APP - A presidential funeral...


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Teddy Kennedy got a better funeral than Reagan or Ford...

What gives? I know he was a hero and all, but it was really an awsome funeral... I guess the Kennedy's have had a lot of practice... but the outpouring of love and support for this man was great, and unexpected my me!
Some of us are more equal than others

It appears that it depends on how much you are loved/respected by those who know you. Crowds stoped the funeral procession in the streets of Boston to show there respect. A huge crowd appeared on the steps of the Capital. Senators, Congressmen, past-presidents, vice-presidents and the president paid respect and lined up to speak about what a great man he was!
Apparently I've been trying too hard. If I continue on trying to be a decent and honorable man, no one may even notice when I die.

But if I live down to Teddy's level, then when I die, I will be a fucking hero, with national processions, flowers aplenty, and beautiful girls weeping...
Apparently I've been trying too hard. If I continue on trying to be a decent and honorable man, no one may even notice when I die.

But if I live down to Teddy's level, then when I die, I will be a fucking hero, with national processions, flowers aplenty, and beautiful girls weeping...

No, what you need to do is admit you are not perfect yet try to have a posative effect on the world anyway. If you accomplish as much as Kennedy did for the common man.. YOu may be remembered as fondly.
How is it that I suspect that Michael Jackson's funeral will be even better attended with even more famous people making flowering speeches?...
How is it that I suspect that Michael Jackson's funeral will be even better attended with even more famous people making flowering speeches?...

MJ's funeral already happened, I did not hear of any former presidents attending. The president did not attend. The VP did not attend. Not even one very Conservative Republican was on television crying.
MJ's funeral already happened, I did not hear of any former presidents attending. The president did not attend. The VP did not attend. Not even one very Conservative Republican was on television crying.

Don't you have to have a burial, cremation or some other type of body disposal for a funeral to have occurred?

They did put a coffin on a stage and said some nice things about him but he's still hanging about on a shelf somewhere rather than in the ground.
MJ's funeral already happened, I did not hear of any former presidents attending. The president did not attend. The VP did not attend. Not even one very Conservative Republican was on television crying.
No, it didn't. A memorial is not a funeral.

Today he'll be buried. I suspect there will be more flowery speeches...

MJ's funeral is so large it couldn't even be contained in a day! That must mean he is a better leader than all the Presidents combined since Lincoln! Even Churchill didn't get weeks of activity around his corpse... MJ is a better leader than all leaders of nations because people made speeches at his funeral.
Don't you have to have a burial, cremation or some other type of body disposal for a funeral to have occurred?

They did put a coffin on a stage and said some nice things about him but he's still hanging about on a shelf somewhere rather than in the ground.

I guess I thought it was a funeral without a burial. Ive attended several such funerals. Especally in the north where the ground is too frozen to dig a hole in the winter. The interrment, is held seperatly and is often just a few family members.
No, it didn't. A memorial is not a funeral.

Today he'll be buried. I suspect there will be more flowery speeches...

MJ's funeral is so large it couldn't even be contained in a day, that must mean he is a better leader than all the Presidents combined... Even Churchill didn't get weeks of activity around his corpse... MJ is a better leader than all leaders of nations because people made speeches at his funeral.

A funeral's size is not a measure of the person.
My father was not burried at the time of his funeral.

Several months later my sisters, his wife and I spread his ashes in the water a mile or so from his favorate beach.
I think were all forgetting the salient point that Ted Kennedy could not, and i repeat, could not moonwalk.