4 ways to change the constitution.

Much of my knowledge of it was not learned in grade school, high school, or even college, sadly. Instead, much of it was learned by my directly reading through the document itself.

Already am one.

ITN has already done so.

Correct, I have and I do.

Typically, Congress will propose an amendment to the States for ratification, but it need not be done that way. The States, collectively, own the Federal Government (Constitution). The State legislatures could simply call a constitutional convention themselves. Obviously, if that were the case, then the intent would be 'replacement' rather than 'amendment', as Congress wouldn't be involved at all.

Congress proposing an amendment to the States is the extent of their involvement. Congress is not at all involved with the actual amending of the Constitution. Instead, the States are involved with that, since they (collectively) are the owners of the Constitution.

I noticed that later and then addressed it.

If you ask repetitious questions, then you will get repetitious answers. You are complaining about something that you are directly causing.

Very good junior. You understand the amendment normally begins in congress with them normally submitting a proposed constitutional amendment to the states, if the proposed amendment language is approved by a two-thirds vote of both houses.

Then it is up to the states to ratify or reject the amendment.

Please do me a favor explain to your pal In the dark that congress is involved with the amendment process.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem?
No, I don't. I am not perfect and do make mistakes sometimes, but I didn't make one here.

What part of the Democrat clowns running will force me to vote for Trump again confused you?
None of it confused me. I agreed with your position and simply expounded it a bit for the benefit of yourself as well as other users of this forum.

I already know everything you just posted and don't need to be convinced get it?
I never said that you didn't already know that stuff. I simply expounded your position a bit for the benefit of yourself as well as other users. You are aware that this is a discussion forum, right? That means that other people might read and respond to ideas present within our exchanges. It's not a discussion solely between you and me.
Very good junior.
Splendid, Skipper...

You understand the amendment normally begins in congress with them normally submitting a proposed constitutional amendment to the states, if the proposed amendment language is approved by a two-thirds vote of both houses.
Yup, that is known as an amendment proposal process. That is normally how amendments to the Constitution are proposed. Congress is normally involved in this process, but it is not necessary for them to be.

Then it is up to the states to ratify or reject the amendment.
Yup, that is known as the ratification process. That is how amendments to the Constitution get ratified. Congress is NOT involved with this process in any way; only the States are.

Please do me a favor explain to your pal In the dark that congress is involved with the amendment process.
Wrong. Congress is NOT involved with the amendment process. (See above). They are only (normally) involved with the proposal process, as they do not have the power to amend the Constitution. Because the States are the owners of the Federal Government (Constitution), a constitutional convention need not even involve Congress at all.
No, I don't. I am not perfect and do make mistakes sometimes, but I didn't make one here.

None of it confused me. I agreed with your position and simply expounded it a bit for the benefit of yourself as well as other users of this forum.

I never said that you didn't already know that stuff. I simply expounded your position a bit for the benefit of yourself as well as other users. You are aware that this is a discussion forum, right? That means that other people might read and respond to ideas present within our exchanges. It's not a discussion solely between you and me.
No offense but the last thing I need is a snot nosed 30+ year old kid expounding on my posts.
Splendid, Skipper...

Yup, that is known as an amendment proposal process. That is normally how amendments to the Constitution are proposed. Congress is normally involved in this process, but it is not necessary for them to be.

Yup, that is known as the ratification process. That is how amendments to the Constitution get ratified. Congress is NOT involved with this process in any way; only the States are.

Wrong. Congress is NOT involved with the amendment process. (See above). They are only (normally) involved with the proposal process, as they do not have the power to amend the Constitution. Because the States are the owners of the Federal Government (Constitution), a constitutional convention need not even involve Congress at all.

Without congress creating a proposal you don't have an amendment to process unless there is a constitutional convention then congress is still involved. Words have meanings but knowing the your approximate age I'm not surprised you fail to realize that.
No offense but
Why begin in this faux sensitive sort of way? Why not skip past this faux framework and just directly make the offensive statement that you wish to make...??

the last thing I need is a snot nosed 30+ year old kid expounding on my posts.
Tough shit. You are choosing to make posts on a public discussion forum. Those posts are going to be expounded on by other forum users whether you like it or not. You have no control over me nor what I decide to post. This particular strand of the Liberal pathogen seems to be affecting you now too.
Sorry sport but I posted links from .gov sites explaining the amendment process.
A process which you apparently do not understand. What you don't get is that any time the States want to, they can utterly destroy the Constitution and ordain a replacement. No Congress necessary. Indeed, they've already done it, in order to form the Constitution we now have!
Your pal does not understand that every one of the 17 amendments after the bill rights were initiated in congress and then ratified by the states. Clearly congress has a roll in amending the constitution, which you and your pal don't seem to understand.
Congress has no authority to change the Constitution. Only the States do. All Congress can do is propose an amendment to the States.
A real conservative cares about defending the constitution,
You should try reading it, if you claim to defend it.
understands civics,
Irrelevant. Strawman fallacy.
wants smaller less intresive government and financial responsibility.
Strawman fallacy. This is about the Constitution, not about anything else.
From what I have seen your pal that you defend is definately lacking in some of those attributes.
No, you just haven't read the Constitution, nor understand where it came from, nor what form of government we had when the Constitution was created. You should study history as well.
Just who is the authorities on the constitution?
The States and only the States.
The SCOTUS interprets the constitution.
No court has the authority to interpret or change the Constitution. See Article III.
And .gov web sites concerning the constitution are accurate!
False authority fallacy. The Constitution, and ONLY the Constitution is the authoritative reference of the Constitution.
I suppose you get your knowledge of the constitution from the National Enquirer web site. Lol
No, we both actually read the thing. I have read my own State constitution as well as the constitutions of several other States. I know the history of this nation before the Constitution existed and the conditions that brought it about.
This is the part of our exchange where you begin and continue to insert insults into your posts because you can't intelligently refute what I am saying.

