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The connotation is that it's a rampant issue, it's not, it's a rare event.
My connotation is that shooting kids to death is akin to slaughter. It is, period, end of story. I wasn't speaking to frequency in any way.
The connotation is that it's a rampant issue, it's not, it's a rare event.
Seems I really hit a nerve here. Do people want to kiss you with that mouth?![]()
The connotation is that it's a rampant issue, it's not, it's a rare event.
Either way the lower court, the appeals court, ruling stands. States can and will ban assault weapons.
Poor desperate twat. A good number if these kids will be of boting age in November. Sounds like you’re worried.
30,000+ a year. Is that rare? Maybe medium rare?
He only had to go to a study hall room.
Life is full of rules you don’t like and sometimes, there are consequences for not following them. He just learned that. Painlessly.
Many students were willing to face the consequences for walking out. You gotta stand up for what you believe in even if you stand alone.
Poor desperate twat. A good number if these kids will be of voting age in November. Sounds like you’re worried.
30,000+ a year. Is that rare? Maybe medium rare?
This "school walkout" is straight out of "1984".
When it's School sanctioned, it isn't actually a walkout. It's actually students conforming to the government authority by speaking a government-approved opinion in a government-approved venue. And that opinion is that they should have their own rights taken away by the government whose opinion they are expressing.
You have students marching with the sanction of the state to demand less freedom from the state... and everyone is pretending that their doing so is somehow brave and rebellious.
This "school walkout" is straight out of "1984".
When it's School sanctioned, it isn't actually a walkout. It's actually students conforming to the government authority by speaking a government-approved opinion in a government-approved venue. And that opinion is that they should have their own rights taken away by the government whose opinion they are expressing.
You have students marching with the sanction of the state to demand less freedom from the state... and everyone is pretending that their doing so is somehow brave and rebellious.
my take is the prefer not to be killed
What does this mean?
The Days of CONTROLLING OTHERS are Long Over.
really? so we no longer have to worry about lefties trying to control us by taking or denying us firearms????
If a Lefty Liberal can take your Gun away, then you're a Pussy and shouldn't have one anyway.
a lefty liberal would never take on such a dangerous task themselves, they would simply make a law and have the government try to do it for them.