A church congregation cheered as Lauren Boebert said she prays for Joe Biden's demise

So you think Jesus was a liar.

Okay, that is allowed.

I go by this:

matthew 7:12

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

there are conflicting things in the bible.

I guess which part you give more weight is a test for you.
leviticus is old testament.

Yup, it is. And Jesus said he was not here to change any of that Old Testament law.

and i was just telling you christianity teaches the golden rules is basically all you need to know.

Nicely as possible, AssHat...you've "told me" lots of stuff that I consider bullshit.

if anything, christianity informs gayness in teaching you can't ONLY be a top.

though it is better to give than to recieve.

Funny, in a way. I've always been straight...so that particular teaching means nothing to me.
Churches became so politicized over the past few decades.

Religion shouldn't be partisan. It's embarrassing how involved some churches are in politics and secular agendas now.

It hurts their credibility, and probably turns a lot of people off to religion.

And the ones running afoul of politics to the level that they cheer political murder should have their tax status changed
Civilization won't make it unless we move past religion, anyway. I used to be fine w/ it - but it's such a dark, negative influence on the world now.

Maybe stuff like this will expose it for what it has become.

(and I'm not promoting an atheistic society - we can have a relationship w/ God without the church or religion).
I go by this:

matthew 7:12

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

there are conflicting things in the bible.

I guess which part you give more weight is a test for you.

I'm assuming you are using the universal "you" in that last sentence.

It certainly is not a test for me.

While I do not have enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a meaningful guess about the existence of gods...I certainly have enough upon which to make a guess about the Bible. Here it is:

My guess, for what it is worth, is that the Bible is a very self-serving history (of sorts) of the early Hebrew people...a relatively unsophisticated, unknowledgeable, superstitious people who had many enemies in the areas where they lived. Their enemies worshiped barbarous, vengeful, wrathful, unforgiving, demanding, murderous, petty gods. And to protect themselves from those gods, they invented an especially barbarous, vengeful, wrathful, unforgiving, demanding, murderous, petty god...and worshiped it. The story seems to be a necessary mythology. The mythology served a needed purpose at that time and I can easily understand why the ancient Hebrews felt about it the way they did.

The fact that modern theists feel the way they do about it...is disappointing and disheartening.
Yup, it is. And Jesus said he was not here to change any of that Old Testament law.

Nicely as possible, AssHat...you've "told me" lots of stuff that I consider bullshit.

Funny, in a way. I've always been straight...so that particular teaching means nothing to me.

he also said this.
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

it's what i go by.

the bibile contains conflicting things.

it's a choose your own adventure, in celebration of free will.

do you believe in free will?
Yup, it is. And Jesus said he was not here to change any of that Old Testament law.

Nicely as possible, AssHat...you've "told me" lots of stuff that I consider bullshit.

Funny, in a way. I've always been straight...so that particular teaching means nothing to me.

The Torah/Tanakh or what xtians call the old testament was the law given for Jews only
he also said this.
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

it's what i go by.

the bibile contains conflicting things.

it's a choose your own adventure, in celebration of free will.
Okay, so you think Jesus was a liar. That is, as I have indicated several times already, fine with me.

do you believe in free will?

Please ask me that question without the "believe in" bullshit.
I'm assuming you are using the universal "you" in that last sentence.

It certainly is not a test for me.

While I do not have enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a meaningful guess about the existence of gods...I certainly have enough upon which to make a guess about the Bible. Here it is:

My guess, for what it is worth, is that the Bible is a very self-serving history (of sorts) of the early Hebrew people...a relatively unsophisticated, unknowledgeable, superstitious people who had many enemies in the areas where they lived. Their enemies worshiped barbarous, vengeful, wrathful, unforgiving, demanding, murderous, petty gods. And to protect themselves from those gods, they invented an especially barbarous, vengeful, wrathful, unforgiving, demanding, murderous, petty god...and worshiped it. The story seems to be a necessary mythology. The mythology served a needed purpose at that time and I can easily understand why the ancient Hebrews felt about it the way they did.

The fact that modern theists feel the way they do about it...is disappointing and disheartening.


and jesus said all that was fucked up.

he was primarily a rebel.
Okay, so you think Jesus was a liar. That is, as I have indicated several times already, fine with me.

Please ask me that question without the "believe in" bullshit.


you're oversimplifying.

he's quoted as saying two different things.

quit insisting upon your own misreadings.

do you think human free will exists?

is that ok, mr. word games?

OKAY! You finally answered a question succinctly. Now...if only I could figure out what question you were answering.

and jesus said all that was fucked up.

Jesus said what was all fucked up? And (I almost fear to ask this)...where did he say it?

he was primarily a rebel.

He was. My kinda guy. I admire him about as much as anyone in history or fiction. (Well, maybe with the exception of Toranaga sama.)

Another specific answer. But once again...what the hell was the question?

you're oversimplifying.

No, I am not.

he's quoted as saying two different things.

quit insisting upon your own misreadings.

What do you think I am misreading?

I don't think I am misreading anything here.

do you think human free will exists?

is that ok, mr. word games?

I am pretty sure free will exists...although I do understand the philosophical questions that cause some to say it may not.

I honestly feel I am exercising my personal free will to have this discussion with you, AssHat. But I could, if I wanted (I do not) argue against it.
OKAY! You finally answered a question succinctly. Now...if only I could figure out what question you were answering.

Jesus said what was all fucked up? And (I almost fear to ask this)...where did he say it?

He was. My kinda guy. I admire him about as much as anyone in history or fiction. (Well, maybe with the exception of Toranaga sama.)

I was crystal clear and concise in all meanings previously.

I shan't play in your games of dissembly and feigned retardations.

Another specific answer. But once again...what the hell was the question?

No, I am not.

What do you think I am misreading?

I don't think I am misreading anything here.

I am pretty sure free will exists...although I do understand the philosophical questions that cause some to say it may not.

I honestly feel I am exercising my personal free will to have this discussion with you, AssHat. But I could, if I wanted (I do not) argue against it.

yes. you consider yourself quite the sophist.

Sounds about right for a church where Boebert would be allowed to speak. It’s past time to tax these institutions.

Tax is good, but demolish is better.

At least we're not like the Reichtards who bomb churches while children are still in them.
Of course, doing that, they never has a shot at my kids.
The understanding was churches would not be taxed, in turn, they would not do politics. It is churches that broke the deal. Now tax them.