60 Minutes’ retracts, apologizes for Benghazi report

I think that Jarod is exactly right. There was no malfeasance here... shit happens. I honestly don't believe that the vast majority of Americans really think that it was Obama's FAULT that four Americans were killed by crazy muslims in a crazy muslim country. But the right is desperately trying to keep this a big deal in hopes of it derailing a Clinton presidency. After a while, it starts feeling like birther nonsense all over again, and we KNOW how successful that tactic was in derailing either of Obama's campaigns.

As a lifelong liberal democrat, I am quite pleased that the right is taking this approach with Hillary... you can almost smell their fear of the inevitable.
I remember how hypocritical Democrats tried to change the subject when the slaughter in Benghazi is discussed.
. The slaughter in Benghazi is small compared to the slaughter in Iraq. Like about 1000 times more lives slaughtered in Iraq.
. The slaughter in Benghazi is small compared to the slaughter in Iraq. Like about 1000 times more lives slaughtered in Iraq.

Wouldn't that be a comfort to the families of the four dead Americans!

Tell you what, Gerud, I think you should contact them personally - in your capacity as an elected official - and point that out.
It's a good thing those four Americans actually survived, thanks to Hillarys decisive response to the attack.
Really...and what about the nearly 100 US embassy employees, including consulates, who died during the Bush administration. What have to say about those deaths?
Really...and what about the nearly 100 US embassy employees, including consulates, who died during the Bush administration. What have to say about those deaths?

Nothing. We're supposed to focus on Obama only. Anything identical that happened during the bush debacle gets a spin or a pass.
Nothing. We're supposed to focus on Obama only. Anything identical that happened during the bush debacle gets a spin or a pass.
I think that's the point. Those who are hyping Banghazi are throwing red meat to the proles in the right wing base. It's purely partisan hack politics of the most cynical kind and the vast majority of the American public already know that which is why, as much as they keep pounding it to death, the GOP can't get any traction with the story.
Start a thread about 'em and ask me there.

This one is about Benghazi.
Bullshit. Don't evade the question. This is completely relevent to Benghazi and the cynical politics that the GOP is playing with national defense. Why hasn't the GOP and right wing supporters shown the same level of concern when about 25 times as many US embassy emplloyees died under the Bush administration? Why is it an issue now and not then when far more many people died during the Bush years? Hmm?
LOL, one of you started a thread about Benghazi and now you want to talk about Bush instead...
