I carried several bags up to the porch, and we fiddled with the door and it was jammed. I thought, well, maybe the door’s latched. So I walked back to the kitchen porch, unlocked the door and came into the house. And I unlatched the door, but it was still jammed.

My driver is a large black man. But from afar you and I would not have seen he was black. He has black hair and was dressed in a two-piece black suit, and I was dressed in a navy blue blazer with gray trousers and, you know, my shoes. And I love that the 911 report said that two big black men were trying to break in with backpacks on. Now that is the worst racial profiling I’ve ever heard of in my life. (Laughs.) I’m not exactly a big black man. I thought that was hilarious when I found that out, which was yesterday...

[Crowley] said ‘I’m here to investigate a 911 call for breaking and entering into this house.’ And I said ‘That’s ridiculous because this happens to be my house. And I’m a Harvard professor.’ He says ‘Can you prove that you’re a Harvard professor?’ I said yes, I turned and closed the front door to the kitchen where I’d left my wallet, and I got out my Harvard ID and my Massachusetts driver’s license which includes my address and I handed them to him. And he’s sitting there looking at them...


What besides a kind of bias would lead anyone to read race into that? Do you really think white people scheme against blacks in their daily lives?