But you haven't explained why you didn't stay on a bandwagon that was already established. We had two bandwagons Yoda and Moxy. Why did you decide on Nom to start another bandwagon? Why did you not choose Moxy? Explain.

You are short on explaining your own behaviors

1) his vote was on Yoda... not Nom

2) Putting a vote on one person does not mean you don't keep discussing who the other wolves might be

3) Moxy was not a good wagon candidate. As the day progressed, we switched to someone who was acting like a wolf and being detrimental to the village. Turns out he was a village idiot rather than a wolf.

You keep trying to bring back the discussion to why did we not keep Moxy. We have stated time and again why. Why do you continue to distract the village with this?
So Billy cheated? This is your claim?

Yeah, he said the villager should eat Yoda, which was hilarious because Yoda is a fucking idiot, and a fucking annoyance. But that's a far cry from saying he wanted Yoda to be the next peek. Why are you conflating the two? Why are you accusing Billy of cheating?

I got the Nom bandwagon rolling? LOL Better send wolf two out. You're done. Stick a fork in you.

Yep, you clearly were trying to distance yourself from being an early member of the Nom bandwagon. Granted, the cracks Scissors made about Miley are retarded.
I decided on Nom? Really? And I voted for him and then switched bandwagons? LOL I voted for Yoda, never switched shit wolf.

I never said you voted for Nom. You are lying again. I said you made a post claiming Nom was your wolf. You didn't provide explanation. Then you voted for Yoda but didn't provide explanation. I never said you switched.

You also accused me of starting two bandwagons, but have yet to prove anything. As I stated, there were two band wagons going why the need to start one with Nom? Why not see how the Moxy/Yoda bandwagon played out? Any explanation for that?
Don't over react and lynch him just because he's trying to lynch you. Unlynch him so no one can auto night us again, and let's let this play out.

Vote based on vengeance, was not.
Meditated on comments of Scissors, I did.
Playing middle ground, to hard, is he.

The dark force (NSA) is strong it that one.
Change my vote, I can not.
Lets decide on two wagons, then discuss without voting...

I nominate RWS and SM.. or my gut feeling which is MOXY.

I think RWS is a good candidate. I think you are another.

Yoda is being the same useless idiot as yesterday. Padro I think has earned a reprieve as he has been more helpful. Moxy and Monkey I think are village... though I could be wrong. Blarg I lean village. Sam I keep flipping on.
I never said you voted for Nom. You are lying again. I said you made a post claiming Nom was your wolf. You didn't provide explanation. Then you voted for Yoda but didn't provide explanation. I never said you switched.

You also accused me of starting two bandwagons, but have yet to prove anything. As I stated, there were two band wagons going why the need to start one with Nom? Why not see how the Moxy/Yoda bandwagon played out? Any explanation for that?

Again... you are wrong. He explained yesterday why he thought Nom was acting wolfish. Many of us did. So quit with your bullshit distractions. The posts are there for you to read.
Yep, you clearly were trying to distance yourself from being an early member of the Nom bandwagon. Granted, the cracks Scissors made about Miley are retarded.

I never said you voted for Nom. You are lying again. I said you made a post claiming Nom was your wolf. You didn't provide explanation. Then you voted for Yoda but didn't provide explanation. I never said you switched.

You also accused me of starting two bandwagons, but have yet to prove anything. As I stated, there were two band wagons going why the need to start one with Nom? Why not see how the Moxy/Yoda bandwagon played out? Any explanation for that?

Nope wolves. I have explained everything I've done. You asked why I didn't stay on a bandwagon. I was very clear why I suspected Nom, and even clearer, both yesterday and at least twice today, why I suspected Yoda.

You guys are so obvious. I am laughing.

Bring it wolves.
The point is that we do not want another autonight. Stating who you want to vote for without making it official is the way to go until we get closer to night. So please remove your official vote for now. Many of us think RWS is a wolf. But give the day time, force people to discuss.

Who hasn't been on the board today? Who hasn't tried to help the village etc...? There is a lot we need to discuss.

Bandwagon my vote is not.
Only one it is.
Control over others, I have not.
It is also interesting that Space Monkey isn't very concerned about El Pardo's absence or lack of voting which had as much to do with auto night as anything else. Is he trying to deflect attention?

You guys autonight before I can vote, and yet somehow this makes me responsible for the autonight? Fucking ridiculous.
Vote based on vengeance, was not.
Meditated on comments of Scissors, I did.
Playing middle ground, to hard, is he.

The dark force (NSA) is strong it that one.
Change my vote, I can not.

Dude he's the most obvious wolf out here, and we've got Mott here trying to pretend to be a villager! Think about that man! But that's not the point. Don't bring about early night. Let them keep dancing. Let's see who else they expose.
My thoughts...





Yoda - he should be banned from ever playing this game again as all he has done the past two games is a ridiculous schtick. If he is in, I am out.
So here is something interesting. Moxy made this post at 2:46 PM which was a response to one of El Pardo's posts. El Pardo thanked this post. Obviously there isn't a time stamp on the post, but it seems like a strange post to thank.

I thanked it when I read it, after the game was done.

Now is El Padro saying that auto nighting 2 hours early was his goal? Was he joking?

An own-goal: when someone from a team in soccer kicks the ball in their own goal. A massive disaster.

Is that why he didn't vote?

I didn't vote because you all chose to autonight two hours early.

I contend his lack of voting when he had plenty of opportunities seems suspicious in light of this quote. When did he thank that post? Was he on and saw what was going on and saw an opportunity to lynch someone without direct fingers on the rope?

Your right, my failure to vote and contribute to the autonight was definitely the cause of it.
Well, since you're here, perhaps you could weigh in on a question we've been kicking around. Did Miley twerk Moxy and thus clear him as a villager? I am of that opinion, but there has been resistance to that. If true, then nothing Miley said about anyone else can be taken as useful information.

I don't think it's entirely clear that Miley cleared Moxy.