The GOP has no policy to run on


The policy that I presented you with was of basic Constitutional theory. That is, States control a limited FedCo. If you want socialism in your state then go for it. Just don't try to institute that shit in my state. And don't expect my state to bail yours out when it fails.

You have no policies, no proposals, no nothing other than "we don't want that" because reasons. Tell us, O WiseAss, just what has the QOP proposed in the last four years regarding health care? Infrastructure repair? Foreign relations? The environment? Climate change?

Answer: Ignore that stuff.
You have no policies, no proposals, no nothing other than "we don't want that" because reasons. Tell us, O WiseAss, just what has the QOP proposed in the last four years regarding health care? Infrastructure repair? Foreign relations? The environment? Climate change?

Answer: Ignore that stuff.

If you had a news source other than CNN you'd know.
I know, but if I take the time to repeat it you would just dismiss it. You aren't interested in what the other side has to say. Just like you refused to acknowledge basic Constitutional theory.

I'm not sure why you believe that a discussion about the fact that the QOP has no policies, principles, ideas, proposals, or spine has anything to do with the Constitution. Certainly the (R)s appear to have little to no acquaintance with that esteemed document.
I'm not sure why you believe that a discussion about the fact that the QOP has no policies, principles, ideas, proposals, or spine has anything to do with the Constitution. Certainly the (R)s appear to have little to no acquaintance with that esteemed document.

I don't follow the QOP or the RNC. I'm a Libertarian-Conservative, and therefore follow the Constitution. That document says that the States control FedCo, and FedCo has limited powers. Both the Demorats and the Repubelicans have ignored the Constitution for over a century, however the people in power now have shown nothing but disdain for it.

With regards to the RNC "having no policies" on the issues that you state is obviously incorrect. Only someone who has their head filled by CNN, or is lying, would state that. If you are honestly curious as to what they are, all you have to do is go to their website.
The GOP still has its entire platform on which to run:

Racism, Xenophobia, Misogyny, Anti-Intellectualism, Theocracy, Corporate Oligarchy--hell, their platform is FUCKING LOADED.

All we need to do is browse this forum to see that they have a receptive audience for it as well.

If we let them win so much as a local school committee seat, though, SHAME ON US.

I'm bumping this because it's still true.
I don't follow the QOP or the RNC. I'm a Libertarian-Conservative, and therefore follow the Constitution. That document says that the States control FedCo, and FedCo has limited powers. Both the Demorats and the Repubelicans have ignored the Constitution for over a century, however the people in power now have shown nothing but disdain for it.

With regards to the RNC "having no policies" on the issues that you state is obviously incorrect. Only someone who has their head filled by CNN, or is lying, would state that. If you are honestly curious as to what they are, all you have to do is go to their website.

Anyone can put lofty ideals and plans on a website; even kids can do that now.

What counts is what happens in real life. In that case, the QOPers have *nothing.* They had four years, two of which included ownership of both chambers *and* the WH -- and both failed to ditch the ACA or come up with a better, alternate plan. In fact, they failed to come up with *any* plan other than "we don't like that." This is just one example of the failure to do a damn thing to help the average American citizen, even when they had the power to do so. What did they do instead? Threw some crumbs of a temporary tax cut to the masses, and gave the shop away to the 1%ers.

I always laugh when someone claims to be a Libertarian. What that basically means is "I don't want no rules, you aren't the boss of me," while ignoring the vast complexities of living in a modern civilized society, rather than a small town back in the 1700s or 1800s. You all always fail to realize -- despite your claims to respect the document -- that the Constitution was designed to be amended and changed in order to fit with the changing times.
Libertarians weren't around for civil rights, LBGT rights, or even something as simple as legalizing marijuana.

They're always around for not having to pay taxes, and now, with their genius capacity to grasp current events,
not wearing masks or getting inoculated.

Freedom from social responsibility is their concept of liberty, but despite that, few of them are retreating to the woods and mountains.
Libertarians weren't around for civil rights, LBGT rights, or even something as simple as legalizing marijuana.

They're always around for not having to pay taxes, and now, with their genius capacity to grasp current events,
not wearing masks or getting inoculated.

Freedom from social responsibility is their concept of liberty, but despite that, few of them are retreating to the woods and mountains.
Anyone can put lofty ideals and plans on a website; even kids can do that now.

What counts is what happens in real life. In that case, the QOPers have *nothing.* They had four years, two of which included ownership of both chambers *and* the WH -- and both failed to ditch the ACA or come up with a better, alternate plan. In fact, they failed to come up with *any* plan other than "we don't like that." This is just one example of the failure to do a damn thing to help the average American citizen, even when they had the power to do so. What did they do instead? Threw some crumbs of a temporary tax cut to the masses, and gave the shop away to the 1%ers.

I always laugh when someone claims to be a Libertarian. What that basically means is "I don't want no rules, you aren't the boss of me," while ignoring the vast complexities of living in a modern civilized society, rather than a small town back in the 1700s or 1800s. You all always fail to realize -- despite your claims to respect the document -- that the Constitution was designed to be amended and changed in order to fit with the changing times.

I think it's cute that you think that the GOP is one big happy family, and that they fully cooperated with Trump. Fact is, a majority of them ignore the Constitution just as fluently as the Demorats do.

It's also cute that you claim to know what a Libertarian-Conservative stands for, especially since I just summarized it for you.

The Constitution can be amended, but that's not how FedCo has amassed power. It has done so by ignoring it.
How ‘Owning the Libs’ Became the GOP’s Core Belief
The weird journey of a tongue-in-cheek catchphrase from conservative-mocking putdown to the defining tenet of the Republican Party’s way of life.

Conservatism is an intellectually devoid movement anyway, that elevates laziness and selfishness because it's easier than coming up with policies and ideas that can attract votes.

Theyve always ran on hate and 71 million white americans voted for them...........just saying.
I think it's cute that you think that the GOP is one big happy family, and that they fully cooperated with Trump. Fact is, a majority of them ignore the Constitution just as fluently as the Demorats do.

This is intended to lay the groundwork for a "No true Scotsman" defense of yourself.

Fact is that every single Republican, every single Conservative, not only supported everything Donald Trump did, but had the nerve to defend all of it while it was happening.

So I don't know where you got the idea that the GOP didn't succumb 100% to Trump, but it seems to me that this idea is brand new and is reflective of the embarrassment you personally feel for everything you did for Trump and the GOP the last 4 years.

You don't get to resurrections this time.
How ‘Owning the Libs’ Became the GOP’s Core Belief
The weird journey of a tongue-in-cheek catchphrase from conservative-mocking putdown to the defining tenet of the Republican Party’s way of life.

Conservatism is an intellectually devoid movement anyway, that elevates laziness and selfishness because it's easier than coming up with policies and ideas that can attract votes.

all you have is trump bashing and sucking china's dick.