APP - A presidential funeral...

Like the upside down book photo... The finger photo is a photoshopped job... if you post the picture you can see the editing on the finger, it is a different color than the hand and the index finger was changed.

Here is the snopes article about the upside down book photo you see on this site sometimes.

Upside down book photo

This video wasn't photoshopped.

[ame=""]YouTube - Bush gives the Finger..[/ame]
LOL You liberals compare Bush joking with his camera crew with a Kennedy broad flipping off the public. How fucking pitiful.

That Kennedy broad isn't the president of the United States.

I agree, though, that bush flipping the bird in front of a live camera is effing pitiful.
I guess I thought it was a funeral without a burial. Ive attended several such funerals. Especally in the north where the ground is too frozen to dig a hole in the winter. The interrment, is held seperatly and is often just a few family members.

Not sure how far North ya mean, but I worked in a cemetery when I was a kid and the backhoe had NP ripping threw Ice

My question is, do all the people that die just lay in the funeral homes till summer?
But this "Kennedy" if she is even a Kennedy is equally as tenuious. Maybe she saw a friend who was making fun of her and she responded how I would respond.

Maybe its a fake.

Maybe she was pissed, still I dont know why we are even discussing it!