APP - A presidential funeral...

A funeral's size is not a measure of the person.

Oh really? Would the exception be the caliber of people in the crowd who attend as the determining factor of the measure of the person considering your statement below?

The difference between Kennedy and Jackson are vast when it comes to politics, but not so vast when it comes to money and how it buys silence and other luxuries most can't begin to fathom.

"It appears that it depends on how much you are loved/respected by those who know you. Crowds stoped the funeral procession in the streets of Boston to show there respect. A huge crowd appeared on the steps of the Capital. Senators, Congressmen, past-presidents, vice-presidents and the president paid respect and lined up to speak about what a great man he was!"
Why? Were you reading something into it that I did not say?

"Teddy Kennedy got a better funeral than Reagan or Ford..."

"It appears that it depends on how much you are loved/respected by those who know you. Crowds stoped the funeral procession in the streets of Boston to show there respect. A huge crowd appeared on the steps of the Capital. Senators, Congressmen, past-presidents, vice-presidents and the president paid respect and lined up to speak about what a great man he was!"

"A funeral's size is not a measure of the person."

Lets see... you start out by saying that Kennedy's funeral was somehow better than Reagan's and Ford's, followed that by gizzing over the 'huge crowd', rambled on about how other politicians attended and paid respect, gizzed again at how great a man Kennedy was.... then stated "a funeral's size is not a measure of the person"....

So no... I did not read anything into what you stated.
Teddy Kennedy got a better funeral than Reagan or Ford...

What gives? I know he was a hero and all, but it was really an awsome funeral... I guess the Kennedy's have had a lot of practice... but the outpouring of love and support for this man was great, and unexpected my me!

"About 4,000 people gathered at the cathedral for the service, including President and Mrs. Bush, former president George H. W. and Barbara Bush, Gerald and Betty Ford, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, and Bill and Hillary Clinton. Members of Congress and past and present governors were also present.[33]

Foreign dignitaries attended as well, coming from 165 nations. The dignitaries included 36 past and present heads of state and government, and U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan. Leading the dignitaries were Mikhail Gorbachev, Margaret Thatcher, Brian and Mila Mulroney, and Prince Charles (representing Queen Elizabeth II and the United Kingdom).[34] Other world leaders included U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair and his wife Cherie, German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Jordan's King Abdullah, as well as interim presidents Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan and Ghazi al-Yawer of Iraq.[34] Blair, Schröder, Berlusconi, Karzai, King Abdullah, and al-Yawer had been at the G-8 Summit in Sea Island, Georgia, and later decided to extend their stay in the U.S. to attend the funeral. For Karzai, the funeral was part of his week-long visit to the U.S. and it was the beginning of his visit to Washington. He scrapped a visit to the West Coast to visit the Afghan community there to attend the funeral."

Reagan's funeral/memorial was held over seven days.

Just Geebus.... :shakes head:

You are helpless.

I understood your sarcasm, but as has been done to me plenty of times in debate here, I pretended I thought you were being serious. I could continue that farce, but I try to be honest in my debate.
I understood your sarcasm, but as has been done to me plenty of times in debate here, I pretended I thought you were being serious. I could continue that farce, but I try to be honest in my debate.

lol.... right... an honest lawyer... LMAO...
"Teddy Kennedy got a better funeral than Reagan or Ford..."

"It appears that it depends on how much you are loved/respected by those who know you. Crowds stoped the funeral procession in the streets of Boston to show there respect. A huge crowd appeared on the steps of the Capital. Senators, Congressmen, past-presidents, vice-presidents and the president paid respect and lined up to speak about what a great man he was!"

"A funeral's size is not a measure of the person."

Lets see... you start out by saying that Kennedy's funeral was somehow better than Reagan's and Ford's, followed that by gizzing over the 'huge crowd', rambled on about how other politicians attended and paid respect, gizzed again at how great a man Kennedy was.... then stated "a funeral's size is not a measure of the person"....

So no... I did not read anything into what you stated.

Every statement I made is consistant with the other. WHere is an inconsistancy? You need to take a class in basic logic...!
Every statement I made is consistant with the other. WHere is an inconsistancy? You need to take a class in basic logic...!

You made the point that the amount of people that showed up made his funeral more "Presidential" than Reagan's. You got caught at it and now say that others have flawed logic?

First Kennedy's funeral wasn't nearly even close to as impressive as Reagan's funeral which lasted well over a week with 36 different world leaders showing up. Second, MJ's was larger with more celebrities crying, does that mean he is more "Presidential"?

This whole thread is an example of fail.

You made the point that the amount of people that showed up made his funeral more "Presidential" than Reagan's. You got caught at it and now say that others have flawed logic?