Without congress creating a proposal you don't have an amendment to process
Normally, but not necessarily.

unless there is a constitutional convention then congress is still involved.
Not necessarily. Congress need not be involved at all. The States could simply convene on their own and replace the Constitution (their creation) with a new one (a new creation).

You keep forgetting that the Constitution is owned by the States (collectively) and can thus only be amended by the States. Congress has no such power, thus they are not involved in the amendment process. They are only (typically) involved with proposing various amendments.

Words have meanings but knowing the your approximate age I'm not surprised you fail to realize that.
Inversion Fallacy.
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Instead of regurgitating what you learned about the constitution in grade school
False authority fallacy. Only the Constitution is the authoritative reference of the Constitution.
try being an adult and describe how it applies to the day to day running of government and the relationship between st ate and federal government.
The federal government can do NOTHING (legally) except for the powers and authorities given to it by the Constitution.
You say you read the constitution then you must know the procedures/steps taken to amend the constitution.
The States vote to ratify proposed amendments. Only the States can change the Constitution.
Now is your chance to shine. Explain the steps needed to amend the constitution.
The States vote to ratify proposed amendments. Only the States can change the Constitution.
I explaned in conservatism in post 53.
False authority fallacy. Only the Constitution is the authoritative reference of the Constitution.
You and in the dark sound like school kids repeating the same thing over and over.
Because you keep making the same mistakes over and over.

Repetitive distortions and contextomy fallacy (RDCF).
Wrong. Congress is NOT involved with the amendment process. (See above). They are only (normally) involved with the proposal process, as they do not have the power to amend the Constitution. Because the States are the owners of the Federal Government (Constitution), a constitutional convention need not even involve Congress at all.

But those actions would be unconstitutional and illegal.
Wrong dumb ass the states only accept or reject the proposed amendment.
Correct. Only the States can amend the Constitution.
Where does the amendment come from?
It can come from the States themselves or from Congress.
Does it just magically appear or does a government body write it?
it can come from the States themselves or from Congress.
You refuse to give us the steps to amend the constitution. I can only assume you believe it appears out of thin air.
We already have. Repetition question already answered (RQAA).
Just a continuation of Obama's economy. Trump did nothing to make it better or different. I suppose not fucking it up, although he tried with tariffs and isolationism, makes his clownish speech and ignorance of diplomacy acceptable to you. There is no Dem running who operates with his immaturity and stupidity.

You really are deluded.
Very good junior. You understand the amendment normally begins in congress with them normally submitting a proposed constitutional amendment to the states, if the proposed amendment language is approved by a two-thirds vote of both houses.

Then it is up to the states to ratify or reject the amendment.
Correct. Only the States can amend the Constitution.
Please do me a favor explain to your pal In the dark that congress is involved with the amendment process.
Not necessarily. Normally yes, but not necessarily.
Without congress creating a proposal you don't have an amendment to process
Sure you do. The States do not have to use Congress for anything. They can simply get together and form and ordain a constitution. That's how the present constitution came about.
unless there is a constitutional convention
This is another way.
then congress is still involved.
Only in calling for the convention.
Words have meanings
So does history, which you deny.
but knowing the your approximate age I'm not surprised you fail to realize that.
Bigotry. Bulverism fallacy. Rejecting an argument because of age or who it comes from is a fallacy.
But those actions would be unconstitutional and illegal.

No. The States formed the original constitution. They can simply form a replacement anytime they want to. They need not use Congress. They've already done it. Only the States can amend the Constitution.
This is the part of our exchange where you begin and continue to insert insults into your posts because you can't intelligently refute what I am saying.

Normally, but not necessarily.

Not necessarily. Congress need not be involved at all. The States could simply convene on their own and replace the Constitution (their creation) with a new one (a new creation).

I have tried to be reasonable but you tunnel vision on only the states own the constitution sorry junior but the preamble of the constitution says
We the People of the*United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this*Constitution*for the*United States

You notice it doesn't say states. So junior we the people own the constitution not the states.

Under this procedure, the states initiate the amending process by petitioning Congress for a*constitutional convention. When two-thirds of the states*have*submitted petitions, Congress must call a*convention. Any amendments approved by such a*convention*must be ratified by three-fourths of the states.

So again youngster the congress is involved like it or not.