A little reminder for Trump supporters.

How can you think that made sense? The Reds had all the power. Hillary was asked to provide paperwork. She did not demand a summons. She provided everything they asked. They asked her to testify. She did not go to court. She did not delay via courts like Daffy did. She testified UNDER OATH for 11 hours.
Trump did the opposite and fought like a man caught orange-handed. And YOU think she is guilty and Trumpp is innocent. It always distills down to people like you. You believe what you want, screw the facts.

smarterthanYou would reply that democrats are so incredibly smart, that Republicans just cannot catch them, even when they control the AG/DOJ, the Courts, and the FBI. that Bill Barr is so corrupt and makes sure the Dem's escape justice.

His logic (or lack thereof) is just bizarre. Going back to Bill Clinton, with Ken Starr and Brett Kavanaugh trying for going on 5 years to get him, and then settling on a consensual BJ, the Dem's have just been outsmarting Republicans. And that is why you see so many Republican admin officials easily put in jail, in mass numbers, because again, they are innocent but the Dem's are just that good.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Thank you. I have no love for Hillary ... never voted for her as Senator or President. But facts are facts.

Trump derps have to accept the FACTS.

If the Dems are doing all this criminality in their Presidencies and in Elections and then when a POTUS like Trump takes over and his AG Barr go after them and numerous lawyers pushing election cases and they lose EVERY SINGLE court case and get no prosecution then they must either admit Democrats and their voters are just so much smarter they cannot be caught or Republicans and their voters are just so stupid they cannot catch them.

Because you can see above how EASY it is catch and convict Republican criminals.

So which is it Trump derps? Are Dems just so smart? Or are Trump derps just that stupid?

:laugh: Classic!
This from a brain dead halfwit who buys all the bullshit he is fed by Joe Biden, the Democratic Party of the Lying Jackass and Phony media.

You give new meaning to the word moron.

A lot of bluster and babbling from one of our resident right wing trolls, because he cannot logically or factually refute or dispute Reich's list. Typical. These MAGA mooks seem to love being doormats for the Orange Oaf and his contingency of crooks. Pathetic, but not unexpected.
Just because the DOJ is corrupt doesn't mean Hillary isn't a criminal. She violated Federal laws by using an unsecured server to conduct the people's business halfwit. Then she destroyed evidence while under investigation.

Stupid liars defines the liberal left.

Does your assessment include Barr's reign? Oh, and no matter how much you repeat it, your boys had the power, ran up and down the country, wasted the taxpayers money and couldn't prove their case in court. But like a whiny little MAGA troll bitch, you'll keep parroting the SOS. Pathetic.
It's called a corrupt DOJ halfwit. Hillary used a private unsecured server to conduct the people's business; that's a FACT and a CRIME halfwit. She destroyed evidence while under investigation; that's a FACT and a CRIME halfwit.

Now back to your mom's basement and your video games halfwit.

Ahh, so Barr is corrupt? The Trump appointees to the DOJ were all corrupt? Oh, and FYI https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...dling-of-classified-information-idUSKBN1WY00F

What's truly comical is how such a proud willfully ignorant MAGA troll like YOU, TD....decided to try and disprove the OP by NOT directly addressing one item from it. Hell, you'll review history to the Reagan years rather than just admit you can't refute the OP....just like your orange god, you stick with the lie until you die. Works for me....Carry on!
You're like a delusional, dishonest, lying leftist on steroids. You seem proud of your Biden vote. An indication of mental illness. :palm:

Oh look, the little MAGA bitch troll is coming to the rescue of his equally intellectually impotent brethren......neither can disprove or refute the OP, but they do bluster and fume nicely. Carry on.
You are the one who said the DOJ was corrupt you dunce. Read your own posts.

So now you are saying Trumps DOJ was not corrupt? So then why could they not get any convictions against Obama, Hillary or Biden?

Is it just incompetence? That Republicans, even top ones are just that much more stupid than Dem's that Dems always check mate them? That even when Trump is saying Dem's will steal the election in 2015, the Republicans can do NOTHING about it in 2016, 2018, and 2020 and 2022 and again in 2024?

I applaud your stamina in dealing with our resident MAGA bitch troll. Fact and logic vs. parroted propaganda and mental myopia. Good luck.
what difference does it make who we nominate to replace Biden.......you folks will lie about her no matter who she is.........at least we know with Trump that none of your lies ever worked.....

WTF are you babbling about now? Can you disprove just one item in the OP or not? And don't lie here about your slavering for your orange god to run again.
How can you think that made sense? The Reds had all the power. Hillary was asked to provide paperwork. She did not demand a summons. She provided everything they asked. They asked her to testify. She did not go to court. She did not delay via courts like Daffy did. She testified UNDER OATH for 11 hours.
Trump did the opposite and fought like a man caught orange-handed. And YOU think she is guilty and Trumpp is innocent. It always distills down to people like you. You believe what you want, screw the facts.

why do you think i'm talking about trump? TDS raging lately? If YOU are too fucking stupid to figure out the truth and need to have things spoon fed to you by government, then do us all a favor and NEVER sit on a jury, or in ANY position that you could pass judgement on others.
WTF are you babbling about now? Can you disprove just one item in the OP or not? And don't lie here about your slavering for your orange god to run again.

everything you've ever posted has been disproved......the chronology of the board proves it........you're just a clown that everyone laughs at.....
why do you think i'm talking about trump? TDS raging lately? If YOU are too fucking stupid to figure out the truth and need to have things spoon fed to you by government, then do us all a favor and NEVER sit on a jury, or in ANY position that you could pass judgement on others.

Trump is toast. Polling today showed him 4 points ahead of Desanctimonious. His huge lead is gone. Those are just the facts.Try and deal with the subject matter. Insults do not make your posts better. They are quite juvenile.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Off topic.....can you refute or disprove the OP with any facts?

you don't like facts, nor do you want to understand them. you need government to tell you what to believe.

translation: another intellectually dishonest & impotent MAGA troll who can't refute or disprove the OP with any facts and just blows smoke.

You're not a rebel, you're just a cowardly armchair MAGA mook who pissed his pants on Jan. 6th and threw his Oather/Threeper ideology under the bus.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
WTF are you babbling about now? Can you disprove just one item in the OP or not? And don't lie here about your slavering for your orange god to run again.

everything you've ever posted has been disproved......the chronology of the board proves it........you're just a clown that everyone laughs at.....

So the answer is no, you can't. Carry on.
Originally Posted by Nordberg View Post
You need Tucker to get your orders.

pfffft, leftist attack tactic 12......accuse everyone who debunked your argument as a believer in propaganda.........

I don't watch tucker, moron. i'm not a trump supporter, moron. I'm not alt right, moron.

WTF did YOU "debunk", ya cowardly hump? What post has your brain dead brethren factually "debunking" any one item in the OP. PUT UP OR SHUT UP!

And for YEARS you bull horned all the right wing wonk rhetoric AND defended EVERYTHING the Orange Oaf belched forth. You proudly displayed your Oather/Threeper icon and would make all types of "just you wait" threats against anyone who bested you in a debate.

Then Jan. 6th happened. And like the little bitch that you are, you disappeared for a few weeks, only to return with a new icon and throwing your former ideology under the bus. Yet in just a few weeks, you went back to the usual rhetoric and defense of what is now called "MAGA" and "the alt right".

Isn't that why you're having a hissy troll fit over the OP? Or are you THAT dumb that you think denial of ALL the crap you've posted can be ignored?


Carry on, clown.