So you can't cite any instances when I was illogical and uninformed, and are incapable of acknowledging the falsehood in Desh's claim that no one wants to take guns.
I understand why you cannot.
You are correct in your admission that liberals cannot answer the questions in the thread you referenced. "Bourbon" made an attempt and failed.
For starters you are deflecting right now. You are fixated on nobody. The point of the thread is that there is almost no pressure, near zero, to take away guns. It is not a problem and you are not dealing with that.
Instead you want us to argue that there is somebody, somewhere who wants to take guns away.Instead you are after the word "nobody". Keep ,it simple. There is no danger of gun confiscation in the US.. None. Zero.
I Live in Illinois ... no one ever asked for my Gun(s)
The title of the thread is plain, and it is a lie. Thus the author of thread lied, and is a liar.
You seek to legitimize her lie.
You cannot, because it is untrue.
What are you 8 years old? I made the point that you were stupidly riveted on nobody, and you proved me correct. Are you able to address the point or do you actually believe you win by nit picking? OH yeah, sometimes people exaggerate for effect. That is not lying. It is called hyperbole. It is not lying but the use of a literary device.. Grow up a little.
the facts about what nations allow guns to be owned by citizens I think you might all have it wrong
What does that have to do with the left wanting to ban them?
no one is going to take your guns so your lie about it being about to happen every time gun regulations come up is outed
Let's not play this game. I know I'm focused on semantics here, but I'm just tired of hearing about "the left" coming for our guns. Ronald Reagan, conservative icon, was a heavy gun control advocate. He supported the 1994 assault rifles ban. And plenty of leftists, including myself, are strong gun rights activists. And that isn't a "moderate left" thing either, even Karl Marx made many statements in favor of keeping the working class armed.
Trying to help you out. Literary device. Not a lie. Besides, can people be mistaken in your world? Does that make them liars? You ought to get off that stupidity and take a stab at the theme. I am annoyed when people say all or never. My college profs made a big point about that. But they did not say you were a liar. But you opened yourself up to people going way off the subject and missing the point entirely, like you .
Words have meaning. Desh said no one wants to take our guns. That is a lie. Desh is a liar.
I don't care what Desh said. You shouldn't either. She once had an entire conversation with herself on this forum, over the course of 2 years, about "orange chemotherapy." You teeter dangerously close sometimes to her cognitive level. Oftentimes her posts aren't even remotely intelligible, so stop pushing yourself further over that cliff by typing yourself into a frenzy over one word in one thread she posted.
And seriously man come on, she didn't mean "nobody" as in not a single soul. Just basically nobody, most people do not support guns bans.
I don't care what Desh said. You shouldn't either. She once had an entire conversation with herself on this forum, over the course of 2 years, about "orange chemotherapy." You teeter dangerously close sometimes to her cognitive level. Oftentimes her posts aren't even remotely intelligible, so stop pushing yourself further over that cliff by typing yourself into a frenzy over one word in one thread she posted.
And seriously man come on, she didn't mean "nobody" as in not a single soul. Just basically nobody, most people do not support guns bans.