A church congregation cheered as Lauren Boebert said she prays for Joe Biden's demise

How many times have you threatened peoples lives here for not believing the stupid evil shit you spew here

I’m glad the FBI is on your loser ass

ZERO. Now PRODUCE the posts where you say I did or STFU! See what I mean? All you guys do is LIE.
I have told the story many times

I was like five years old and was in my prettiest little dress on a Sunday morning

The pastor told the story of Abram being told by god to murder his small son

I was so creeped out I was never able to embrace the religion

My parents didn’t keep up the church thing for long

Life was too busy

So I was correct... interesting story...https://www.nationalshrine.org/blog/why-did-god-ask-abraham-to-sacrifice-isaac/ I guess you left early that day ..;)
So the left doesnt make fun of Christians huh? Even though there are hundreds of examples of it right here on this board. You people disgust me,...all you do is lie.

Does that mean you're avoiding my question, and that you can't point out how the OP makes fun of Christians?
It's interesting to be lectured about Christianity by posters who post some of the most vile and un-Christian things here EVERY DAY.

But they probably go to church every Sunday and sing a hymn, so it's all okay.
I find it funny that so many on the left like to make fun of Christians, say they are stupid and uneducated for if they were educated they wouldnt be Christians. Yet you STILL keep voting for them. Obama and Biden for example. Unless you believe they are LYING that is. What an odd and corrupt bunch of people the left is.

Other than a few hardcore atheists on message boards, I don't see very many Democrats in real life mocking mainstream Christianity.

Cults are another matter. The Westboro Baptist Church, Joel Osteen, and Al Qaeda are scary.

Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter were all practicing Christians, whereas Donald Trumpf and Tricky Dick Nixon were essentially atheists, and Bedtime for Bonzo was at best a non-practicing Xtian who only gave lip service to religion.

If you just looked the voting pattern on paper, the Republican party would seem to be the irreligious party of atheists.

FBI? Hello? Bueller?


A church congregation cheered as Lauren Boebert said she prays for Joe Biden's demise.....

....And the Trumptards creamed their jeans! :laugh:

No, I just want them to pay their fair share, especially when they allow politicians to speak in their churches. I feel this way about all churches.

I know you think you’re being impartial, but besides effectively gagging some of the poorer churches, how would you tax them? The pastors and the church staff already pay taxes on their small incomes. Most of the money from the offering plates goes to keeping the lights and heat on and charity work.

The only thing you would get out of that is more disdain from the religious right. More taxation without representation, and you might remember what happened with that in Boston…in 1773.
They are here

They have been alerted to the violent threats right wing posters say here

If they are the only people they are looking at is YOU and DUTCH. But they arent because they arent here. Youre lucky they arent or you two would both be in the booby hatch a long time ago.