Shaken, not stirred!
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
The article wasn't about run-a-way or disowned teens, as the term "foster children" was used throughout to describe the victims of the system.
actually, that is precisely who the aged out foster kids are.......runaways and kids removed from their parental homes by court order when they were in their late teens.......https://www.childtrends.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Transition-Age-Youth_Michigan.pdf
Actually, you need to read carefully and comprehensively, and remember that the original point of contention was my pointed out the sheer stupidity in enacting a law that guarantees more kids into the foster care system is not good, given that you have a percentage that age out. From your source:
Exit reasons for those that exited care before their 19th birthday
Emancipation (often referred to as “aging out”) In the USA , 77% out of 6,154 polled in 2015
And we're not talking just about abused kids:https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/women/reports/2010/10/18/8460/the-adoption-option/
This is just one aspect as to why the new Texas abortion law just doesn't make sense. The major point is that all those red state stupes who wail about an over-bearing federal gov't controlling their lives seem to have no problem with the Stasi like local gov't regarding a woman's personal medical choice. Hypocrisy much?