Verified User
It's called a corrupt DOJ halfwit. Hillary used a private unsecured server to conduct the people's business; that's a FACT and a CRIME halfwit. She destroyed evidence while under investigation; that's a FACT and a CRIME halfwit.
Now back to your mom's basement and your video games halfwit.
So why is Trump so stupid that he appointed corrupt people to run his DOJ?
Explain that halfwit?
Republicans have as much control over who is in the DOJ and FBI leadership and the troops below them when they have power. So explain why Barr and all other Republican admins are just so painfully stupid that the Dems can check mate them so easily with control of everything.
You understand you are making the argument that Dems are just so smarter, right? Even with a halfwit brain you realize that is inherent in what you said, right?