Wrong again.

I am still waiting for you to provide your proof that I started the bandwagon on Nom like you claimed. I did not. The band wagon was well along when I switched. You claim the bandwagon could have shifted? Bullshit. Who would it have shifted to?

Why even shift it to Nom? You had as much to do with shifting it to Nom as anyone. Eventually we have to majority someone, you claimed Nom was a wolf yet provided no reasoning. Yet you scream for others to provide reasoning? Bullshit.

Right now you reek of projection.

You ran on here this morning trying to cover your wolf tracks. Your gambit yesterday got away from you.
You would neee to focus on more than just accusations of his. Why did you unlynch yoda directly after I joined it?

SM is smothering the game w/aggression, but aside from assumptions and claiming you made the wagon (which you were the pivital voter) hes not inherently wolf.

What does his obvious shift in aggression mean to you?
You would neee to focus on more than just accusations of his. Why did you unlynch yoda directly after I joined it?

SM is smothering the game w/aggression, but aside from assumptions and claiming you made the wagon (which you were the pivital voter) hes not inherently wolf.

What does his obvious shift in aggression mean to you?

Desperation. He knows he shouldn't be the top choice for lynching yet, given the antics of Olaf and Yoda, or the absence of El Padro, yet RWS has provided a pretty damning exposè/timeline on him, and fears the writing is on the wall.
You would neee to focus on more than just accusations of his. Why did you unlynch yoda directly after I joined it?

SM is smothering the game w/aggression, but aside from assumptions and claiming you made the wagon (which you were the pivital voter) hes not inherently wolf.

What does his obvious shift in aggression mean to you?

My shift to Nom was made after reading posts highlighting his unwillingness to contribute. He was called out on it. He was given a chance to explain himself and didn't. Based on previous experience, it seemed Wolfish to me so I switched.

I don't agree that I was the pivotal voter and here is why. I did not shift the wagon away from Moxy to Nom. Who did that? Wasn't me. Like I said, it seemed like that is where the village was heading so I went along? Was it the best timing? Maybe not.

Yes, Space Monkey is smothering the game with aggression TODAY. He wasn't nearly as aggressive yesterday was he? Go back and read Space Monkey's posts. He accuses Nom but votes Yoda. Why? He won't say. I suspect that He would be more than happy for Nom to be taken out as long as his fingerprints were on it. Once it happened, he jumped and down in indignation.

If you go back over Space Monkey's posts, how has he helped the village? He really hasn't. Today he is hell bent on me. I have been pretty consistent in my picks and haven't jumped around other than switching from Yoda to Nom (which I have explained many times already)

One thing that has gone surprisingly unnoticed and unspoken is El Pardo. He hasn't posted much and he along with Yoda didn't vote. Why aren't they just as responsible in your mind for auto night as I am? They both had plenty of opportunity to vote and didn't.

Hindsight is always 20/20 and if I had it to do over again, I probably wouldn't have changed my vote when I did but I wasn't sure if I would be able to get back on with 2 hours left and as I said, it seemed like that is where everything was heading. I couldn't know that Olaf would auto night. Or maybe you think I did? Do you also think I knew that Yoda and El Pardo wouldn't vote?

Still nobody has answered why the bandwagon shifted from Moxy to Nom? I don't say that to claim that I think Moxy is a wolf because I do not at this point. But, the bandwagon shifted to Nom pretty quickly and not because of me. I did not shift it. That was others.

I think Space Monkey's shift in aggression is very telling. Either he is majorly unstable or he is covering for his own misdeeds. I find it suspicious that he called out Nom yet voted for Yoda. Why hasn't he explained that?
Desperation. He knows he shouldn't be the top choice for lynching yet, given the antics of Olaf and Yoda, or the absence of El Padro, yet RWS has provided a pretty damning exposè/timeline on him, and fears the writing is on the wall.

What is funny is that I didn't come on this morning looking to indict anyone out of the gate. Space Monkey's false accusations let me to look a little closer at his own timeline. I still suspect Yoda and El Pardo's absence is disconcerting.

