
Lynch RWS!

Agree I do.
LYNCH Scissors

Gathering info I was. To soon thread closed.
Notice Scissors behavior I did.
Agrees with many; but fingers he points.
Today, defending self by blaming others.

From Yesterday, these notes are:


im not sure why the village confirming whether the whole working at night and sleeping during the day thing is a ruse would be all that helpful to the village. isnt the actual worst case scenario for the village is that we kill off a villager for no good reason other than he or she works the night shift.
I don't understand the obsession with night shift either. It seems suspicious to me as if someone is trying to create a diversion
The only one pinging my Wolfdar currently is BlargityBlarg. He made on post soon after the thread opened that didn't make any sense and then dissappeared. Rather suspicious behavior.
El Pardo could be a lurker too as so far, no posts.
You bring up a great point. I recall similar behavior in out last experience and it did indeed become wolffish behavior.
I could be convinced to vote Blarg pending any good reason not to
Nom, I need a reason, otherwise I start to suspect you are not one of us... trying to run someone out without logic.
By itself, Yoda's styk is not indicitive of being NSA.
But hes talked a lot and said little.
That is why my initial vote is for Yoda. Too much nonsense not much helping the village. I think we need two strong wagons to try to smoke someone out. Obviously it is first day and a mistake is likely to be made. But, people's actions today are going to dictate how we proceed and limit mistakes
#1. I didn't go after Twerk. I pointed out that if HE WAS a wolf he has a convienant excuse to lurk.
#2. But I have, read more carefully. Why would I point out the mathematical fact the wolves don't want us to know. That we villagers can only make two mistakes and that if we make three we will lose. So I have been using logic and I have identified who I think are villagerss and wolves.
Where as you on the other hand have contributed exactly nothing. Who specifically do you think are wolves and villagers and why?
Moby brings up a good point about the logic. I don't think that is NSA/Wolfy. It is a fact that we can only make two mistakes. It is also a fact that the odds greatly favor taking out a villager tonight. Statistically speaking it would be very lucky to nab an NSA tonight. I hope we do, but I am more focused on how people are behaving today.
Moxy has been more helpful than Yoda. Michael got off to a slow start but is starting to chime in.
Here are my villagers
Plumber Joe
Michael Sam
Myself of course
Here are my guesses at NSA
Everyone else I am still not sure about

OK...the practice what you preach. Right now it's probably more important to identify villagers than wolves. At least it is for villagers. That's why I've been more focused on trying to identify roles, where as you are focused on getting people lynched which is over the top wolfish behavior.
So identifying who you want to lynch has done exactly nothing to help us villagers. So who do you think is in what role and why?

Nom does seem to be flailing away irrationally right now. Why?
He isn't offering up anything terribly insightful. Could be one of the noobs?


I agree if Nom's a wolf Sam did himself no favors with those posts. Yoda is a tough one. We know how he plays. That is to say, not too good! But I moved him down and then back up when he came back on and is just avoiding posting any thoughts at all. So far at least. I could go with either of your picks. I put Moxy with Miley already and stated I would not vote for either of them today. Still have no good bead on Miley but he's a good player and I wouldn't vote to lynch unless he displayed actual wolfy behavior.

I could go either way. I am sticking with Yoda. My initial reaction was a hunch just like everyone else is doing. What is bothering me about Yoda is that he is more concerned with staying in his bullshit character than helping the village. I could be completely wrong about him but he isn't doing himself any favors in my book. JMO
right now I have no strong opinions other than Yoda is a royal pain in the ass and it want to see him lynched so I don't have to read any more of his piss poor Yoda impersonations.
My vote is staying Yoda, but if the village needs me to move a bandwagon one way or the other, I am in




looks like the bandwagon is heading that way


Suspicious I am
Maybe they did peek a wolf, but nobody else was onto that wolf, and they didn't want to out themselves by be the only person going for them.

I suppose that's possible. That would put Moxy back on the table. But I am going to go with Occam's razor and not chase down rabbit holes right now. Because I think we have a couple of obvious wolves.
Agree I do.
LYNCH Scissors

Gathering info I was. To soon thread closed.
Notice Scissors behavior I did.
Agrees with many; but fingers he points.
Today, defending self by blaming others.

From Yesterday, these notes are:











Suspicious I am

Of who in particular?
You raise very valid points. One thing I think we all forget in this game is that things are happening in real time. Some folks are on mobile devices and post after reading something. Maybe I am wrong about you being NSA?

