1% Of Those That Got Through Exchanges Are Enrolled


Obama could be loading people into cattle cars at bayonet point, and this guy would be wedged way in the back in the corner saying to his fellow passengers, "Wait! Listen to me. This is actually a *good* thing."

comparing millions now able to afford to pay for their healthcare to killing people shows how fucking insane in the brain you are
The House has passed several funding bills, and the Democrat-dominated Senate has rejected them all.

Looks like they want the government shut down.
comparing millions now able to afford to pay for their healthcare to killing people shows how fucking insane in the brain you are

LOL, how many of those "millions" have even been able to see what Obamacare is going to cost?

Back to the initial op -


Well, it isn't falling, no one needs to panic.

Incomplete applications - well, that happens; people don't always fill everything out, they'll need to be contacted.

The rest of the article is a bunch of what ifs and could bes and maybes and possiblys. Just stirring up fear.

I find VN's comment interesting - could people be deliberately going to the exchanges and entering incomplete data just to bog down the system? I can't imagine anyone being that juvenile, but it's an interesting idea.
Back to the initial op - THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING EVERYONE PANIC Well, it isn't falling, no one needs to panic. Incomplete applications - well, that happens; people don't always fill everything out, they'll need to be contacted. The rest of the article is a bunch of what ifs and could bes and maybes and possiblys. Just stirring up fear. I find VN's comment interesting - could people be deliberately going to the exchanges and entering incomplete data just to bog down the system? I can't imagine anyone being that juvenile, but it's an interesting idea.

No panic, no fear, just laughter at the incompetence of the Obama administration and its' minions.

And didn't you claim things were "humming along"?

The House has passed several funding bills, and the Democrat-dominated Senate has rejected them all.

Looks like they want the government shut down.

so tell us why the house kept passing crap that would not work to fund the government and pretended they had?
and the vast majority of Americans don't agree with you.

this is a democracy not a winner takes all gammit for the republicans.
And...there's no way to discern how many of those applications were purposely left incomplete? If nobody here believes that there are monied interests attempting to crash this system, then there's no hope for those fools.
Yes...the smoke will clear, people will realize that they don't have to sign up online, and the system will move forward.

With, or without the teabaggers.

I don't even need Obamacare but was able to get onto the site last night. So I think some of these problems righties are whining about are manufactured. They eat up the lies just like they did with "Will Sheehan" and his sob story.
It's a Southern red state.....so obviously they rank low in income....just like the rest of the deep south. Alabama, Mississippi....all the same....ignorant, poor and voting for whatever the baggers throw at them....all they have to do is use the word freedom a lot and the citizenry eats it up.

Did you ever get that right! They're a bunch of losers who support the very rich bagger leaders who will make them even poorer. Just whisper 'freedom' in their ear and they follow along like puppies.
TRUTH be told .. a year delay in Obamacare mandates might not be a bad idea.

BAC, no offense - but you haven't been in favor of the ACA since the beginning, so having you say a delay might not be a bad idea is coming from a somewhat biased position (and I admit I am biased the other way)

What's the worst that happens if we don't delay the mandate? Those who don't sign up have to pay the $95 fine.

I have not heard a good reason to postpone it. People are getting insurance now. People are being motivated to check it out both because they want insurance and because of the mandate.

What does delaying the mandate get us? Absolutely nothing.

Now if you want to waive the $95 fine for the first year, well, ok, but it doesn't seem like that big a burden.
BAC, no offense - but you haven't been in favor of the ACA since the beginning, so having you say a delay might not be a bad idea is coming from a somewhat biased position (and I admit I am biased the other way)

What's the worst that happens if we don't delay the mandate? Those who don't sign up have to pay the $95 fine.

I have not heard a good reason to postpone it. People are getting insurance now. People are being motivated to check it out both because they want insurance and because of the mandate.

What does delaying the mandate get us? Absolutely nothing.

Now if you want to waive the $95 fine for the first year, well, ok, but it doesn't seem like that big a burden.

We agree that I've not been a supporter of the ACA since day one. No offense taken.

That being said, I'm thinking that a year delay would support the ACA and give it adequate time to work out the problems before the government starts demanding a mandate for a broken system. Surely an additional year on a live system would give them time to do it properly.

I'm not suggesting delaying the implementation of the ACA, just the mandate .. which has already been suspended for businesses.

Much of the country is on food stamps .. $95. to them is a big deal.
so tell us why the house kept passing crap that would not work to fund the government and pretended they had?
How amusing, the dullard asshat thinks that only her version of what works should be funded. Are you really that stupid or do you have to work at it?