A pastor of a Texas megachurch who was Trump’s spiritual advisor confessed to “inappropriate sexual behavior” with a 12 year old. |

Basically, if you believe that because a pastor in a church (one of many and not the one that was part of Trump's "religious leaders") somehow makes Trump guilty of the same, then you must believe that because Biden remains Catholic and their priests are known to have done this, that must mean that Biden assumes that same guilt. Or....


We can stop being hypocritical jackwipes and pretending that somehow this is "different" if someone in a church that is somewhat associated with Trump is bad so goes Trump. Or, conversely, that because some Priests in the church that Biden is actually a member of did bad things so goes Biden....
Biden sent the FBI to get the DIARY back. It is real just like Hunter's laptop. Biden's own daughter said it happened and said it was inappropriate.
I don't know the details involved. How old was she? I know when my little ones were super tiny we would sometimes shower with them just to help get things done. That doesn't mean anything inappropriate happened. Now, I do think at a certain age that a young girl should not be bathing with her father. Again, bring it to court. let's find out what happened. I guarantee you that if true the dems will drop him in a heart beat and not support such things.
Basically, if you believe that because a pastor in a church (one of many and not the one that was part of Trump's "religious leaders") somehow makes Trump guilty of the same, then you must believe that because Biden remains Catholic and their priests are known to have done this, that must mean that Biden assumes that same guilt. Or....


We can stop being hypocritical jackwipes and pretending that somehow this is "different" if someone in a church that is somewhat associated with Trump is bad so goes Trump. Or, conversely, that because some Priests in the church that Biden is actually a member of did bad things so goes Biden....
Where did we say that trump molested a child? Oh we didn't. he pointed out the fact of the type of people he surrounds himself with. Seems you don't like it either. Good for you!

We could point fingers at Biden and his church for their sexual abuse but honestly I don't see him ever talk about spiritual advisors and such. The best thing he could do is leave the catholic church to be honest. Religion is all hog wash anyways.
Where did we say that trump molested a child? Oh we didn't. he pointed out the fact of the type of people he surrounds himself with. Seems you don't like it either. Good for you!

We could point fingers at Biden and his church for their sexual abuse but honestly I don't see him ever talk about spiritual advisors and such. The best thing he could do is leave the catholic church to be honest. Religion is all hog wash anyways.
No...the claim was that one particular person that Trump has connected with, has considered an spiritual advisor....has recently admitted to some past sins.

How much of this is true, how much is anti Trump narrative construction (AKA FICTION), IDK.
Where did we say that trump molested a child? Oh we didn't. he pointed out the fact of the type of people he surrounds himself with. Seems you don't like it either. Good for you!

We could point fingers at Biden and his church for their sexual abuse but honestly I don't see him ever talk about spiritual advisors and such. The best thing he could do is leave the catholic church to be honest. Religion is all hog wash anyways.
I didn't say you said that, you cannot stop using the stupid strawman arguments.

I said, you are hypocritically saying that others are "defending" it, while deliberately ignoring the same thing from those wearing your own jersey...

Stop it, do better. Quit being such a jackwipe and pretending anything said in this thread "defended" that pastor, and conversely others should not assume you are "defending" those priests...

This isn't difficult. Stop the strawman crap. Nobody has "defended" that pastor.
I dont think he ever sexually assaulted anyone, he is a sticker for consent.

I am fine with him bragging about his daughter being sexually attractive...he was taking credit for it....genetics and who he picked as the mother...fine.

Cheating on his wife was between him and his wife...none of my business.
^ "I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful - I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

Go ahead, Hawkeye. Do this and report back to us. Grab a random beautiful woman at the grocery story and kiss her. Without asking. She can have you arrested for sexual assault.
That's not what the article said, it was just one pastor at a church... Now, if you want to make that comparison, how many Priests in Biden's church were diddling young kids? We know you will try to hypocrite your way out of it, but this one is not the pool you want to wade in, the little kiddies have piddled it and the water is yellow.
^ None. Prove me wrong.
That Biden....who has spent is whole life pushing the Victim Culture Cults agenda certainly for profit because he is a corrupt son of a bitch....has never in my memory condemned the long and deep sexual violence of the Catholic Church....is something to notice.

I mean I have not launched an investigation, but I dont recall ever seeing it.