A church congregation cheered as Lauren Boebert said she prays for Joe Biden's demise

I find it funny that so many on the left like to make fun of Christians, say they are stupid and uneducated for if they were educated they wouldnt be Christians. Yet you STILL keep voting for them. Obama and Biden for example. Unless you believe they are LYING that is. What an odd and corrupt bunch of people the left is.
The understanding was churches would not be taxed, in turn, they would not do politics. It is churches that broke the deal. Now tax them.


Seems churches fail to understand that this is the deal. They won't have to worry about the government trying to establish or disestablish their church if they don't attempt to leverage their churches to do politics.
I find it funny that so many on the left like to make fun of Christians, say they are stupid and uneducated for if they were educated they wouldnt be Christians. Yet you STILL keep voting for them. Obama and Biden for example. Unless you believe they are LYING that is. What an odd and corrupt bunch of people the left is.

I think you misunderstand the Left in an extreme way. A lot of folks on the Left actually like the concepts behind Christianity. It's usually the "Evangelicals" that take things to ridiculous extremes and garner the opprobrium of folks. It's not Christianity per se.

And remember: it's the cross-over voters who fancy themselves religious who DEMAND that the ONLY WAY they will vote for someone is if they see them going into a standard Christian church. Atheists and non-Christians need not really apply. So most politicians do the Christian Two Step. Even Trump who clearly has no understanding whatsoever of Christianity bamboozled the Values Voters into supporting him while he systematically violated every mode of decency they hold dear.
I find it funny that so many on the left like to make fun of Christians, say they are stupid and uneducated for if they were educated they wouldnt be Christians. Yet you STILL keep voting for them. Obama and Biden for example. Unless you believe they are LYING that is. What an odd and corrupt bunch of people the left is.

Many on the left do not make fun of Xtians? Do you just make shit up? Biden a practicing lifetime Catholic. Obama is a Christian. Trump is the last atheist president we have had for a long time. He never attended the church he claimed membership of. He could not read the Bible in a speech at Liberty asylum. He is not a Christian. How utterly dishonest the right is.
Fox and other right wing propaganda providers make up those lies for stupid people to believe and mouth
I find it funny that so many on the left like to make fun of Christians, say they are stupid and uneducated for if they were educated they wouldnt be Christians. Yet you STILL keep voting for them. Obama and Biden for example. Unless you believe they are LYING that is. What an odd and corrupt bunch of people the left is.

How is the OP "making fun" of Christians?

Does praying for someone to die reflect Christianity in your view?
Has there been one righty on this thread yet that condemned or at least criticized this depraved action?

I don't think I've seen it. Just a lot of excuses, whataboutism and deflecting.

This is low-hanging fruit. Really, conservatives - you don't have to defend every single thing a Republican says or does.
So the left doesnt make fun of Christians huh? Even though there are hundreds of examples of it right here on this board. You people disgust me,...all you do is lie.
The understanding was churches would not be taxed, in turn, they would not do politics. It is churches that broke the deal. Now tax them.

no.....the understanding was, the colonists had fled England to flee the nationist church (Church of England) and wanted to make sure their new government could ever do the same.......
But did you grow up in a Christian household? Most atheists here did...

I have told the story many times

I was like five years old and was in my prettiest little dress on a Sunday morning

The pastor told the story of Abraham being told by god to murder his small son

I was so creeped out I was never able to embrace the religion

My parents didn’t keep up the church thing for long

Life was too busy
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Yup, it is. And Jesus said he was not here to change any of that Old Testament law.

not accurate.....there are several types of law in Leviticus......he affirmed the Ten Commandments....however he did specifically change the laws regarding temple sacrifices..............
So the left doesnt make fun of Christians huh? Even though there are hundreds of examples of it right here on this board. You people disgust me,...all you do is lie.

How many times have you threatened peoples lives here for not believing the stupid evil shit you spew here

I’m glad the FBI is on your loser ass
I have told the story many times

I was like five years old and was in my prettiest little dress on a Sunday morning

The pastor told the story of Abram being told by god to murder his small son

I was so creeped out I was never able to embrace the religion

My parents didn’t keep up the church thing for long

Life was too busy

Abram???????? Wow Desh,...just wow. :palm: