Considering that Biden:
* Cancelled oil and gas leases by executive order.
* Cancelled oil pipeline expansion.
* Closed the ports, blaming Covid.
* Caused fuel prices to rise dramatically, particularly diesel, the fuel for trucks and trains.
* Is conducting a war on coal, oil, and natural gas fuels.
* Backed the Democrats shutting down the economy, starting the current economic depression.
In addition, Biden:
* discards the Constitution of the United States, and the constitutions of every State.
* was never elected, but was installed as part of a Democrat coup.
* can't remember who he's talking to, where he is, where he is going, or what he is doing.
* has difficulty climbing stairs, riding a bicycle, or walk any significant distance.
* has difficult pronouncing words. Apparently does not know English.
* has effectively erased the border with Mexico.
* supports 'Woke' teaching, along with other Democrats.
* is trying to ban and limit guns.
* declares war on conservatives, using stage lighting reminiscent of the Dark Side from Star Wars.
Further, more and more Democrats:
* want civil war.
* want to push their sexual perversions as 'normal'.
* want censorship.
* want to imprison people without trial for political reasons.
and, like usual, Democrats:
* project their own problems on Republicans.
* worship unnamed 'experts', quote some mysterious 'data' (if they provide a link, it's to a biased source), and equate college degrees with intelligence.
* make up stories about how great they are.
* spam, troll, and throw insults endlessly, thinking they are somehow 'winning' or making a difference.
* deflect the conversation to some pet chant, thinking they are somehow 'winning' or making a difference.
Yes. This country is in trouble.