yipeee 100 $ a barrel oil

Plus, that huge amount of contribution tells me that I was right. You are forced to contribute to a wing of the D Party and they are "bound by law" to "represent" you.

The funny thing is, many of the oil companies do not have high profit margins. They are healthy to be sure, but it is not as though they are reaming people. COP profit margins are under 7%. XOM is about 12%. Yes, they generate that margin on huge overall sales, but that is due to OUR demand for their product.

Also (for Desh and others) COP and Shell are two large investors into alt energy and have been for quite some time. They understand where the future is going and are making plans to be leaders in alt energy production.

Bottom line.... yelling at them for making money producing something we all use AND demand they produce is pretty friggin sad. Especially when their profit margins are low.

Profit margin comparisons....

GOOG 26%
IBM 10%
GE 13%

Desh.... why don't you yell at IBM, Dell, GE, Starbucks and Google for making similar profit margins?

Just in case you missed the above Desh.
And who are they?

Groups representing every day Americans.
Oh so the People that work for Exxon aren't everyday americans? The people that own Exxon stock aren't everyday americans? What exactly makes someone an everyday american. This is as bad as painting those that don't support the war as unamerican or unpatriotic. The NEA donates more than big oil. The NEA wants a government that does not hold teachers responsible for the performance of thier students (which in my opinion they are only PARTIALLY responsible because the biggest indicator of success in school is how involved parents are) when they should at least bear SOME responsibility. THey don't want a system that requires that teacher pass a proficiency test in the area they teach in. And I wonder, since AT&T is number two do they represent everyday americans or are they the exception is your who's who of the championing of the everyday americans? I can't believe that you would classify americans based on who they donate to and what cause they support. EVERYONE acts in their own self interest. Because their self interest may include limiting the amount of government intrusion into their business does not make them any less an american than those represented by the Trial Lawyers or the NEA.
Just remember folks if you bust your ass daily for Chevron or Exxon you are not an everyday american. Only if you are a teacher or an electrician or a carpenter are you a REAL everyday american.
Looks like I did.

They have had some very good years under Bush.

No you did not answer it desh. Record profits based on record revenues. But guess what Desh... GE has a higher profit margin than COP. Meaning they make more money per dollar of revenue than an oil company. Yet you do not bitch about GE being profitable Desh.... WHY NOT?

GE is ALSO twice as big as Conoco. Exxon is bigger than GE, but has a similar profit margin. Yet you do not criticize GE. Google is TWICE as profitable as Exxon and over THREE times as profitable as Conoco.... yet you do not bitch about THEIR RECORD PROFITS.... WHY NOT?

Oh thats right... because you are hypocritical.
Just remember folks if you bust your ass daily for Chevron or Exxon you are not an everyday american. Only if you are a teacher or an electrician or a carpenter are you a REAL everyday american.

exactly. Similar to a "working person" only referring to someone in a union or blue collar job.... because the rest of us don't actually work.
Just remember folks if you bust your ass daily for Chevron or Exxon you are not an everyday american. Only if you are a teacher or an electrician or a carpenter are you a REAL everyday american.

Money from the oil conpanies is NOT from the average oil worker now is it.
No you did not answer it desh. Record profits based on record revenues. But guess what Desh... GE has a higher profit margin than COP. Meaning they make more money per dollar of revenue than an oil company. Yet you do not bitch about GE being profitable Desh.... WHY NOT?

GE is ALSO twice as big as Conoco. Exxon is bigger than GE, but has a similar profit margin. Yet you do not criticize GE. Google is TWICE as profitable as Exxon and over THREE times as profitable as Conoco.... yet you do not bitch about THEIR RECORD PROFITS.... WHY NOT?

Oh thats right... because you are hypocritical.


I was talking about the oil industries. Why is it you think I have to talk about all industries at the same time?

They are part of the oil realted industries as well as nearly every fucking industry in America which makes it much easier for them to purchase favors from both sides of the aisles.

Every district in the nation has jobs dependent on GE.
Still not answering?

SF, you're still obsessed with rates of return, on individual year by year basis. And you're correct, on that point.

The larger point is that the oil industry, over the longer term, has been the most profitable industry in the history of humankind. You don't think they call it "black gold" for nothing do you? Their product is so valuable, and so many trillions of dollars of transactions have gone into producing it and selling it, that the oil industries are virtually guaranteed a healthy profit every year, year after year, decade after decade. There's really not an industry like that, except maybe banking.

That's why the oil industry wields such enourmous influence.

I was talking about the oil industries. Why is it you think I have to talk about all industries at the same time?

They are part of the oil realted industries as well as nearly every fucking industry in America which makes it much easier for them to purchase favors from both sides of the aisles.

Every district in the nation has jobs dependent on GE.

So GE is allowed to be profitable and make record profits, but the oil companies are not?

You are making no sense. I understand you were bitching about oil industry profits. I AKSED you why you bitch about their profitability but not companies that are more profitable (or similar) from other industries. We as citizens use GE products daily just as we use oil products daily. Why is it ok for GE to be making record profits but not the oil companies?
Its how the entities make record profits.

GE also uses its power to buy our representatives.

That is what pisses me off about any Corporations not matter who they buy.
Its how the entities make record profits.

GE also uses its power to buy our representatives.

That is what pisses me off about any Corporations not matter who they buy.

So what you are really saying is that you have no idea how the oil companies are making "record profits". You ignore the fact that their profit margins have not really changed that much over the past twenty years. On average they tend to be right where they are today. What you fail to understand is that due to mergers of the oil companies and increased demand from consumers, the volume individual companies are producing is higher.

IF the world uses more oil, the companies are going to generate more revenues. Taking a small profit on that production is not evil. It is capitalism.

The fact that your very own site shows that the oil industry is not even in the top ten in political contributions should tell you that they are not doing anything different than other industries. Yet this is the one so many liberals bitch about. Why? Why this one and not others? They are not the ones telling consumers to use more oil. But they ARE some of the leading investors in alternate energy in the world...... a fact so many of you on the left seem to ignore when condemning them. Shell and Conoco are especially committed to alt energy R&D.
Because this admin is full of oil industry people and the Iraq war was a lie to take our country into war to protect oil industry interests.

Why do you play stupid?
Because this admin is full of oil industry people and the Iraq war was a lie to take our country into war to protect oil industry interests.

Why do you play stupid?

This country certainly did go to war to protect oil interests desh. Oil is currently the lifeblood of our economy. We are far too dependent on foreign oil and because of that we end up with the shit that we are in today.

But that does NOT change the fact that the oil companies are no more profitable than other companies their size and in many cases they are LESS profitable. Yet you continue to bitch about their record profits.