Would you vote for a man who said this in public?

Damn, your out of your mind today.

That's what he said. I'm not protecting him. Should I lie and say he said something different?

By using the word "gooks" he let you know it's not just about the ones who tortured him.

No, I'm actually back in my mind.
He needs to apologise to Chelsea personally and then clarify what he means by "Gooks" and then understand that most people take that term to mean East Asians in general and not just those who tourtured John McCain and then stop using the term. It is just as bad as the term "nigger"!
He did both. I think you didn't read the link or even the quote.
If I were unable to lift my arms higher than my head because of 7 years of brutal torture, I would call them whatever the fuck I wanted, too.

Of course, as I said, he reserves the use of the term for his captors only.
So if I was mugged by a black guy is it Ok to say I hate Niggers for as long as I live as long as I just mean the guys who mugged me?
Well then as someone who served, since that seems to be the bar one has to jump, I find his comments about the Vietnamese, all of whom did not torture him, to be a bit racist and repugnant. We were there to HELP the Vietnamese people. But now he hates the gooks and always will. You know when I was in Highschool I got jumped by several members of a gang that were hispanic and got cut by a knife but I don't hate all "spics". Matter of fact my girlfriends last name is Gomez, so I am rather fond of Hispanics. Also the comment about Chelsey shows that he is just as much of a lowlife as Rove and his mentor Lee Atwater

You are misrepresenting what he said. He didn't call all Vietnamese gooks. He called his specific tortures that.
He needs to apologise to Chelsea personally and then clarify what he means by "Gooks" and then understand that most people take that term to mean East Asians in general and not just those who tourtured John McCain and then stop using the term. It is just as bad as the term "nigger"!

He already apologized to her. Back in 1998. Funny how you managed to quote the joke, but failed to see that he apologized for it. I wonder how that happened.
He did both. I think you didn't read the link or even the quote.

Unfortunately, people in the public eye are often forced to apologize. The very fact that he resisted apologizing for some time, before finally giving into the pressure, tells any fair-minded person what they need to know.

However, those who believe that a vote for McCain is a vote against war – yeah, I can see how they’d get confused by his forced apology.
So if I was mugged by a black guy is it Ok to say I hate Niggers for as long as I live as long as I just mean the guys who mugged me?

If you were mugged for 7 years and it left you crippled for the rest of your life as well as turned your hair white, then yes, especially if you have repeatedly said that you are only referring to the mugger himself.
So if I was mugged by a black guy is it Ok to say I hate Niggers for as long as I live as long as I just mean the guys who mugged me?

Exactly my point, if he insists on using the term he needs to clarify. But he really would still be misusing the term and showing his own ignorance.
It is a BULLSHIT pass on racism. He calls them gooks cause they are vietnamese. It is not a racial slur reserved only for those that torture you or treat you bad. Fer chirstsakes you righties gives Byrd shit for saying "there are white niggers too". It's a cop out.l Byrd was a member of the Klan and hated niggers. Maybe later he recanted his racist beliefs I don't know. All I know is that now McCain will only call them Gooks in private and not in public. Like I said the only way you get a republican to denounce another republican is if he is caught in bed with a live teenage boy or a dead teenage girl. Otherwise you all will go to the mat for every racist, bigoted, nasty thing ever said by any Republican.

I guess Jarod will now be starting a thread asking everyone if they would vote for someone who "joked" about Ghandi running a gas station in St. Louis.

right jarod.... that thread is coming shortly... right???

You don't ALWAYS have to go the devil's advocate/"your side does it, too" route.

How is that comparable to the remark on a 13-year old girl? I don't even care that he apologized for that. That kind of thing is very character-revealing....
I'm willing to give him a pass on that, because in the darkest recesses of my imagination, I still can't even come close to comprehending that that guy went through. My mother-in-law isn't a bigoted person by nature, but she hates all Russians because they burned her village; I'm not going to try to correct her on that, or McCain for his feelings.

That said, it does bring to mind how fit he is for the office of President.

I find his comment on Chelsea much more egregious; that's truly awful.

One of my neighbors, from when was growing up, had a deep seated hatred of all things German. I think the ink from the death camp tattoo on his forearm leached into his blood and poisoned his brain.... </sarcasm>
If you were mugged for 7 years and it left you crippled for the rest of your life as well as turned your hair white, then yes, especially if you have repeatedly said that you are only referring to the mugger himself.

If you had been THAT mentally damaged by the mugging, then you probably aren't fit to be president.
You don't ALWAYS have to go the devil's advocate/"your side does it, too" route.
How is that comparable to the remark on a 13-year old girl? I don't even care that he apologized for that. That kind of thing is very character-revealing....

That's SF's entire show.