A pastor of a Texas megachurch who was Trump’s spiritual advisor confessed to “inappropriate sexual behavior” with a 12 year old. |

Yep, Trump's spiritual adviser. Trump likes them young too.
That's not what the article said, it was just one pastor at a church... Now, if you want to make that comparison, how many Priests in Biden's church were diddling young kids? We know you will try to hypocrite your way out of it, but this one is not the pool you want to wade in, the little kiddies have piddled it and the water is yellow.
I dont care if Trump touched a pussy without asking permission first, I would care if the woman did not like it and/or if he did not stop when she said so.

I mean really....most men have done it.
That's not what the article said, it was just one pastor at a church... Now, if you want to make that comparison, how many Priests in Biden's church were diddling young kids? We know you will try to hypocrite your way out of it, but this one is not the pool you want to wade in, the little kiddies have piddled it and the water is yellow.
OH....so even that was a lie....

According to a report from the Daily Beast, the pastor of Texas megachurch who was appointed to Donald Trump's "spiritual advisory" group in 2016, has admitted that he fondled a 12-year-old when he was 20 and was staying with her family in 1982.

Speaking with Wartberg Watch, she claimed, "She thought nothing of visiting a family friend in their bedroom. He told her to lie down on her back and touched her stomach. He told her to close her eyes. Then he touched her breasts and felt under her panties. He warned her: Never tell anyone about this because it will ruin everything."

Heads would explode if they knew about how fathers used to buy lots of copies say Playboy or Penthouse with their daughters in it....take a few to the barbershop and brag.

It was a different time...a much more fun time.....much more celebratory of the appeal of the females to the males.

The WOKE Death Cult will have none of that.
Oh we know this will not affect trump running. The magas defend all that he does. Associating with pedophiles, 34 felonies and rape. Like he said he could shoot someone on 5th ave and not lose support. You are just that morally depraved.

As a Trumper, you probably shouldn’t go anywhere near sexual accusations. Your boy has already been found, in court, of committing sexual assault. He admitted to intentionally walking in to minor girls’ dressing rooms. The many pretty fucking marginal photos with his own daughter. A self admitted pussy grabber.

Sexual assault is okay in your book? Saying you want to fuck your daughter? Cheating on your wife while she is a home with a newborn and paying off whores? Jesus christ

Except a judge and jury found him liable for sexual assault. Wanting to fuck your daughter is incest and disgusting. I don't care how attractive said person is, that is a sickness of the mind. Cheating and grabbing pussy while married shows he is a disgusting immoral fuck.

Biden is a texan trump spiritual advisor? No
Joe Biden IS a fucking pedo. Trump is not. You've been telling a lot of lies in this thread.


In the standards of the day (pre Prude) that was fine....it had been going on for generations....females did not do that sort of thing if they had a hitch in their giddiup about their bodies.
It has never been fine for grown men to invade the privacy of a minor girls’ dressing room. Perhaps in your world, but not the one of any person with a sense of decency.
Funny how the Right can't remember that and want everyone to just pass this particular story by. Sounds like...what's that h-word? Hyp...Hyp...HYPOCRISY!
The guy YOU SUPPORT took inappropriate shows with his daughter and you ignore that. You have lost forever the right to use the Hyp...Hyp...HYPOCRISY word.