Abortion: wrong or just sort of wrong?

Abortion is best appreciated when experiencing two close together.
Maybe that's why I favor a tenth abortion free card.
He wake me up when the dumbass republican woman finally gets her husbands ok to chime in.
When I jerk off and ejaculate I emit genetic life from my body nobody gives a shit that I kill millions of living cells
gosh, you would almost think we had already mocked this stupid argument enough already and yet, along comes another person totally ignorant of basic biology who doesn't get it.......
Abortion is best appreciated when experiencing two close together.
Maybe that's why I favor a tenth abortion free card.
He wake me up when the dumbass republican woman finally gets her husbands ok to chime in.

nothing will ever wake you up.....your mind is too far gone.....
Sorry, but it IS a clump of cells. To call it anything else is mythologizing it.

LMAO... Yes, it is a clump of cells... as are all humans. Genetics dictates that it is a unique human life form.

The LEGAL and Philosophical definitions of 'person' are certainly debatable and are where the argument should lie in terms of abortion. Those that try to deny the science simply because it makes their legal and philosophical arguments stronger are flat out wrong.

It's a unique blueprint for life, just as DNA is (and how will you feel about a skin cell once we start cloning?) But sorry - no sentience, no cognizance, no viability, no brain....I'm not "dehumanizing" anything. You're dehumanizing women by saying they are sentenced to carry a fetus to term as soon as they're impregnated.

This is the same stupid argument String keeps using. A skin cell will never, ever become anything other than a skin cell. Ever. Neither will a liver cell, a blood cell etc...

Removing DNA to clone... tell us... What cell is always used in cloning? String won't answer that for a reason. Perhaps you will.

1) Yes, when you say a zygote/fetus is not human, you are indeed dehumanizing it. That is the definition of dehumanizing. You are arbitrarily determining who is and isn't human.

2) No, I am not dehumanizing women. Women have a choice... as do men. To have sex or not. If they choose to have sex, they choose whether to use protection or not. only a complete fool doesn't understand how babies are created. If they choose to have sex and use protection and they still get pregnant, then they have to take responsibility for their actions. They don't get to choose to end a life simply because they don't like the outcome of their actions. The only case this doesn't apply is when the choice is taken from the woman due to rape. In that case you have two evils... end a life or the mother chooses to keep the child of a rapist. A horrid choice that does belong to the mother.
If they choose to have sex and use protection and they still get pregnant, then they have to take responsibility for their actions. They don't get to choose to end a life simply because they don't like the outcome of their actions.

um.... actually, they do get to make that choice. I understand that you and your side of this argument would want them to NOT be able to do so, but, in fact, they legally can. Don't like it? Change the make up of the SCOTUS or change the constitution. Good luck.
um.... actually, they do get to make that choice. I understand that you and your side of this argument would want them to NOT be able to do so, but, in fact, they legally can. Don't like it? Change the make up of the SCOTUS or change the constitution. Good luck.

The Constitution gives us the right to Freedom from government intrusion into our personal medical decisions. Abortion before viability falls in to this category of freedoms. Part of freedom is accepting that others are going to be allowed to do some things you don't personally agree they should do.

Personally I wish there was no abortion, I would likely encourage any woman who came to me for advice to not have an abortion. I accept that because we live in a FREE country abortion in early pregnancy should and must be a free choice for women.
um.... actually, they do get to make that choice. I understand that you and your side of this argument would want them to NOT be able to do so, but, in fact, they legally can. Don't like it? Change the make up of the SCOTUS or change the constitution. Good luck.

Sorry, should have said they should not get to choose to end a life. Thanks for the correction.
LMAO... Yes, it is a clump of cells... as are all humans. Genetics dictates that it is a unique human life form.

The LEGAL and Philosophical definitions of 'person' are certainly debatable and are where the argument should lie in terms of abortion. Those that try to deny the science simply because it makes their legal and philosophical arguments stronger are flat out wrong.

This is the same stupid argument String keeps using. A skin cell will never, ever become anything other than a skin cell. Ever. Neither will a liver cell, a blood cell etc...

Removing DNA to clone... tell us... What cell is always used in cloning? String won't answer that for a reason. Perhaps you will.

1) Yes, when you say a zygote/fetus is not human, you are indeed dehumanizing it. That is the definition of dehumanizing. You are arbitrarily determining who is and isn't human.

2) No, I am not dehumanizing women. Women have a choice... as do men. To have sex or not. If they choose to have sex, they choose whether to use protection or not. only a complete fool doesn't understand how babies are created. If they choose to have sex and use protection and they still get pregnant, then they have to take responsibility for their actions. They don't get to choose to end a life simply because they don't like the outcome of their actions. The only case this doesn't apply is when the choice is taken from the woman due to rape. In that case you have two evils... end a life or the mother chooses to keep the child of a rapist. A horrid choice that does belong to the mother.

I'll get around to the rest of your post, but why should that choice belong to the mother? If you believe what you say, you're giving a mother a "choice" to "murder a baby"? Really?

Also, it would probably be a good idea to remind you how rape is incredibly hard to prove in some cases, and how many women - even if they are raped - won't be able to prove it and won't get that right to decide to murder. And birth control is never 100%.
I'll get around to the rest of your post, but why should that choice belong to the mother? If you believe what you say, you're giving a mother a "choice" to "murder a baby"? Really?

Also, it would probably be a good idea to remind you how rape is incredibly hard to prove in some cases, and how many women - even if they are raped - won't be able to prove it and won't get that right to decide to murder. And birth control is never 100%.

If you go with the reasoning of some, that a fertilized egg is a "life", then aborting it because its "father" raped its mother is just as bad as aborting it for any other reason.
I'll get around to the rest of your post, but why should that choice belong to the mother? If you believe what you say, you're giving a mother a "choice" to "murder a baby"? Really?

As I stated, there are two horrid choices in that situation. 1) kill the child of a rapist (2) mother has to carry the child of a rapist

This is the 'gotcha' the left really love... because they can either scream 'hypocrite' or 'you evil' depending on what the prolife person states. I would certainly try and talk the woman into adoption vs. abortion, but there is no way you can justify forcing her to carry her rapists child.

Also, it would probably be a good idea to remind you how rape is incredibly hard to prove in some cases, and how many women - even if they are raped - won't be able to prove it and won't get that right to decide to murder. And birth control is never 100%.

Yes, already covered that birth control is not 100%... and only an idiot wouldnt know that.