Cancel 2016.2
The Almighty
Anyone seen it yet? If so, any good?
broke the office record for opening weekend.
I don't usually like comicbook movies. Last year x-men first class was rated like an 8.5/10 on imdb (for anyone not familiar with imdb, anything above an 8 is usually awesome, and even mid 7's are good. There are no movies ranked 9 or 10).
I was bored, so I went to go see it. It was mediocre to blah. But all the fanboys were raving about it.
And that's what you have to take away from this. Fanboys have absolute nerdgasm's over movies like this, and it massively inflates it's public standing.
I swore to myself last year, I said "grind, next year there is going to be another comic book movie, and it's going to get majorly overhyped, DO NOT SEE IT. DO NOT. GO. NO MATTER WHAT, YOU WONT LIKE IT"
But once again, everyone is now saying "oh, well I don't usually like comic book movies, but this looks AWESOME"
Maybe this time, it actually is the "Actually good" elusive comic book/superhero movie. Peer pressure/boredom/and advertising will likely trick me into seeing a decent, albiet massively overrated film, again, against my better judgement.
Well, I am a Joss Whedon fangirl, so I don't care, I'm going.
Do you like firefly O__O
broke the office record for opening weekend.
I don't usually like comicbook movies. Last year x-men first class was rated like an 8.5/10 on imdb (for anyone not familiar with imdb, anything above an 8 is usually awesome, and even mid 7's are good. There are no movies ranked 9 or 10).
I was bored, so I went to go see it. It was mediocre to blah. But all the fanboys were raving about it.
And that's what you have to take away from this. Fanboys have absolute nerdgasm's over movies like this, and it massively inflates it's public standing.
I swore to myself last year, I said "grind, next year there is going to be another comic book movie, and it's going to get majorly overhyped, DO NOT SEE IT. DO NOT. GO. NO MATTER WHAT, YOU WONT LIKE IT"
But once again, everyone is now saying "oh, well I don't usually like comic book movies, but this looks AWESOME"
Maybe this time, it actually is the "Actually good" elusive comic book/superhero movie. Peer pressure/boredom/and advertising will likely trick me into seeing a decent, albiet massively overrated film, again, against my better judgement.
Well, I am a Joss Whedon fangirl, so I don't care, I'm going.
Thanks. I am kind of in between. I liked the first X-Men and Wolverine, but Thor, Capt America and Hulk kinda were the blah.
I like Whedon as well... which is one of the reasons I was interested
Yes. But I like Buffy and Angel better. I also even liked Dollhouse, and wish he had more time with that. I'm really excited about the success of The Avengers because this should give Whedon some real power to get some good stuff made. For instance, he wanted to do Wonder Woman. Which, if you know anything about Whedon, his Wonder Woman would have been awesome! Instead they gave it to that sick misogynist David E Kelly who completely destroyed it and it never even got on tv. But with Whedon's new power, who knows what he'll get his hands on now. He is certainly not going to lose out to David E Kelly anymore.
Really? I wouldn't have even thought you ever heard of him.
Whedon would have done an awesome Wonder Woman. He knows how to make you weak ass women look strong.![]()
Mainly from shows like Buffy & Angel
Don't tell me you are a Buffy fan? Really?