Space Monkey still hasn't explained why he identified Nom (no reason given) and then voted Yoda (no reason given). So I agree with Space Monkey about Nom and he shits his britches over it. It is also interesting that Space Monkey isn't very concerned about El Pardo's absence or lack of voting which had as much to do with auto night as anything else. Is he trying to deflect attention?

Top Wolf candidates for me

Space Monkey
El Pardo - mostly because of absence and lack of voting
RWS listed Sam as a villager, but for no apparent reason. Sam listed you as a wolf since you were already exposed, but conspiciously left out RWS.

Well it's a good thing we have your sound judgment to condemn me. Is there anyone you haven't lashed out at?

Moxey, Nom, Yoda, Scissors, me. Hell, you just shouted down Blarg for using a common acronym.
So then...who are you voting for?

So here is something interesting. Moxy made this post at 2:46 PM which was a response to one of El Pardo's posts. El Pardo thanked this post. Obviously there isn't a time stamp on the post, but it seems like a strange post to thank.

In the lounge, at 4:09 PM El Pardo says this

Auto-night 2 hours early: own-goal.

Now is El Padro saying that auto nighting 2 hours early was his goal? Was he joking? Is that why he didn't vote? I contend his lack of voting when he had plenty of opportunities seems suspicious in light of this quote. When did he thank that post? Was he on and saw what was going on and saw an opportunity to lynch someone without direct fingers on the rope?
So here is something interesting. Moxy made this post at 2:46 PM which was a response to one of El Pardo's posts. El Pardo thanked this post. Obviously there isn't a time stamp on the post, but it seems like a strange post to thank.

In the lounge, at 4:09 PM El Pardo says this

Now is El Padro saying that auto nighting 2 hours early was his goal? Was he joking? Is that why he didn't vote? I contend his lack of voting when he had plenty of opportunities seems suspicious in light of this quote. When did he thank that post? Was he on and saw what was going on and saw an opportunity to lynch someone without direct fingers on the rope?

I mistyped. I meant to say there isn't a time stamp on his thanks, not post. My error
I awake!

Sorry I am for posting little first day, lazy I was and got far behind, only finished thread at 6:15. 2 hour early auto-lynch was not expected.

As I catch up, two questions:

PJ, why you seem to command Olaf in post 308 to join waggon? Good friends you two are, no?

Olaf, why you seem to comply?
"Own Goal" is a soccer (and hockey) reference. It's when you score on yourself. El Padro was trying to be funny while staying in character.
I awake!

Sorry I am for posting little first day, lazy I was and got far behind, only finished thread at 6:15. 2 hour early auto-lynch was not expected.

As I catch up, two questions:

PJ, why you seem to command Olaf in post 308 to join waggon? Good friends you two are, no?

Olaf, why you seem to comply?

Nice of you to drop by, señor. ¿Do you realize what the score is, already?
WTF! Olaf you stupid mother fucker!!!!! We had two freaken more hours to flush out a wolf!! Why the hell did you autolynch you stupid son of a bitch?


Fuck you! You need to die Olaf....either your a wolf or your so fucking stupid that we need to make sure your seen never, ever, fucking ever contaminates the Villages gene pool!!

I still can't believe you autolynched. Why the hell did you do that?!!!!!

I reply to the past, situation probably long resolved by now, but to be sure: everyone avoid autolynching Olaf, keep calm.
Also, with regards to Miley, he asked space monkey about scissors late in the day, 289. That puts scissors in suspicion.

Well, since you're here, perhaps you could weigh in on a question we've been kicking around. Did Miley twerk Moxy and thus clear him as a villager? I am of that opinion, but there has been resistance to that. If true, then nothing Miley said about anyone else can be taken as useful information.
Nice of El Padro to show up and get right into bed with Space Monkey.

El Padro, why didn't you vote yesterday? Seems you are trying to jump on Space Monkey's bandwagon to cover for your absence. Maybe two wolves covering for each other?