Would you vote for a man who said this in public?

It is a BULLSHIT pass on racism. He calls them gooks cause they are vietnamese. It is not a racial slur reserved only for those that torture you or treat you bad. Fer chirstsakes you righties gives Byrd shit for saying "there are white niggers too". It's a cop out.l Byrd was a member of the Klan and hated niggers. Maybe later he recanted his racist beliefs I don't know. All I know is that now McCain will only call them Gooks in private and not in public. Like I said the only way you get a republican to denounce another republican is if he is caught in bed with a live teenage boy or a dead teenage girl. Otherwise you all will go to the mat for every racist, bigoted, nasty thing ever said by any Republican.

Free speech is designed for those that say unpopular things, not for the flowers and bunnies people.

He can call them whatever he wants, they tortured him.
Did Krugman even stay in long enough to get any votes ?
Or was he ever in ?

I am not sure, I thought Thompson was in but now I am not sure.
You don't ALWAYS have to go the devil's advocate/"your side does it, too" route.

How is that comparable to the remark on a 13-year old girl? I don't even care that he apologized for that. That kind of thing is very character-revealing....

It's not in comparison to the Chelsea quote.
You just don't like McCain because he isn't a politician. The sad fact is, though, that politicians suck.

McCain will have my vote if he keeps it up.
From your cite... "Hillary Rodham Clinton apologized" Once people apologize I usually give them the pass!
Who said it is mentally damaging? Maybe he just has a healthy hate of them.

How can hate be healthy?

I say, he's more excused than an average person, but generally, we should just avoid racial slurs. If he's been that damaged by his Vietnam experience, that he can't even act right in public, then he doesn't need to be in office.
The people who tourtured him, as in a society of people. Or the people who tourtured him as in the individuals who specifically did it, it makes a difference. And if he means the specific people he is misusing the slur.


How many men in our armed services at that time, referred to the VietCong as "our distinguished neighbors to the north" or whatever?

Perhaps McCain thought our society had the guts to tolerate a racial slur on people whose crimes against him had nothing to do with race.

Looks like he was wrong.

BTW, I oppose him because he seems to have no problem enacting unconstitutional legislation, and/or destructive legislation opposed by virtually the entire populace. He doesn't do that as much as any of the Dems, but far more than the rest of the Republican candidates.
You don't ALWAYS have to go the devil's advocate/"your side does it, too" route.

How is that comparable to the remark on a 13-year old girl? I don't even care that he apologized for that. That kind of thing is very character-revealing....

As is using a stereotype of "Indians running gas stations" Not to mention the idiocy of making that stereotype using a revered leader of India.

The reason I point it out is because of his faux outrage and his "I wouldn't vote for a President who would say something so outrageous blah blah blah"
He already apologized to her. Back in 1998. Funny how you managed to quote the joke, but failed to see that he apologized for it. I wonder how that happened.
You know, I lived in Germany for 3 years and what I learned from most of the germans that were alive during the War was that they were sorry they lost. McCain was sorry that his comments at a private republican fund raiser became public and people found out what a nasty fuck he is. That is all. If it was never made public he would have NEVER gone to the Clintons and said "You know, a few years ago I made a joke about how ugly Chelsey was cause Janet Reno was her dad and I am really sorry I did that." Instead he got caught and had to apologize. Just like if Monica had never told anyone that she blew bill and that statement was recorded, Bill would have never come clean about it to his wife. He's a philanderer and McCain is a nasty bigoted man.
You just don't like McCain because he isn't a politician. The sad fact is, though, that politicians suck.

McCain will have my vote if he keeps it up.

He's just as much of a politician as anyone else.

I WOULD vote for him if he'd even be as moderate as Hillary on the war. But McCains comments are fucking scary and I don't want to give him the chance to carry it out.
Free speech is designed for those that say unpopular things, not for the flowers and bunnies people.

He can call them whatever he wants, they tortured him.

He can call them whatever he wants, I agree, I am not for putting him in jail for saying it. I just think, unless he apologises, it illistrates a valid reason not to vote for him for president.
Unfortunately, people in the public eye are often forced to apologize. The very fact that he resisted apologizing for some time, before finally giving into the pressure, tells any fair-minded person what they need to know.

However, those who believe that a vote for McCain is a vote against war – yeah, I can see how they’d get confused by his forced apology.
What I don't believe is a vote for any candidate that supports the War Powers Act is a "vote against war". Misrepresenting and misquoting is a disingenuous means to pretend you have a higher moral authority based on a fallacy.

I guess it is okay so long as it makes you feel better about it.
From your cite... "Hillary Rodham Clinton apologized" Once people apologize I usually give them the pass!

ROFLMAO... yet you are harping on McCain and his "joke" like it is the reason people shouldn't vote for him. He too apologized for it. Yet you aren't giving him a pass. Hypocrit.
I can't believe I'm agreeing with gonzo on something.

If I heard ANY Vietnam vet use that term, I would more than likely give them a pass. That's just me. These are kids that were put in an untenable situation, a real definition of hell, and for their entire tour of duty, this is how the enemy was referred to. It doesn't make it right to blame the Vietnamese, or to excuse racism, but the situation is what it is.

McCain goes way beyond that; I can't imagine spending 7 years of my life anywhere that I didn't want to be, much less confined in the conditions he was in, and tortured the way he was. As many have said, this likely makes him unfit for the Presidency, but to compare a mugging or a fight to 7 years in captivity?