A church congregation cheered as Lauren Boebert said she prays for Joe Biden's demise


FBI? Hello? Bueller?

Any church preaching Politics should lose tax exemption ASAP!
Other than a few hardcore atheists on message boards, I don't see very many Democrats in real life mocking mainstream Christianity.

Cults are another matter. The Westboro Baptist Church, Joel Osteen, and Al Qaeda are scary.

Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter were all practicing Christians, whereas Donald Trumpf and Tricky Dick Nixon were essentially atheists, and Bedtime for Bonzo was at best a non-practicing Xtian who only gave lip service to religion.

If you just looked the voting pattern on paper, the Republican party would seem to be the irreligious party of atheists.

Republicans pray to the White Anglo Saxon ,pro-gun,anti-gay,capitalist ,blond blue eyed Jesus
You condemn the old testament...

I do???

Here is what I said about the Old Testament:

My guess, for what it is worth, is that a very self-serving history (of sorts) of the early Hebrew people...a relatively unsophisticated, unknowledgeable, superstitious people who had many enemies in the areas where they lived. Their enemies worshiped barbarous, vengeful, wrathful, unforgiving, demanding, murderous, petty gods. And to protect themselves from those gods, they invented an especially barbarous, vengeful, wrathful, unforgiving, demanding, murderous, petty god...and worshiped it. The story seems to be a necessary mythology. The mythology served a needed purpose at that time and I can easily understand why the ancient Hebrews felt about it the way they did.

The fact that modern theists feel the way they do about it...is disappointing and disheartening.

How do you see that as condemning it?

...but also condemn christians who reject it.

I am trying to understand why people like you want to suppose Jesus was a liar...and why you do not worship the same god he did. What makes you think I am condemning Christians who reject the god Jesus worshiped...and who think Jesus was a liar.

Whats up with that?

See above.

Thats imbecilic.

What is imbecilic is for people like you to pretend to be "Christians", but who think Jesus lied...and who think the god he worshiped is not worthy of worship.
I know you think you’re being impartial, but besides effectively gagging some of the poorer churches, how would you tax them? The pastors and the church staff already pay taxes on their small incomes. Most of the money from the offering plates goes to keeping the lights and heat on and charity work.

The only thing you would get out of that is more disdain from the religious right. More taxation without representation, and you might remember what happened with that in Boston…in 1773.
Real easy, property taxes and the clergy would pay income tax. There is no reason they should not pay taxes.
If they are the only people they are looking at is YOU and DUTCH. But they arent because they arent here. Youre lucky they arent or you two would both be in the booby hatch a long time ago.
Watermark, a poster was paid a visit by the FBI. It’s not as unlikely as you think.
Watermark, a poster was paid a visit by the FBI. It’s not as unlikely as you think.

Way before my time,...I could care less. Besides,....I know as we ALL KNOW that I have broken no laws or drawn the attention of the FBI so who gives a shit,....
Way before my time,...I could care less. Besides,....I know as we ALL KNOW that I have broken no laws or drawn the attention of the FBI so who gives a shit,....
Kind of an interesting "announcement", though...the "Watermark visit"...lol;)
That is not in this thread. It is about a crazy right-wing nut case asking for the Biden family to die and doing it in public. Do you think those are the same things?
I'm responding to her point so that makes it a part of this thread so buzz off Nutberg.
The estate tax?

Are you actually against that? You should read up on what some of our founders had to say about that one...

I could care less what the founders said. Nobody is perfect. These assholes want to tax the same dollar over and over again . Enuff is enuff.
For anyone rational: our founders were VERY wary of creating a new aristocracy via inherited wealth. We had fought a revolution specifically to get away from that kind of thing.

The estate tax is fair. Without it, we would have even more inequality than we have now. People who are against have no idea what it would do to our economics.
For anyone rational: our founders were VERY wary of creating a new aristocracy via inherited wealth. We had fought a revolution specifically to get away from that kind of thing.

The estate tax is fair. Without it, we would have even more inequality than we have now. People who are against have no idea what it would do to our economics.

Thanks. Most of us who are sane know this.
I know you think you’re being impartial, but besides effectively gagging some of the poorer churches, how would you tax them? The pastors and the church staff already pay taxes on their small incomes. Most of the money from the offering plates goes to keeping the lights and heat on and charity work.

The only thing you would get out of that is more disdain from the religious right. More taxation without representation, and you might remember what happened with that in Boston…in 1773.

If they can't pay the taxes, then they need to stick to what the Constitution allows them: freedom of religion. Stay out of politics or pay.
Real easy, property taxes and the clergy would pay income tax. There is no reason they should not pay taxes.

The clergy DOES pay income taxes, and really, how much in property taxes do you think you could get from a small rural congregation anyway? All this would do is stir up a bunch of hate and discontent against a bunch of people and leftist politicians who think separation of church and state are the end all and be all of American politics.
The clergy DOES pay income taxes, and really, how much in property taxes do you think you could get from a small rural congregation anyway? All this would do is stir up a bunch of hate and discontent against a bunch of people and leftist politicians who think separation of church and state are the end all and be all of American politics.
If you violate the law, you should lose your tax exemption, doesn’t matter if the church is rich or poor, black or white.