ZOGBY: McCain Takes 5-Point Lead Over Obama

The polls are killing me. Obama SHOULD have a 10 point lead, but America continues to baffle me. I'm not even saying this as though Obama is anything but an alternative, or anything great...but to basically continue on the course we've been on?

It's depressing. America has an endless capacity to depress me at times. If you're conservative, feel free to rejoice in my depression & incredulousness over this...

duly noted lol.
the polls at this time jump all over the place. It's not worth the trouble giving them anything but a glance.

the point is, more than anything else, that it was incredibly naive for some on here to assume that obama was just going to walk away with the win and just run it over.
Not to give a cop out answer, but I definitely think its a combination of both. When Obama held back with Hillary, I understood his motivations. Not holding back against McCain's attacks when you're the presumed nominee is just stupid. His team should be capitalizing on McCain cheating his way through this weekends forum and they are not. Believe me, if Obama were alleged to have been outside the cone fo silence for 10 seconds, that's all you woudl have heard about for the next month. I don't disagree with you.

But I also think that seeing as quickly he's been selling out the very grass roots that propelled him to where is now is definitely a factor. Who wants to campaign for BAU?

I agree with this.
This is one of the most favorable electoral maps I've seen for McCain so far. I haven't seen one that was nearly this close. What is the source as I'd like to bookmark it for my comparisons.
So you're going with the bac explanation? I think it's more complicated than that.

It's one part of several reasons, and I don't think it's even the main reason.

It's the relentless negative advertising campaing being staged against him, and his lack of a response. He should have hit McCain hard and early, and never let up, but once again, Dems nominated a pussy.

I think that both Bac's explanation of "selling out the base" and your claim that race is causing it are somewhat off base. Explanations for changing poll numbers are rarely that simple.

While both might be influencing factors, I tend to agree with what you have stated above in saying that it has more to do with the recent media barrage.

To that I must ask, what did you guys expect to happen? It was completely inevitable that Obama's numbers must go down. He was an unknown quantity before, and now his positions are being explored by the general electorate (not just the Democratic primary voters). As is to be expected, some like what they have seen and some don't, and the numbers have changed accordingly.
I think that both Bac's explanation of "selling out the base" and your claim that race is causing it are somewhat off base. Explanations for changing poll numbers are rarely that simple.

While both might be influencing factors, I tend to agree with what you have stated above in saying that it has more to do with the recent media barrage.

To that I must ask, what did you guys expect to happen? It was completely inevitable that Obama's numbers must go down. He was an unknown quantity before, and now his positions are being explored by the general electorate (not just the Democratic primary voters). As is to be expected, some like what they have seen and some don't, and the numbers have changed accordingly.

Oh race is a factor and will remain so. I live in white suburban world, and I don’t care what anybody wants to claim. I know it is so.

But the relentlessly negative campaign McCain is running has certainly had a big effect, but I want to point out again, a black guy with a Muslim sounding name is easily demonized by that sort of campaign, and it’s why they are hitting him hard with the “he’s anti-american” accusation, with McCain himself pounding that out every day on his stump speeches.
And I have not argued that his moving to the right for the general is costing him some support on the left, it is.

As for what did I expect? I expected, at long last, for the goddamned democrats to learn from their own miserable history. In 04, Kerry told us “Oh we’re going to hit back hard at these guys you bet”, and what did he do? He laid down while they made him, a decorated war hero into a coward, and a pussy who didn’t show for the same war, into a war hero.

I expected the Democratic nominee to hit that fucker McCain, who despite what you have been fooled into believing, is very vulnerable to attack, early, hard, and then when he went down to put their boot on his neck until he turned purple and couldn’t get back up.

Instead, I got the Kerry Strategy – lie back and act like you like it – again.
I'm not going to try to predict with any certainty how a vigorous attack on McCain would play out, but my inclination is that it would do more harm than good to attack a war hero. Barack Obama has no military experience with which to challenge McCain's credibility on national security issues.

One of the strongest moments yet for McCain in this campaign was when he said he "Wouldn't be talked down to on national security by someone who didn't even serve."

His base loved it and lapped it up. I think going negative on him really just opens up more opportunities for him to do that.
I'm not going to try to predict with any certainty how a vigorous attack on McCain would play out, but my inclination is that it would do more harm than good to attack a war hero. Barack Obama has no military experience with which to challenge McCain's credibility on national security issues.

One of the strongest moments yet for McCain in this campaign was when he said he "Wouldn't be talked down to on national security by someone who didn't even serve."

His base loved it and lapped it up. I think going negative on him really just opens up more opportunities for him to do that.

I think that the right's technique of taking someone's perceived strenght, and turning it into a liability, has been very effective. There is nothign you wrote that didn't apply to Kerry vs Bush, but they did it. You are saying this because you believe dems can't get away with it but repukes can. Why? because R's always have gotten away with it and dems are too cowardly to try it.

Further, McCain has bigger liabilities that have not been exploited. Why is the Obama campaign always saying "we think it's unimportant and want to move on"? Huh? They did it when hillary made her retarted "I was under sniper fire" claim, and I thought, ok , he's doing that because he doesn't want to alienate her voters, he needs them in the general, and I was ok with that.

