Working class white men very angery...

I've already stated that my problem with the cop is that he didn't back off after being shown proof of residence. Why did Crowley not just walk away, since he actually concluded before the arrest that Gates was in his own home? There was no crime. That Crowley didn't like Gates' attitude is irrelevant. It was racial profiling.

You keep jumping to the same unwarranted conclusion lol. You *assume* it was racial profiling simply because Crowley is white and Gates is black.

And you keep proving my point.
The white privilege myth of the left.

The white male remains right in the cross hairs of leftists like Jarod. It's their mythical yarn in order to justify their wealth redistribution agenda.

That and the notion of the traditional male skeers GayRod and Skidmark. They are anime playing little pussies that played with dolls when they were kids and throw worse than girls
That and the notion of the traditional male skeers GayRod and Skidmark. They are anime playing little pussies that played with dolls when they were kids and throw worse than girls



look you brain damaged troglidite

you are hated because you are terrible human being who acts like an 11 year old boy who fears his friends think hes gay
Most would find it unthinkable that you still are allowed to breathe, you piece of shit excuse for a human being.

we don't care about the conversations you have with your tiny nutsack as if your right and left balls are the entire human population(you do realize its not actually them speaking right).

thank you for informing the world

Your "we" even though its wee want people dead

which nut owns the gun?
You can't say "boo" to a black person without it being called racist.

yes we are all real sure you treat the black people you encounter with respect.

look asshole humans can read your type of fucking evil right off your idiot faces.

what you think your the best ACTOR ever born?

racists are stupid mutherfuckers

you people are blatent

you are just so fucking stupid that you think you fool people




no more free "race cards" for your stupid evil asses

you are the most hated people on the planet
yes we are all real sure you treat the black people you encounter with respect.

look asshole humans can read your type of fucking evil right off your idiot faces.

what you think your the best ACTOR ever born?

racists are stupid mutherfuckers

you people are blatent

you are just so fucking stupid that you think you fool people




no more free "race cards" for your stupid evil asses

you are the most hated people on the planet

That's interesting you claim to care how black people are treated considering you had no problem with new white gentrifiers in Oakland calling the police on their black neighbor's.
dude you gave a fucking shitty reference to your claim

you keep using that word racism.

it does not mean what you seem to think it means.

racists can never get it straight

Its why they are racists
dude you gave a fucking shitty reference to your claim

you keep using that word racism.

it does not mean what you seem to think it means.

racists can never get it straight

Its why they are racists

Ummm, Desh, you realize you are the one who calls everybody racist right?

So you think white gentrifiers calling the police on their black neighbor's for things like walking down the street isn't racism? Do you call the cops when a black person walks down you street?
so now your fucking seeing things that don't exist?

go tell Trayvons parents why you think their son needed to get dead

and Timars parents