Verified User
How can you think that made sense? The Reds had all the power. Hillary was asked to provide paperwork. She did not demand a summons. She provided everything they asked. They asked her to testify. She did not go to court. She did not delay via courts like Daffy did. She testified UNDER OATH for 11 hours.
Trump did the opposite and fought like a man caught orange-handed. And YOU think she is guilty and Trumpp is innocent. It always distills down to people like you. You believe what you want, screw the facts.
smarterthanYou would reply that democrats are so incredibly smart, that Republicans just cannot catch them, even when they control the AG/DOJ, the Courts, and the FBI. that Bill Barr is so corrupt and makes sure the Dem's escape justice.
His logic (or lack thereof) is just bizarre. Going back to Bill Clinton, with Ken Starr and Brett Kavanaugh trying for going on 5 years to get him, and then settling on a consensual BJ, the Dem's have just been outsmarting Republicans. And that is why you see so many Republican admin officials easily put in jail, in mass numbers, because again, they are innocent but the Dem's are just that good.