First Kennedy's funeral wasn't nearly even close to as impressive as Reagan's funeral which lasted well over a week with 36 different world leaders showing up. Second, MJ's was larger with more celebrities crying, does that mean he is more "Presidential"?

This whole thread is an example of fail.

BTW, you were saying that last nights "funeral" of MJ was going to be a big deal with lots of celebrities crying and a huge crowd... Not so!

I dont see where I said it was more "presidental" I said it was better!

Even had I said it was more "presidental" that is not the same thing as saying that I belive that the "size of a funeral is the measure of the person"!

Show me where I said anything inconsistant. Man, grumpy and quick to jump to allegations based on emotion rather than logic lately. You okay? SOmething up that you need to get off your chest?
BTW, you were saying that last nights "funeral" of MJ was going to be a big deal with lots of celebrities crying and a huge crowd... Not so!

I dont see where I said it was more "presidental" I said it was better!

Even had I said it was more "presidental" that is not the same thing as saying that I belive that the "size of a funeral is the measure of the person"!

Show me where I said anything inconsistant. Man, grumpy and quick to jump to allegations based on emotion rather than logic lately. You okay? SOmething up that you need to get off your chest?
Well over 200 celebrities with a huge crowd outside the cemetery. It certainly was more than a "private family affair" as you predicted.

Your point was that the crowd and because some Senator cried his funeral was more "Presidential" than Reagan's. Then you pretend you didn't say that the size of the crowd and people who attended didn't matter?

You, sir, are twisting so hard you are probably creating your own weather pattern. You failed and are now making others arguments for them. First, this Kennedy funeral wasn't more impressive than the people you noted, second, others who weren't even Presidents had more impressive funerals than Kennedy's and suddenly you want it so that the measure you used doesn't count anymore.

Your whole thread is full of fail on your part, and now you are trying to mend it rather than walking away sheepishly like any other sane human would do.
Well over 200 celebrities with a huge crowd outside the cemetery. It certainly was more than a "private family affair" as you predicted.

Your point was that the crowd and because some Senator cried his funeral was more "Presidential" than Reagan's. Then you pretend you didn't say that the size of the crowd and people who attended didn't matter?
You, sir, are twisting so hard you are probably creating your own weather
pattern. You failed and are now making others arguments for them. First, this Kennedy funeral wasn't more impressive than the people you noted, second, others who weren't even Presidents had more impressive funerals than Kennedy's and suddenly you want it so that the measure you used doesn't count anymore.

Your whole thread is full of fail on your part, and now you are trying to mend it rather than walking away sheepishly like any other sane human would do.

That was not my point. Those are your words, not mine.

I do not belive that the size or presidentalness or caliber of people who attend are a measure of the man. I never argued such and have never belived such. I merely pointed out that I felt Kennedy's funeral was "better funeral than Reagan or Ford..."

and that while I feel the guy is a hero such a funeral was was "unexpected" by me!
That was not my point. Those are your words, not mine.

I do not belive that the size or presidentalness or caliber of people who attend are a measure of the man. I never argued such and have never belived such. I merely pointed out that I felt Kennedy's funeral was "better funeral than Reagan or Ford..."

and that while I feel the guy is a hero such a funeral was was "unexpected" by me!
Bull, and everybody can read your first post and the title of this thread, even when you equivocate at the end of it.
Bull, and everybody can read your first post and the title of this thread, even when you equivocate at the end of it.

They can, and they can make a decision based on emotion and what they want to belive, rather than what I said.
They can, and they can make a decision based on emotion and what they want to belive, rather than what I said.
Or they can read what you said and then laugh as other people note that you were simply ridiculous. It has nothing to do with emotion and everything to do with what you used to measure this as "Presidential"...
BTW, you were saying that last nights "funeral" of MJ was going to be a big deal with lots of celebrities crying and a huge crowd... Not so!

I dont see where I said it was more "presidental" I said it was better!

Even had I said it was more "presidental" that is not the same thing as saying that I belive that the "size of a funeral is the measure of the person"!

Show me where I said anything inconsistant. Man, grumpy and quick to jump to allegations based on emotion rather than logic lately. You okay? SOmething up that you need to get off your chest?

LMAO... spin Jarod... spin... spin .... spin....

No matter how much you spin it, it is quite apparent that you were gushing about Kennedy have a 'better' funeral, because people stopped the procession and there were huge crowds 'showing how much he was loved' blah blah blah.....

Then it was pointed out to you that Reagans funeral (whose funeral you stated was not as good as Kennedy's) encompassed 7 days with all sorts of foreign dignitaries and current and former US government leaders etc...