Working class white men very angery...

I read the link. I also put myself in Gates' shoes and thought "what if a cop did that to me", and I'd be just as p.o.'d as Gates was.

Even the police commissioner said "at a press conference after the report was released yesterday that it will serve as a training tool for officers engaged in tense situations. An officer with a badge bears the ultimate responsibility for quelling any incident, he said.

“Someone’s got to defuse the situation quickly,’’ Haas said. “There’s got to be alternatives. There’s got to be other ways we can deal with the situation.’’

You can't say "boo" to a black person without it being called racist.

Tanner's so-called research has already been discredited on another issue regarding entitlements so I can't take him seriously.

"The Cato Institute recently released a wildly misleading report by Michael Tanner and Charles Hughes, which essentially claims that what low-wage workers and their families can expect to receive from “welfare” dwarfs the wages they can expect from working. Using state-level figures, their paper implies that single mothers with two children are living pretty well relying just on government assistance, with Cato’s “total welfare benefit package” ranging from $16,984 in Mississippi to $49,175 in Hawaii. They then calculate the pretax wage equivalents in annual and hourly terms and compare them to the median salaries in each state and to the official federal poverty level. Tanner and Hughes find that welfare benefits exceed what a minimum wage job would provide in 35 states, and suggest that welfare pays more than the salary for a first year teacher or the starting wage for a secretary in many states.

So what makes this so misleading?

For one, Tanner and Hughes make the assumption that these families receive simultaneous assistance from all of the following programs: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid, Housing Assistance Payments, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC), and The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP). It is this simultaneous assistance from multiple sources that lets the entire “welfare benefits package” identified by Cato add up to serious money. But it’s absurd to assume that someone would receive every one of these benefits, simultaneously.

What’s more, their report carries the clear implication that welfare is (or should be expected to be) pulling low-wage workers out of the labor market by making life on welfare so attractive. In actuality, many low-income working families receive assistance through these programs.

Sharon Parrott and LaDonna Pavetti at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities provide some solid evidence against some of the claims made by Tanner and Hughes. They provide detailed statistics on how little overlap there is in the assistance families receive for multiple programs, and how few eligible families actually receive any benefits at all."
The cop is hardly going to come out and say he's racist, don't be silly.

When did any cop ever do that? They use weasel words to cover it.

So, we know they're racist by reading their minds? I don't get it.

The problem with making the charge is there's nothing the cop could do to prove he wasn't a racist. Do you think that's fair?
So, we know they're racist by reading their minds? I don't get it.

The problem with making the charge is there's nothing the cop could do to prove he wasn't a racist. Do you think that's fair?

I've already stated that my problem with the cop is that he didn't back off after being shown proof of residence. Why did Crowley not just walk away, since he actually concluded before the arrest that Gates was in his own home? There was no crime. That Crowley didn't like Gates' attitude is irrelevant. It was racial profiling.
I've already stated that my problem with the cop is that he didn't back off after being shown proof of residence. Why did Crowley not just walk away, since he actually concluded before the arrest that Gates was in his own home? There was no crime. That Crowley didn't like Gates' attitude is irrelevant. It was racial profiling.

Lol two can play this game.

Can you prove Crowley wouldn't have done the same thing with a white man under similar circumstances?