Why is he doing it now? Why give McCain a pass on what he did at the religious forum? Don't even try and tell me that if the situation had been reversed, every Republican woudl have had their orders "go out and scream" and we'd still be hearing it. He does this over and over and over. He's going to lose if he doesn't knock this shit off. It's the single biggest reason I finally realized we're going to need Biden. Because they are going to eat Obama.
I think that the right's technique of taking someone's perceived strenght, and turning it into a liability, has been very effective. There is nothign you wrote that didn't apply to Kerry vs Bush, but they did it. You are saying this because you believe dems can't get away with it but repukes can. Why? because R's always have gotten away with it and dems are too cowardly to try it.

Further, McCain has bigger liabilities that have not been exploited. Why is the Obama campaign always saying "we think it's unimportant and want to move on"? Huh? They did it when hillary made her retarted "I was under sniper fire" claim, and I thought, ok , he's doing that because he doesn't want to alienate her voters, he needs them in the general, and I was ok with that.

Why is he doing it now? Why give McCain a pass on what he did at the religious forum? Don't even try and tell me that if the situation had been reversed, every Republican woudl have had their orders "go out and scream" and we'd still be hearing it. He does this over and over and over. He's going to lose if he doesn't knock this shit off. It's the single biggest reason I finally realized we're going to need Biden. Because they are going to eat Obama.

Well if HE personally initiated the attacks, it would undermine his post-partisan image. Then we would have to listen to talking heads drone on for weeks about how he didn't stand for "change" at all and that he is just another politician.

I think he is holding out for a VP like Biden who will be his attack dog.

Furthermore, I suspect that he has already attempted to make the attacks you are suggesting via surrogates. I do not believe for a second that Clark made that comment about McCain on his own. When that backfired, I think Obama backed off the surrogate plan until he had an attack-dog VP.

I think you'll be happier once he has a VP who will give the Democratic base the kind of sparring they desire.
Well if HE personally initiated the attacks, it would undermine his post-partisan image. I think he is holding out for a VP like Biden who will be his attack dog.

Furthermore, I suspect that he has already attempted to make the attacks you are suggesting via surrogates. I do not believe for a second that Clark made that comment about McCain on his own. When that backfired, I think Obama backed off the surrogate plan until he had an attack-dog VP.

I think you'll be happier once he has a VP who will give the Democratic base the kind of sparring they desire.

We'll see. If he picks Bayh or someone like that, I'm just going to start doing a lot of drugs. Maybe if I damage my brain enough I'll turn into a Republican...no offense SF.
It's the single biggest reason I finally realized we're going to need Biden. Because they are going to eat Obama.

While I do think Biden is the best option for him, I am starting to get the feeling he will not be the VP. If his choice was Biden, I would think he would have announced it and unleashed him on McCain by now. Its going to be Kaine.
I read the other day that Kerry himself wanted to hit back at the swiftvets hard as soon as the 1st ad ran, but that the consensus among his advisors was that they should just let it play out & disappear, and he reluctantly took their advice.

Obama's general response seems to be to ridicule the attacks from McCain as barely worthy of response; when I actually hear him making fun of an attack, I think it's kind of funny, and part of me even thinks that kind of dismissiveness might work. But I don't think that plays to most people, and probably reinforces the "elitist" thing with many.

Politics is dirty & hard-hitting; people say they want issues & clean campaigns, but vote for whoever has the least # of deep bruises at the end. It would be great to see Obama tear into McCain at this point, but I don't think it's going to happen.
We'll see. If he picks Bayh or someone like that, I'm just going to start doing a lot of drugs. Maybe if I damage my brain enough I'll turn into a Republican...no offense SF.

Doing drugs??? that sounds familiar. no offense taken as I have already forgotten what we were talking about.
I don't think it will be Biden. Call it a gut feeling or whatever I have no compelling reason for it but I just don't think it will be him.
While I do think Biden is the best option for him, I am starting to get the feeling he will not be the VP. If his choice was Biden, I would think he would have announced it and unleashed him on McCain by now. Its going to be Kaine.

If that is true, he loses.
I read the other day that Kerry himself wanted to hit back at the swiftvets hard as soon as the 1st ad ran, but that the consensus among his advisors was that they should just let it play out & disappear, and he reluctantly took their advice.

Obama's general response seems to be to ridicule the attacks from McCain as barely worthy of response; when I actually hear him making fun of an attack, I think it's kind of funny, and part of me even thinks that kind of dismissiveness might work. But I don't think that plays to most people, and probably reinforces the "elitist" thing with many.

Politics is dirty & hard-hitting; people say they want issues & clean campaigns, but vote for whoever has the least # of deep bruises at the end. It would be great to see Obama tear into McCain at this point, but I don't think it's going to happen.

I read that too.

I feel that if Obama himself can't or won't do it, and he doesn't get a VP who can and will do it, then we are going to be looking at John McCain's teeth for the next four years, and I swear to God, I don't know how I'm going to deal with it.
If that is true, he loses.

Barring a complete fubar situation from McCain I would agree. Even Bayh would be a hard win given that he is not the attack dog that Biden would be.

Sebelius would be interesting to see. But I think that would piss off too many Hillary supporters.