I am not wrong about Space Monkey and Yoda. We had two solid band wagons going early on yesterday. Yoda and Moxy. Space Monkey did as much to make arguments against Nom as anyone. Now all of a sudden Space Monkey is shocked? I don't buy it.

Trying to hard, you are.
I disagree. He was incredibly wolfy. And in fact, his behavior to the very end was very wolfy. Read his posts. He never posted anything about who was who. He never even voted. That said, now that I know he's USF (or at least think he is), the dumbest fuck to ever walk upright (has anyone ever seen him upright??), I don't know.
Right now, if any two villagers attempt to lynch another player who also happens to be a villager, the three wolves could auto night us. It is best not to have more than one official vote on anyone right now. At the time you did that, Space Monkey had already voted for scissors. Since then SM has unlynched him for the time being to help avoid auto night again.

That said, I don't believe you did it for any reason other than to convey who you thought was guilty of being a wolf. However, we must be careful. Olaf is either a wolf or an idiot that actually believes the village wasn't harmed by his actions.

I have admitted that in retrospect the village was harmed by my actions. I seem to remember the last game a wolf was lynched by auto-night in the first round, and the player who did that, was NOT a wolf. Now, the only difference between those two times was that this time the player who called auto-night was wrong.

I made a mistake that hurt the village, that does not make me a wolf or an idiot. If you insist on lynching me you are further harming the village.
So here are questions that I think need to be answered.

Why was the bandwagon shifted from Moxy to Nom? I never thought Moxy was NSA. I always thought Moxy was village

But, the question remains that there were two bandwagons going. Why was it switched?

Also, unless people are hell bent that Yoda is NSA, and Moxy was NSA (nobody is), a villager was getting taken out last night whether we auto nighted or not. That is just a fact. An unfortunate fact, but a fact nonetheless.

It sounds like SpaceMonkey and you are more upset about auto nighting than a villager being taken out. Would you have been happy had we taken another two hours and still landed on Nom? Would that have changed anything?

Not in the least.

Wolves are the ones who would be gloating over their victories, Scis. The village is concerned about things that it's possible to help.

A classic wolf tale is that one of the wolf's will appear the day after and pretend to be all mopey, "Oh no! Poor little us! We lost our seer!" Villagers almost never do this.
No he's not. Monkey is the only one who voted for Nom that is backpedaling from the comments he made about Nom leading up to his lynch vote. That's a little suspicious. And gay.

Where did I backpedal? I thought Nom was a wolf to the end. I voted for Yoda because enough people were already on the first bandwagon. As you well know it's a bad idea for all the villagers to jump on the same bandwagon, that's why we have two.

Perhaps you can find the post I backpedaled on?
Your feelings you should trust.
Doubt causes fear, fear causes mistakes.

The point is that we do not want another autonight. Stating who you want to vote for without making it official is the way to go until we get closer to night. So please remove your official vote for now. Many of us think RWS is a wolf. But give the day time, force people to discuss.

Who hasn't been on the board today? Who hasn't tried to help the village etc...? There is a lot we need to discuss.
Where did I backpedal? I thought Nom was a wolf to the end. I voted for Yoda because enough people were already on the first bandwagon. As you well know it's a bad idea for all the villagers to jump on the same bandwagon, that's why we have two.

Perhaps you can find the post I backpedaled on?

But you haven't explained why you didn't stay on a bandwagon that was already established. We had two bandwagons Yoda and Moxy. Why did you decide on Nom to start another bandwagon? Why did you not choose Moxy? Explain.

You are short on explaining your own behaviors
He did. I can't find the post. I think he deleted it. Remember if Miley is who we all think he is, he has capabilities we do not. He also said that the wolves should kill Yoda to spare us. He also said he couldn't take a game of Yoda. Or do you forget that as well?

Usually the day two aggressor is a wolf trying to draw attention from himself. You got the Nom bandwagon rolling. It got out of control and now you are trying to deflect

So now that more people are here, did anyone else see the post RWS claims Miley made, and then abused his mod powers to delete against the rules?
But you haven't explained why you didn't stay on a bandwagon that was already established. We had two bandwagons Yoda and Moxy. Why did you decide on Nom to start another bandwagon? Why did you not choose Moxy? Explain.

You are short on explaining your own behaviors

I decided on Nom? Really? And I voted for him and then switched bandwagons? LOL I voted for Yoda, never switched shit wolf.
Are you planning on trying to help the village today? Or did you sign up to play the game because you wanted to perform a schtick rather than actually play? Right now you are doing nothing to help the village.

Drugs you should take.
Affect everyone OCD does not.
Permission I do not need, to read posts.