BTW, once again in my favor… regarding the Auto-night..
If it had turned out that Nom was a wolf, which I was sure he was, you guys would be praising me, not relegating me to possible wolf and ignoring all the help I have been trying to provide the village. I really want to win this, so please get off this nonsense about my dumb mistake and lets find a wolf tonight. If we don’t, this game will be over soon.

Eh, not really. I've learned from Grind that even in a situation where the board is pretty sure about Nom, keep the dialogue open. Especially on D1. Dialogue is the lifeblood of the village. Autolynch is only useful for eliminating inactive players who will otherwise be modkilled (a potential net -3 loss for the village).
You raise very valid points. One thing I think we all forget in this game is that things are happening in real time. Some folks are on mobile devices and post after reading something. Maybe I am wrong about you being NSA?

I am not wrong about Space Monkey and Yoda. We had two solid band wagons going early on yesterday. Yoda and Moxy. Space Monkey did as much to make arguments against Nom as anyone. Now all of a sudden Space Monkey is shocked? I don't buy it.

Nom's first argument to not argue was so profoundly stupid it could do nothing but draw suspicion, later in the night he actually started talking. ¿¡ EL PADRO?! should know this more than anyone, I replied to that post once it was ancient, and was soon incredibly embarrassed as I read on. Which is why I didn't reply to any past post again.
Your proof is opposite from your claim. When Miley says, "Wolves, eat Yoda!", that would be a clear, if anything, nothing like asking the seer to peek him.

No, it was wishful thinking. It's like lynching Mott on D1 just so he can't sabotage the village. Yoda was pissing him off, and he expressed it by stating how the NSA offing Yoda would help the village out.
BTW, once again in my favor… regarding the Auto-night..
If it had turned out that Nom was a wolf, which I was sure he was, you guys would be praising me, not relegating me to possible wolf and ignoring all the help I have been trying to provide the village. I really want to win this, so please get off this nonsense about my dumb mistake and lets find a wolf tonight. If we don’t, this game will be over soon.

1) You are again incorrect, so quit trying to defend your stupidity. You did it out of ignorance or because you are a wolf.
2) You again took away 2 hours of discussion. If Nom had been a wolf we would have been even more pissed. Because a fellow wolf might have inadvertently outed himself trying to save his wolf partner.
Post #56
This is in response to Moxy’s attack on Nom for saying he would be absent all day. (Also why I initially suspected Moxy.)

Post 110

Post 111
Space talking about Moxy.

Talking to Moxy





Questions starting a bandwagon on Moxy.










Calling me the village idiot ahead of time.



Ive studied Space Monkey above. Very active poster and really not much help to the village because he flip flops. He says a lot without sticking to anything. Also he is quick to accuse.

You're taking posts I made early in the day and conflating them with posts I made later in the day when I had further information. Everyone does that. You spent a lot of time showing nothing.

I've also flip flopped today. I leaned wolf on Plumber Joe because he didn't change his vote to avoid an auto lynch, I now feel that was innocent and he's a villager. I've been firm since this morning that RWS is a wolf. You scored the goal and caught everyone''s attention. I wanted to look at who set you up for that score. Who passed the puck? RWS did and he had no reason to switch.
Desperation. He knows he shouldn't be the top choice for lynching yet, given the antics of Olaf and Yoda, or the absence of El Padro, yet RWS has provided a pretty damning exposè/timeline on him, and fears the writing is on the wall.

RWS has not provided any damning anything. Anyone who has played before knows you want two bandwagons. I went with one of the two. Yoda did absolutely nothing yesterday, including even bothering to vote, that looked villager.
My shift to Nom was made after reading posts highlighting his unwillingness to contribute. He was called out on it. He was given a chance to explain himself and didn't. Based on previous experience, it seemed Wolfish to me so I switched.

I don't agree that I was the pivotal voter and here is why. I did not shift the wagon away from Moxy to Nom. Who did that? Wasn't me. Like I said, it seemed like that is where the village was heading so I went along? Was it the best timing? Maybe not.

Yes, Space Monkey is smothering the game with aggression TODAY. He wasn't nearly as aggressive yesterday was he? Go back and read Space Monkey's posts. He accuses Nom but votes Yoda. Why? He won't say. I suspect that He would be more than happy for Nom to be taken out as long as his fingerprints were on it. Once it happened, he jumped and down in indignation.

If you go back over Space Monkey's posts, how has he helped the village? He really hasn't. Today he is hell bent on me. I have been pretty consistent in my picks and haven't jumped around other than switching from Yoda to Nom (which I have explained many times already)

One thing that has gone surprisingly unnoticed and unspoken is El Pardo. He hasn't posted much and he along with Yoda didn't vote. Why aren't they just as responsible in your mind for auto night as I am? They both had plenty of opportunity to vote and didn't.

Hindsight is always 20/20 and if I had it to do over again, I probably wouldn't have changed my vote when I did but I wasn't sure if I would be able to get back on with 2 hours left and as I said, it seemed like that is where everything was heading. I couldn't know that Olaf would auto night. Or maybe you think I did? Do you also think I knew that Yoda and El Pardo wouldn't vote?

