A little reminder for Trump supporters.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So the answer is no, you can't. Carry on.

the answer is the same as always......you're a joke......I like to make fun of you......so I read your posts.......but I can't honestly remember you posting anything that wasn't stupid......its your thing........live with it......

And as the reader can clearly see, our resident MAGA mook was asked point blank could he logically or factually refute or disprove ONE item from the OP.

He can't....but that doesn't stop him from blathering the usual right wing wonk dodges and detour attacks on a thread's author. Like his idiot brethren, he thinks no one will notice his failure. How predictable. Let's watch him repeat the SOS as he's done throughout this thread.
So then what do you think it is?

Is it just Trump, Barr and all the Republicans are just so stupid they cannot indict or convict her or the crimes they allege? Because it is certainly no shortage of investigations.

And it is not like it is hard to indict or convict obvious criminals. I mean look at this...


Examining it I think, if we accept what you are saying, and I might be willing to, we then have to accept how abjectly stupid and useless republicans and their supporters are, right?

Either that or you just posted the greatest boost to the alt-media possible.
A lot of bluster and babbling from one of our resident right wing trolls, because he cannot logically or factually refute or dispute Reich's list. Typical. These MAGA mooks seem to love being doormats for the Orange Oaf and his contingency of crooks. Pathetic, but not unexpected.

Projection. :palm:
Does your assessment include Barr's reign? Oh, and no matter how much you repeat it, your boys had the power, ran up and down the country, wasted the taxpayers money and couldn't prove their case in court. But like a whiny little MAGA troll bitch, you'll keep parroting the SOS. Pathetic.

Your dipshits spent two years on the Mueller HOAX and two impeachments HOAXs dumbass. It's ironic when the "BUT TRUMP" crowd whine about wasting money while supporting the biggest spendthrift party on the planet.
Ahh, so Barr is corrupt? The Trump appointees to the DOJ were all corrupt? Oh, and FYI https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...dling-of-classified-information-idUSKBN1WY00F

No, Garland is corrupt along with his like minded minions in the FBI. Your link is a laughable pile of bullshit that ignores the facts and real evidence.

Hillary admitted she used the unsecured server to conduct her business. That is a violation snowflake. She destroyed e-mails when told to preserve the evidence. That is a felony. Those are facts.

But what would a Biden supporter who defends the corrupt rot in the DNC and media know about facts.

What's truly comical is how such a proud willfully ignorant MAGA troll like YOU, TD....decided to try and disprove the OP by NOT directly addressing one item from it. Hell, you'll review history to the Reagan years rather than just admit you can't refute the OP....just like your orange god, you stick with the lie until you die. Works for me....Carry on!

One does not attempt to refute pure bullshit snowflake, one points at the bullshit and laughs. You're not very smart nor do you have much self-awareness. :palm:
No, Garland is corrupt along with his like minded minions in the FBI. Your link is a laughable pile of bullshit that ignores the facts and real evidence.

Hillary admitted she used the unsecured server to conduct her business. That is a violation snowflake. She destroyed e-mails when told to preserve the evidence. That is a felony. Those are facts.

But what would a Biden supporter who defends the corrupt rot in the DNC and media know about facts.

One does not attempt to refute pure bullshit snowflake, one points at the bullshit and laughs. You're not very smart nor do you have much self-awareness. :palm:

Did you forget that any number of trump people used unsecured servers, and yup they also deleted thousands of texts and emails. My how easily you pretend the Trump appointees and family were pure innocence.
Did you forget that any number of trump people used unsecured servers,

Link to that bullshit halfwit. The "they did it too" excuse is hardly a defense haflwit.

and yup they also deleted thousands of texts and emails.

LINK halfwit, LINK!

My how easily you pretend the Trump appointees and family were pure innocence.

My, how easily you illustrate what a dumb lying half-witted dumbfuck you are. :palm:
Link to that bullshit halfwit. The "they did it too" excuse is hardly a defense haflwit.

LINK halfwit, LINK!

My, how easily you illustrate what a dumb lying half-witted dumbfuck you are. :palm:

My dear if you are not aware of this, you would qualify as the stupidest bitch on the planet.