ZOGBY: McCain Takes 5-Point Lead Over Obama

yours was good. When you said your mouth was wide open he said was it in relationship to the last thing I mentioned i.e. d*cks
So, she like eating ducks? I can't get the whole "duck" and "skewering" thing....

Well, maybe. Duck + Skewer = Kabob!
Well, don't look at me, it was Cawacko and SF. Cawacko was the first, he is about as mature as Britney Spears. In fact, he's really the male Britney.
This is one of the most favorable electoral maps I've seen for McCain so far. I haven't seen one that was nearly this close. What is the source as I'd like to bookmark it for my comparisons.


it compiles a lot of polls and averages them out if I'm not mistaken.
Oh race is a factor and will remain so. I live in white suburban world, and I don’t care what anybody wants to claim. I know it is so.

But the relentlessly negative campaign McCain is running has certainly had a big effect, but I want to point out again, a black guy with a Muslim sounding name is easily demonized by that sort of campaign, and it’s why they are hitting him hard with the “he’s anti-american” accusation, with McCain himself pounding that out every day on his stump speeches.
And I have not argued that his moving to the right for the general is costing him some support on the left, it is.

As for what did I expect? I expected, at long last, for the goddamned democrats to learn from their own miserable history. In 04, Kerry told us “Oh we’re going to hit back hard at these guys you bet”, and what did he do? He laid down while they made him, a decorated war hero into a coward, and a pussy who didn’t show for the same war, into a war hero.

I expected the Democratic nominee to hit that fucker McCain, who despite what you have been fooled into believing, is very vulnerable to attack, early, hard, and then when he went down to put their boot on his neck until he turned purple and couldn’t get back up.

Instead, I got the Kerry Strategy – lie back and act like you like it – again.

How is race a factor when he's LOSING support?

Losing support implies that he had it and is losing it. Did those who previously supported him suddenly become racists?
How is race a factor when he's LOSING support?

Losing support implies that he had it and is losing it. Did those who previously supported him suddenly become racists?

"But the relentlessly negative campaign McCain is running has certainly had a big effect, but I want to point out again, a black guy with a Muslim sounding name is easily demonized by that sort of campaign, and it’s why they are hitting him hard with the “he’s anti-american” accusation, with McCain himself pounding that out every day on his stump speeches."