We know the seer did not peek a wolf on night 0. We know this because he voted to lynch a villager.

The only two posters I see him as saying likely villager are Yoda and Moxy. His peek is in there, and he cleared a villager.

I will fucking eat shit if he cleared Yoda. Yoda didn't even vote. He never said anything about anything. You have got to be shitting me that Yoda is a villager. If he is, I want him banned from all werewolf games going forward.

I am hoping the seer cleared Moxy, but am going through all of his posts one more time to see if I missed anything. Be certain of this; Miley cleared a villager yesterday. Look at his posts and figure out who he cleared.

Hmmm, he thanked two of my posts. Was only one to thank any of them. Perhaps not a clear...
I reply to the past once again, but why is this biggest concern of yours? It is the past, something we can do nothing about.

You make no sense. You say that the past doesn't matter and we can do nothing about it, but your first post is quoting the past. Maybe you don't want your past scrutinized? Bottom line is you were pretty inactive on the first day and you didn't vote. Pretty wolfish behavior.

Unless of course you have a good explanation?

I notice your buddy Space Monkey is long on demanding explanations from everyone regarding their actions, but is short on giving his own or demanding them of you. But, maybe you can help us all out.
It is your own stench you smell. You and Joe were the ones leading the Nom brigade. Looks like you are trying to give yourself cover now. I remember Miley making a post saying "The Seer should peek Yoda". I can't find it. Did he delete it?

Right now my wolves are

Space Monkey
Plumber Joe



Ouch, how does the underside of that bus feel, Joe?
Does anyone think its possible that both RWS and SM are villagers, or NSA partners?

I think its unlikely; maybe because I suspect the both to a degree. Therefore I ask we lynch one today.
Oops, I left out the most important of Twerk's posts.. the one where the seer votes to lynch Moxy.

Moxy, who immediately went on the offensive this morning against me, would have us believe that the first thing the seer did, after confirming Moxy was a villager was to vote to lynch him. That is the twisted logic of a wolf if you ask me!.

1) He was knee jerk reacting to your horrible move... that is more the act of a villager, not a wolf
2) Miley voting to lynch Moxy may have simply been to see what the reaction would be on the board.
He did. I can't find the post. I think he deleted it. Remember if Miley is who we all think he is, he has capabilities we do not. He also said that the wolves should kill Yoda to spare us. He also said he couldn't take a game of Yoda. Or do you forget that as well?

Usually the day two aggressor is a wolf trying to draw attention from himself. You got the Nom bandwagon rolling. It got out of control and now you are trying to deflect

Your proof is opposite from your claim. When Miley says, "Wolves, eat Yoda!", that would be a clear, if anything, nothing like asking the seer to peek him.
Well it's a good thing we have your sound judgment to condemn me. Is there anyone you haven't lashed out at?

Moxey, Nom, Yoda, Scissors, me. Hell, you just shouted down Blarg for using a common acronym.

He used two acronyms, and I pointed out Moxy was clear. You are muddying the waters.
I did some reviews of wolf candidates earlier, but they were a lot of work and nobody seemed to use them or like them. I will do more… if anyone thinks they are useful… what say you?
It is interesting how you are selective in your timeline. The first two bandwagons were Yoda and Moxy. Who started the Moxy bandwagon? Who started the Nom bandwagon? Was it me? I said from the beginning my first two suspicions were Yoda and Blarg.

You claim I started two bandwagons, but you have done nothing to prove it. Are either covering for yourself or someone else. I suspect it is Yoda.


Back in my day, wolves weren't this shitty.
BTW, once again in my favor… regarding the Auto-night..
If it had turned out that Nom was a wolf, which I was sure he was, you guys would be praising me, not relegating me to possible wolf and ignoring all the help I have been trying to provide the village. I really want to win this, so please get off this nonsense about my dumb mistake and lets find a wolf tonight. If we don’t, this game will be over soon.
So here are questions that I think need to be answered.

Why was the bandwagon shifted from Moxy to Nom? I never thought Moxy was NSA. I always thought Moxy was village

But, the question remains that there were two bandwagons going. Why was it switched?

Because Nom was acting like a retard. Refusing to share insight. That is not helpful to the village and it appeared wolfish. Which is what we kept telling him, yet he continued to do so... making him even more suspicious. Moxy on the other hand appeared to be working to help the village, to get people engaged.

That is the second definitive statement you have made. You list people as "100% village" then you say you 'always thought' Moxy was village.

Also, unless people are hell bent that Yoda is NSA, and Moxy was NSA (nobody is), a villager was getting taken out last night whether we auto nighted or not. That is just a fact. An unfortunate fact, but a fact nonetheless.

It sounds like SpaceMonkey and you are more upset about auto nighting than a villager being taken out. Would you have been happy had we taken another two hours and still landed on Nom? Would that have changed anything?


1) there were two hours left, anything could have happened. While the odds were in favor of us lynching a villager, you took away valuable time for discussion.
2) you also allowed two people to get away with not voting. That means we don't have a read on where they stood. Both of whom had not provided the board with much insight.

3) We have played the game enough to know that the odds are a villager gets killed night one. That is not uncommon. But we also know that it is the discussion, especially as the day winds down that is critical to the game. Which is why I stated time and again to avoid the auto night. Yet you still did it... and you did it right as we were discussing avoiding auto night.

4) So you are either blatantly retarded or a wolf. You tell us which one it is.
You stand out because I think you know better. I have seen Grind yell at people to change their votes because we were within one vote of autonight and a wolf would pull the trigger.

This is mostly relevant when it could end the game. If Agent pulls trigger and there is still a tommorrow, they could hang. So, is Olaf bad USian? Or bad Agent?