Would you vote for a man who said this in public?

slow down Little Acorn...Romney for president!...the guy is a anti-working class man...'Mormon 7mafia guy...Howard Hughes was tortured by the Mormon Mafia 7 with a hostile takeover of the 'Summa Corporation'...ya really want Romney?

Romney v. McCain is over, we are left now with

McCain v. Obama or Clinton.
The people who tourtured him, as in a society of people. Or the people who tourtured him as in the individuals who specifically did it, it makes a difference. And if he means the specific people he is misusing the slur.

He spoke about the specific individuals who tortured him.
I've seen an interview with him where he talks about it. He specifically references the people who tortured him. To me it would be human nature to have the feelings he does (towards the torturers).

If he was limiting it to the ones who tortured him he would say “I hate the bastards who tortured me and I always will.”

Is there nothing you won’t believe if a Republican says it Cawacko? Come on. His bitterness is understandable as is his mental damage. It’s too bad he didn’t get a lot of therapy, maybe it could have helped. Bottom line – a lot of people have horrific stories in this world. No need to make them President.
If he was limiting it to the ones who tortured him he would say “I hate the bastards who tortured me and I always will.”

Is there nothing you won’t believe if a Republican says it Cawacko? Come on. His bitterness is understandable as is his mental damage. It’s too bad he didn’t get a lot of therapy, maybe it could have helped. Bottom line – a lot of people have horrific stories in this world. No need to make them President.

Damn, your out of your mind today.

That's what he said. I'm not protecting him. Should I lie and say he said something different?
slow down Little Acorn...Romney for president!...the guy is a anti-working class man...
Why do you think so?

'Mormon 7mafia guy...Howard Hughes was tortured by the Mormon Mafia 7 with a hostile takeover of the 'Summa Corporation'...
I heard all the "Mormon Mafia 7" were white guys. Guess I'd better vote for Obama.

ya really want Romney?
No, I really want Hunter. But he dropped out, so I backed Thompson instead. But he's out, so Romney is the next best choice. And head and shoulders better than anything the Dems have to offer.
The people who tourtured him, as in a society of people. Or the people who tourtured him as in the individuals who specifically did it, it makes a difference. And if he means the specific people he is misusing the slur.

I'm willing to give him a pass on that, because in the darkest recesses of my imagination, I still can't even come close to comprehending that that guy went through. My mother-in-law isn't a bigoted person by nature, but she hates all Russians because they burned her village; I'm not going to try to correct her on that, or McCain for his feelings.

That said, it does bring to mind how fit he is for the office of President.

I find his comment on Chelsea much more egregious; that's truly awful.
As for the originating question.

If he aplogized I likely would be able to forgive that.

As for the "gook" comment he reserves the word for his captors. I don't like it at all. I have an adopted Viet Namese sister.

Chelsea Clinton joke
In 1998, McCain was chastised for reportedly making an off-color joke at a Republican fundraiser about President Clinton's daughter, Chelsea, saying "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."[66] McCain later apologized to President Clinton and Clinton accepted his apology.[66]

Use of offensive term
McCain openly used the term "gook", a racial slur generally used to describe people from Vietnam, in reference to his captors during the Vietnam War. During the 2000 Presidential Campaign, he repeatedly refused to apologize for his continued use of the term, stating that he reserved its reference only to his captors.[67] Late in the primary season, with growing criticism from the Asian American community in the politically important state of California, McCain reversed his position, and vowed to no longer use the term in public.[68]

Well then as someone who served, since that seems to be the bar one has to jump, I find his comments about the Vietnamese, all of whom did not torture him, to be a bit racist and repugnant. We were there to HELP the Vietnamese people. But now he hates the gooks and always will. You know when I was in Highschool I got jumped by several members of a gang that were hispanic and got cut by a knife but I don't hate all "spics". Matter of fact my girlfriends last name is Gomez, so I am rather fond of Hispanics. Also the comment about Chelsey shows that he is just as much of a lowlife as Rove and his mentor Lee Atwater
I'm willing to give him a pass on that, because in the darkest recesses of my imagination, I still can't even come close to comprehending that that guy went through. My mother-in-law isn't a bigoted person by nature, but she hates all Russians because they burned her village; I'm not going to try to correct her on that, or McCain for his feelings.

That said, it does bring to mind how fit he is for the office of President.

I find his comment on Chelsea much more egregious; that's truly awful.

I agree with you 100%. I understand his hatrid for East Asians, but I feel it disqualifies him from being president.

I am discusted by his comment about a 13 year old girl and think that should disqualify him from being president.
``I hate the gooks,'' McCain said yesterday in response to a question from reporters aboard his campaign bus. ``I will hate them as long as I live.''

-San Francisco Chronicle, 2/18/00

Let's ignore that he has said repeatedly that when he says "gook" it refers only to those that tortured him in Vietnam, and that he claims to have a right to talk however he wants about his former torturers.
I agree with you 100%. I understand his hatrid for East Asians, but I feel it disqualifies him from being president.

I am discusted by his comment about a 13 year old girl and think that should disqualify him from being president.

And i dont

America needs someone to protect us - common sense there
Well then as someone who served, since that seems to be the bar one has to jump, I find his comments about the Vietnamese, all of whom did not torture him, to be a bit racist and repugnant. We were there to HELP the Vietnamese people. But now he hates the gooks and always will. You know when I was in Highschool I got jumped by several members of a gang that were hispanic and got cut by a knife but I don't hate all "spics". Matter of fact my girlfriends last name is Gomez, so I am rather fond of Hispanics. Also the comment about Chelsey shows that he is just as much of a lowlife as Rove and his mentor Lee Atwater

Well said.
As for the originating question.

If he aplogized I likely would be able to forgive that.

As for the "gook" comment he reserves the word for his captors. I don't like it at all. I have an adopted Viet Namese sister.


He needs to apologise to Chelsea personally and then clarify what he means by "Gooks" and then understand that most people take that term to mean East Asians in general and not just those who tourtured John McCain and then stop using the term. It is just as bad as the term "nigger"!