Abortion: wrong or just sort of wrong?

Having recently given birth to a son of our own, my wife and I have sat in amazement over what we've helped bring to this earth. Over the past year, I've been asking myself, from time to time, how could someone be so anxious & willing to terminate their unborn? The only conclusion that I could come up with is that most of these people simply despise their own lives as well as life in general. Sure, the Supreme Court has certainly green lighted this vile act, but is that enough? This thread is for those who feel that analyzing legalized murder is something that might need to be revisited or even overturned.

Take a look at this in-depth analysis then share your thoughts.


Don't get a nosebleed sitting on your pedestal!
Say the assholes who edit Wikipedia. Show me medical or embryonic books that argue the same thing.

You don't get to use science.

you deny it all the time.

This country has already decided this issue and our laws reflect it .\

We will NEVER become your chattle again
fetuses have more rights than female fully functioning humans ?

that is the world you want.

You seek to make women lesser beings.

You will NEVER again get that power
how is it another life if it cant survive outside my body?
How is it another life if it can't survive outside your body? Using your logic, all children should be fair game until they can survive without any help from anyone else.

Science supports my argument, anyways. Read any embryology book and it will confirm that life begins at conception.
Its flesh that would DIE without being surrounded by a fully functioning human womb.
that womb is MINE and you have NO right to tell me what to do with it.
How is it another life if it can't survive outside your body? Using your logic, all children should be fair game until they can survive without any help from anyone else.

Science supports my argument, anyways. Read any embryology book and it will confirm that life begins at conception.

dear idiot,

those children breath on their own