there were inquisitions and witch hunsts and suppressions regularly all over Europe.The crusades were 1000 years ago and have already been adjudicated. There hasn't been a major war, crusade, or inquisition involving Christianity for 500 to 1000 years.
I already acknowledged the Spanish inquisition and it's death count - around 4,000 dead. Lao Tzu just needed to be taught that if he wants to dodge all my points about Medieval intellectual history and divert the the topic to morality, the death count comparison between theocracies and secular governments isn't even in the same ballpark. In the scorecard of depraved bloodthirsty morality, secular governments win hands down, and by a country mile.
So you actually do want to belabor the tangent about moral depravity. Post your proof that any mainstream Christian denomination today points to the Hebrew Bible as a set of rules that justifies and commands genocide and aggressive warfare by Christians
the inquisition was global for a long time.