Hello Jerome,
We have the oldest constitution of any democracy on earth.
And it shows. It's BADLY in need of updating, if not an entirely new constitutional convention.
And if we had more people politically aware and involved we could do that.
I would also like to see our government run in a much more efficient way. Our representatives are not responsive to us. In this day and age with the internet we should have far greater access to them. You can't even have a dialog with them in any way shape or form. If you send an email they probably won't even read it. Somebody on their staff does that, and you get a blanket form response. If you ask a question in your email, it will be ignored. That might have been fine before the internet, but there is just no excuse for that now. They are spending most of their time fund-raising so they don't have time to respond to constituents. Unless you've got deep pockets. Money talks. Why then, you can actually have a conversation with them. And that's BS. The importance of communications between the representatives and the people they represent should be issue-based, not money-based.
If somebody has a really great idea and sends it to their representative, odds are it will be lost in the system and they will never even see it. That's dysfunctional. We have a lot of brain-power in this country but we have a system that wastes it.
At the very least, each representative should run a well-regulated message forum for their constituents. Let people kick ideas around and let the representative come in from time to time and weigh in on things.
Why are we not using the tools we have?
It is ridiculous for them to be so inaccessible with technology like this ready and available.
But, of course, we need the
American Anti-Corruption Act to force them to actually work while they are on our clock instead of spending 70% of their time fund-raising.
"Most federal politicians spend between 3 and 7 hours a day fundraising from big donors instead of working on issues that matter to voters.
Under the Act, politicians are prevented from raising money during the workday, when they should be serving their constituents."