Working class white men very angery...

They even teach that crap in the military now.

And people wonder why it's like we're reliving the 60's again in race relations.

Is this a lie?

"A controversial 600-plus page manual used by the military to train its Equal Opportunity officers teaches that "healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian" men hold an unfair advantage over other races, and warns in great detail about a so-called "White Male Club."

“Simply put, a healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian male receives many unearned advantages of social privilege, whereas a black, homosexual, atheist female in poor health receives many unearned disadvantages of social privilege,” reads a statement in the manual created by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI)."
When more than 1/3 of Americans are on welfare, that isn't great. Hate to break it to you but someone relying on taxpayers to do for them what they should, at the very least, be doing for themselves, things aren't great.

I named it. That you disagree is your problem. That you think more than 100 million people on welfare is a good thing proves you're an idiot.

One-third of Americans are NOT on welfare. Where do you get this stuff?
Depends on how you define "welfare".

This is what I found.

"Approximately 52.2 million (or 21.3 percent) people in the U.S. participated in major means-tested government assistance programs each month in 2012, according to a U.S. Census Bureau report released today. Participation rates were highest for Medicaid (15.3 percent) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the food stamp program (13.4 percent).

The average monthly participation rate in major means-tested programs increased from 18.6 percent in 2009 to 20.9 percent in 2011. However, from 2011 to 2012, there was no statistically significant change in the percentage of people who participated. From 2009 to 2012, the average monthly participation rates for Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income and SNAP increased, while the rate decreased for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families/General Assistance."
Trump supporters have learned the lessons of denial & revisionism from their neocon/teabagger/fibbertarian brethren very well.

I think one only need to follow politicians of any stripe to learn the art of denial. Trump supporters just have the ability to take it to a higher level.
So Gates was still challenged about being in his own home after he showed proof of residence. Alrighty then.

The independent report concluded that both parties were at fault and that either party could have diffused the situation but didn't.

Why is it important that Gates' race be an issue?
The independent report concluded that both parties were at fault and that either party could have diffused the situation but didn't.

Why is it important that Gates' race be an issue?

I read the link. I also put myself in Gates' shoes and thought "what if a cop did that to me", and I'd be just as p.o.'d as Gates was.

Even the police commissioner said "at a press conference after the report was released yesterday that it will serve as a training tool for officers engaged in tense situations. An officer with a badge bears the ultimate responsibility for quelling any incident, he said.

“Someone’s got to defuse the situation quickly,’’ Haas said. “There’s got to be alternatives. There’s got to be other ways we can deal with the situation.’’
I read the link. I also put myself in Gates' shoes and thought "what if a cop did that to me", and I'd be just as p.o.'d as Gates was.

Even the police commissioner said "at a press conference after the report was released yesterday that it will serve as a training tool for officers engaged in tense situations. An officer with a badge bears the ultimate responsibility for quelling any incident, he said.

“Someone’s got to defuse the situation quickly,’’ Haas said. “There’s got to be alternatives. There’s got to be other ways we can deal with the situation.’’

How do you know race had anything to do with it? Do you just surmise it since Gates is black?
How do you know race had anything to do with it? Do you just surmise it since Gates is black?

Historical evidence that cops treat whites better than blacks.

For example, Dylan Roof arrest v. Eric Garner arrest.
