2016 Election electoral vote predictions

True. Everyone might hate Hillary, but once the debates are over, Trump will be a smoldering pile of burnt orange hair.

He'll be exposed as the 'typical' tycoon who has a long history of defaulting on his personal debt, and screwing middle class contractors.

This won't even be close.
The left loves Islam. This is bizarre, given that it's love-affair with Marxism during the Cold War was at least based upon commonalities.
My prediction is that the one who gets to 270 first wins

I also predict that if Crooked ILLary loses, she will not lose graciously. It will make 2000 look like a game of patty cake
I am tempted to update my prediction, but I am holding off until after we see some polling at the end of the week. Suffice to say that today it is closer than it was when I made my original prediction, but HRC is still winning by the narrowest of margines.
My prediction is that the one who gets to 270 first wins

I also predict that if Crooked ILLary loses, she will not lose graciously. It will make 2000 look like a game of patty cake

How do you think Trump would take losing? By all accounts he does not go down graciously.
making my prediction......Nevada is the final swing state that matters......if Trump wins Nevada he has 270......


giving Hillary Virginia, Colorado, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania.....giving Trump the rest except Nevada leaves Hillary at 268 and Trump at 264......Nevada has 6 electoral votes.....
The swing State that matters most is Florida. Come election night when Florida calls its race you can go to bed knowing who your next president will be.

What should really trouble Trump supporters is his lack of a ground game in the swing States. I would not be surprised to see Trump leading the polls in Ohio on the eve of the election but lose the State due to his lack of a ground game here.
I am tempted to update my prediction, but I am holding off until after we see some polling at the end of the week. Suffice to say that today it is closer than it was when I made my original prediction, but HRC is still winning by the narrowest of margines.
Waiting till the last minute is no prediction Jarod. Stick to your original. I didn't change my prediction after the conventions cause I thought Clinton was riding a wave. Now she's back to where she was before the convention. I still think she'll nail around 330 EV.
The swing State that matters most is Florida. Come election night when Florida calls its race you can go to bed knowing who your next president will be.

What should really trouble Trump supporters is his lack of a ground game in the swing States. I would not be surprised to see Trump leading the polls in Ohio on the eve of the election but lose the State due to his lack of a ground game here.

Dude, she's already lost Florida......if that's your best game just buy your ticket's for Trump's inaugural ball now......
Waiting till the last minute is no prediction Jarod. Stick to your original. I didn't change my prediction after the conventions cause I thought Clinton was riding a wave. Now she's back to where she was before the convention. I still think she'll nail around 330 EV.

I haven't changed it yet, I'm glad I didn't. But I won't go into Election Day with a rediculously wrong prediction.
????......538 has her twenty points down from where she was before the convention.....

Yeah.....she's gotta be reeeaaallly worried!!!!