Still nobody has answered why the bandwagon shifted from Moxy to Nom? I don't say that to claim that I think Moxy is a wolf because I do not at this point. But, the bandwagon shifted to Nom pretty quickly and not because of me. I did not shift it. That was others.

I think Space Monkey's shift in aggression is very telling. Either he is majorly unstable or he is covering for his own misdeeds. I find it suspicious that he called out Nom yet voted for Yoda. Why hasn't he explained that?

No villager would need an explanation for that. You don't all jump on the same bandwagon. Wolf.
Again... I was leaving. Between Yoda and Nom, I wanted my vote on Nom in case it came down to a close vote. That said... you should unlynch RSW... while I think you may be correct, if you are wrong we have two votes on him right now. If Blarg is also a villager then the wolves can end the day right now.

If Scis were a villager and three people just jumped out of nowhere and got him lynched right off the bat, guess who we'd spend the rest of the game lynching? That point is quite so relevant until autonight has been reached.
The seer:

Possible that he spooked a wolf, but RWS would have to be really trigger happy to get scared off by what looked like very casual meanderings. Or, someone spotted him as the seer. Or at least suspected it and figured he would peek RWS.

I still think a very experienced player recognized something Billy did that they thought made him the seer. That's one of the reasons i have Michael as the third wolf. I assume we all know or at least are pretty sure who he is. He's very experienced, he's very smart, and he knows Billy very well.
Since Olaf posted the auto kill vote for Nom, lets look at how this bandwagon develops:

Post 108 Olaf Attempts bandwagon on Moxy

Post 109, he posts this to Nom: Nom, do you have a reason to lynch Michael or did you just want to start a waggon, I am thinking Michael or Moxy, but I haven't decided. Michael is just a feeling, I am looking for reason to back that feeling. Can you convince me?

Post 116, He lays crumb down for possible Nom bandwagon

Post 117 reattempts bandwagon of moxy

Post 119 RWS comes in and agrees with post 116, thus getting a NOM bandwagon rolling

Post 123 Moxy gets on Nom bandwagon

Nom Bandwagon so far:


Post 128 RWS changes vote to Yoda, as second bandwagon takes shape

Post 143 RWS points the finger at Nom again

Post 155 Joe says Yoda and El Padro should be two bandwagons, but Nom a possibility

Post 159 Joe goes after Nom.

Post 175 Joe makes clear two bandwagons are to be Yoda and Nom. RWS is the first to form these two bandwagons.

Post 312, RWS unvotes Yoda and Votes Nom while vote stands 4/3. He does this for no reason and puts us one vote away from auto night.

Olaf than posts autonight vote.

RWS stands out here as much as Olaf.

Lean wolf right now:


Serious questions about Joe.

Now we need to look at the seer's post, because thanks to some really dumb fucks, the seer is dead. I should shoot a couple of you motherfuckers, and yoda if you are village, you should be tortured, then shot. And I want tapes of your screams, because I want to hear them more than once.


Or Im trying to impress upon you with a vote.

How you construe one lynchvote as rushing is beyond me.

Right now, if any two villagers attempt to lynch another player who also happens to be a villager, the three wolves could auto night us. It is best not to have more than one official vote on anyone right now. At the time you did that, Space Monkey had already voted for scissors. Since then SM has unlynched him for the time being to help avoid auto night again.

That said, I don't believe you did it for any reason other than to convey who you thought was guilty of being a wolf. However, we must be careful. Olaf is either a wolf or an idiot that actually believes the village wasn't harmed by his actions.
We know the seer did not peek a wolf on night 0. We know this because he voted to lynch a villager.

The only two posters I see him as saying likely villager are Yoda and Moxy. His peek is in there, and he cleared a villager.

I will fucking eat shit if he cleared Yoda. Yoda didn't even vote. He never said anything about anything. You have got to be shitting me that Yoda is a villager. If he is, I want him banned from all werewolf games going forward.

I am hoping the seer cleared Moxy, but am going through all of his posts one more time to see if I missed anything. Be certain of this; Miley cleared a villager yesterday. Look at his posts and figure out who he cleared.

You make no sense. You say that the past doesn't matter and we can do nothing about it, but your first post is quoting the past. Maybe you don't want your past scrutinized? Bottom line is you were pretty inactive on the first day and you didn't vote. Pretty wolfish behavior.

Unless of course you have a good explanation?

I notice your buddy Space Monkey is long on demanding explanations from everyone regarding their actions, but is short on giving his own or demanding them of you. But, maybe you can help us all out.

The past doesn't matter in the context you used it in. We all know the seer got killed, you kept repeating it. It's useless information. What we needed to look at is who he peeked. He only got one peek. That was the first thing to look for, the cleared villager.
Miley had a night 0 peek. They didn't peek a wolf or wouldn't have voted to lynch a villager. So they peeked a villager. As seer. they should have cleared the peeked villager. They only "likely" villagers Miley had were Moxy and Yoda. On Yoda, Miley said he wasn't 100 or even 75% sure. He made no such qualification on Moxy. I can only read this one of two ways; billy is a dumbass seer ( I don't think he is) or he cleared Moxey. I have said several times I'm open to other theories, but haven't seen any.

Maybe they did peek a wolf, but nobody else was onto that wolf, and they didn't want to out themselves by be the only person going for them.