Althea told me...
Nonsense. We had two candidates with the worst favorability ratings in history. The numbers speak for themselves. Black turnout was down. Sure...the Obama benchmark is an artificial high.Here's my problem
You claim they can't be bothered to vote, but most can't vote.
Oh and Flash's post is full of shit as well.
They always skew polls to get the results they want.
And the results they want is for white America to think Blacks can't be bothered to vote and/or they only turned out for a Black man.
People turned out, 3 million more that voted for's the racist white man who cheated to put dump in office, not low voter turn out or low Black and "kid" voter turnout.
Why can't you see the BS they are feeding you?............because you don't want to see it. You're content with Blaming Blacks.
Kids didn't bother to vote at all. Facts are pesky things. It's not about blame. Blame the DNC for Super Delegates. Blame Bernie for daring to run a campaign. Blame trump for appealing to Nazis.
None of this negates the fact that significant numbers of people couldn't be bothered to vote. Now they have an AG who misses the good ole days of slavery, and a Supreme Court that will back voter suppression efforts in Red states.
Prob. a bad election to have stayed home for. But...we'll get to revisit those statistics in less than 2 months.
Stay tuned.