Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Ahh, so Barr is corrupt? The Trump appointees to the DOJ were all corrupt? Oh, and FYI
No, Garland is corrupt along with his like minded minions in the FBI. Your link is a laughable pile of bullshit that ignores the facts and real evidence.
Hillary admitted she used the unsecured server to conduct her business. That is a violation snowflake. She destroyed e-mails when told to preserve the evidence. That is a felony. Those are facts.
But what would a Biden supporter who defends the corrupt rot in the DNC and media know about facts.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
What's truly comical is how such a proud willfully ignorant MAGA troll like YOU, TD....decided to try and disprove the OP by NOT directly addressing one item from it. Hell, you'll review history to the Reagan years rather than just admit you can't refute the OP....just like your orange god, you stick with the lie until you die. Works for me....Carry on!
One does not attempt to refute pure bullshit snowflake, one points at the bullshit and laughs. You're not very smart nor do you have much self-awareness.