Abortion: wrong or just sort of wrong?

Obvious typos on my part.

But what is this "himan" you ate in high school?

Perhaps you meant hymen?

You're not supposed to eat the hymen. No wonder we have so many abortion murders in this country. Libs know jack shit about sex. The hymen is there so men can fulfill their God-given roles as conquerers and so they know no one conquered it before them if you know what I mean and I think you do. Women have been known to lie about having a hymen. If they believe your nonsense next thing they will be doing is telling some unsuspecting dupe someone ate it because they thought it was a snickers. All a big misunderstanding. Uh huh! I heard it all before.
then don't do it.

how do you murder something that is part of your own body?

if its in my body and it will die if removed then its mine.

Just like my liver

grrrrreat question, how do YOU murder a life that is growing inside your own body, how do you do that.....maybe you might consider crossing your legs and growing a conscience....or not....
I do not believe it is killing an unborn child, and I don't insist on killing anything.

I insist that our government not prohibit abortion, which is, in my humble opinion that taking of life, but not the killing of a child.
your beliefs are meaningless......you can pretend its an unborn puppy for all we care, it makes it no less an unborn child.....
Killing a fully developed person is okay if its war over non-existent WMD.

Killing a embryo is okay if its the result of rape.

Its hard to keep up with all of their exceptions.
I suppose its much easier for you to have no exceptions.....I'm surprised you hesitate to take the lives of children after birth.....
does that change the fact you're responsible for fifty million deaths?.....

I haven't contributed to any abortions so you'll have to dig deeper for a fitting insult.

Just ignore the hypocrisy of your own party who put re-election over repeal. I know for people like you actions don't count, just opinions, so as long as some anti-choicer gets all pious and outraged about the subject you're good with the deceit.
I thought SCOTUS, and not congress, was the branch of government that could overturn Roe?

Comparing Three Ways of Overturning Roe v. Wade

The three ways to overturn Roe v. Wade are:

• A constitutional amendment — That requires a two-thirds majority vote in each House of Congress followed by ratification by three-fourths of the states.

• Getting the U.S. Supreme to reverse its previous decision — This is by far the hardest method of overturning Roe v. Wade, since judges are typically reluctant to reverse their own decisions or the decisions of their predecessors. Some have suggested appointing at least five solidly pro-life justices who would be willing to vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. This has already shown itself to be unworkable.

• Passing a law based on Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution to limit the jurisdiction of the U.S. Supreme Court — This requires a simple majority of both Houses of Congress and the president’s signature. If the president vetoes the bill, the veto can be overridden by two thirds of each House.