A church congregation cheered as Lauren Boebert said she prays for Joe Biden's demise

So? You cunts cheered the death of what you called a maga family. The last thing anyone needs is a lesson in morals from a leftist piece of dog shit like you or any jpp retarded donkey fucking asshole.

Lol, you are such an embarrassing mess.
tell me about god.

I'm open to fielding your notions.

Absolutely not. Piles of shit like you, on the internet no less, deserve no theological consideration. Your rabid hatred for everything unlike you is as much as any of us needs to know about your religion.
Me neither. I suspect none of us do.

I think that's probably spot on. I'm a spiritual person, but the world's religions are corrupt, misguided, and jealous. I have no use for them, although I lived for 20 years as a Catholic. I note with great regret that every single person on JPP who preaches about god is a hateful, judgmental person. I think it's best for us to try to be our best selves. I don't know if that will make some god happy, but it tends to brighten the days of others. I'm into it for that.

but the christian teaching is that jesus negated the necessity of the old law.

real observant jews became christian.

sorry to tell you this.
Your grade would be F minus in a college level comparative religion class.

The Jews that existed in Jesus' day don't exist anymore.

There are no Sadducees, Essenes, priestly cults.

The sacrificial cult of the Temple was replaced by Rabbinic Judaism, which supplanted the ancient rituals with a more modern community-based religion based on prayer, social justice, and worship in the synagogue.


FBI? Hello? Bueller?

Absolutely not. Piles of shit like you, on the internet no less, deserve no theological consideration. Your rabid hatred for everything unlike you is as much as any of us needs to know about your religion.

oh i see. you are ruled by your anger.

that's the dark side.
Your grade would be F minus in a college level comparative religion class.

The Jews that existed in Jesus' day don't exist anymore.

There are no Sadducees, Essenes, priestly cults.

The sacrificial cult of the Temple was replaced by Rabbinic Judaism, which supplanted the ancient rituals with a more modern community-based religion based on prayer, social justice, and worship in the synagogue.

but yet, jews still plan to resume animal sacrifice in the temple.


but the christian teaching is that jesus negated the necessity of the old law.

real observant jews became christian.

sorry to tell you this.

Yeah. Christians did that because of what Jesus is quoted as saying in Matthew 5:17ff.

Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come, not abolish them, but to fulfill them. Of this much I assure you: UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, NOT THE SMALLEST LETTER OF THE LAW, NOT THE SMALLEST PART OF A LETTER, SHALL BE DONE AWAY WITH UNTIL IT ALL COME TRUE.

It was either negate the law...or call Jesus a liar. They chose the former...which actually meant choosing the latter also.
Yeah. Christians did that because of what Jesus is quoted as saying in Matthew 5:17ff.

Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come, not abolish them, but to fulfill them. Of this much I assure you: UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, NOT THE SMALLEST LETTER OF THE LAW, NOT THE SMALLEST PART OF A LETTER, SHALL BE DONE AWAY WITH UNTIL IT ALL COME TRUE.

It was either negate the law...or call Jesus a liar. They chose the former...which actually meant choosing the latter also.


the two religions read that differently.
I love when you people are too retarded to address the issue. Being morally admonished by a leftist is like banker robber admonishing a pick pocket. Fucking retard

Even if that's true (it's not), it doesn't change the fact that you are a shit person.