Would you vote for a man who said this in public?

I agree with that; though I wonder what our Presidential history would look like if we exempted any bigots from the mix.

But, yeah - the guy has some deep-seated hatred & issues there, which I can empathize with, but also not want him to be my President because of...

Not surprisingly this is breaking down along partisan lines. I think its natural that we have reasons to vote for our candidate of choice and immediate reasons not to vote for the person we don't support.

Why isn't it possible? Are you the language Nazi? Do you control the use of words?

darla stated in another thread that she was a late 'Bloomer'..this explains all...she has not got past the 'Vibrator'...she can shake it but has no clue how it works!...end of story with darla!:cof1:
Not surprisingly this is breaking down along partisan lines. I think its natural that we have reasons to vote for our candidate of choice and immediate reasons not to vote for the person we don't support.


I'll admit that I'd still probably vote for him if he didn't support the war so strongly. But then again, his strong, insane support of the war, does seem to be related to this kind of stuff that's messed him up.
Not surprisingly this is breaking down along partisan lines. I think its natural that we have reasons to vote for our candidate of choice and immediate reasons not to vote for the person we don't support.

I disagree with that. I won't vote for Hillary, for some of the things she has done & said, and that will not change.

I think the idea that McCain is disqualified because of his scars from Vietnam is valid. It's unfortunate, and is inherently unfair, but it is what it is. You can't have a guy who has hinted at this kind of deep-seated hate making foreign policy decisions.
Let me try to de-partisan this a little bit.

It's understandable that he harbors such resentment to those who held him captive. But having said that, it's also an inexcusable use of a racist term by a prominent politician who should know much much better.

It seems many of you jumped on one side or another without reading everything.

Not only did he specify his captors, he also apologized and said he would not use the term again.

Now, I wouldn't vote for McCain in a million years anyway, but I don't see this as something that would really affect someone's vote.

As Cawacko noted, you all have reasons to find this offensive or not offensive. The people who would vote for McCain anyway are just the kind of people who would see absolutely no problem with his insulting his captors (no matter tha language) and those who would vote against him are the type who would be inclined to see it as evidence of deeper racism.

Basically this is not going to change any minds about McCain one way or the other.
Let me try to de-partisan this a little bit.

It's understandable that he harbors such resentment to those who held him captive. But having said that, it's also an inexcusable use of a racist term by a prominent politician who should know much much better.

It seems many of you jumped on one side or another without reading everything.

Not only did he specify his captors, he also apologized and said he would not use the term again.

Now, I wouldn't vote for McCain in a million years anyway, but I don't see this as something that would really affect someone's vote.

As Cawacko noted, you all have reasons to find this offensive or not offensive. The people who would vote for McCain anyway are just the kind of people who would see absolutely no problem with his insulting his captors (no matter tha language) and those who would vote against him are the type who would be inclined to see it as evidence of deeper racism.

Basically this is not going to change any minds about McCain one way or the other.

I'll take that.


Let me try to de-partisan this a little bit.

It's understandable that he harbors such resentment to those who held him captive. But having said that, it's also an inexcusable use of a racist term by a prominent politician who should know much much better.

It seems many of you jumped on one side or another without reading everything.

Not only did he specify his captors, he also apologized and said he would not use the term again.

Now, I wouldn't vote for McCain in a million years anyway, but I don't see this as something that would really affect someone's vote.

As Cawacko noted, you all have reasons to find this offensive or not offensive. The people who would vote for McCain anyway are just the kind of people who would see absolutely no problem with his insulting his captors (no matter tha language) and those who would vote against him are the type who would be inclined to see it as evidence of deeper racism.

Basically this is not going to change any minds about McCain one way or the other.

but it was not a racist term...just a military term for the enemy...shared by all in the proverbial 'foxholes'...kinda akin to WWII jargon about the Japenese and Germans...get a grip college boy!

side note: this PC crap by those without dirty hands is really annoying to say the least...if all of you so called warriors for peace experienced war as hell,ya would not continue with all this PC 'CRAP'!...Carry on though... those with the 'Dirty Hands' guaranteed your 'Freedom of Speech'...end of story!
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For the Morons


gook 1 (gōōk) Pronunciation Key
n. Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a person of East Asian birth or descent.

gook2 /guk/ Pronunciation Key -
noun Slang: Disparaging and Offensive.
1. a native of Southeast Asia or the South Pacific, esp. when a member of an enemy military force.
Things I like about Mccain:

He's honest
Only candidate that promises not to use signing statements
Only candidate that's really against pork and government waste

Things I dislike about McCain:

Wants America to be in war forever

I don't really care what he said about Chelsea or east asians after that last one.