Abortion: wrong or just sort of wrong?

I agree.... SCOTUS is where Roe will be overturned, if it ever is....

which is one reason why I will ALWAYS vote for the democratic candidate for president.
I have filed no lawsuits demanding the right to eat, drink or have sex.....

What does that have to do with it? You claimed that supporting the legality of some act is the same as promoting the act. So either you are promoting those behaviors or you are opposed to their legality.
WHY NOT? If y'all are SO sure you've got God on your side... if you HONESTLY believe that abortion is murder, why in the world WOULDN'T you use your legislative clout to stop it?

Or.... could it POSSIBLY be that abortion is just one more thing to keep those religious folks voting against their own economic self-interest by dangling your never-ending - and clearly symbolic - opposition to Roe v. Wade in front of them?

Abortion is killing a unique human being. That anyone sanctions that act is disturbing. Belief in God should have no baring on the gruesome act of abortions on demand. It is one thing for someone to have to choose between their own survival, but in the majority of abortions, they are done for the convenience of avoiding pregnancy.
oh gosh, that blows my entire argument away, doesn't it....I may have to let you kill more children now......

You are in the process of running away from your argument, as is usual for you. Your arguments are based on nothing but ignorance mixed with lies. If there were constant protests outside of churches or synagogues then there might be cause for a 35 foot buffer zone. 500 feet would be ridiculous but then is just an example of your dishonesty.
Abortion is killing a unique human being. That anyone sanctions that act is disturbing. Belief in God should have no baring on the gruesome act of abortions on demand. It is one thing for someone to have to choose between their own survival, but in the majority of abortions, they are done for the convenience of avoiding pregnancy.

so you believe....

so....here's the deal: you just gotta go out and convince the majority of Americans to change their opinion on abortion and think like you do... and then, get them all to think that abortion is even more important than their own economic self interest, in many cases... so that they vote for and elect - and possibly reelect - a pro-life republican president who will replace enough SCOTUS justices to turn the tide and create a court that will overturn Roe when it comes before them in a test case. Until then.... all you're doing is WHINING!
so you believe....

so....here's the deal: you just gotta go out and convince the majority of Americans to change their opinion on abortion and think like you do... and then, get them all to think that abortion is even more important than their own economic self interest, in many cases... so that they vote for and elect - and possibly reelect - a pro-life republican president who will replace enough SCOTUS justices to turn the tide and create a court that will overturn Roe when it comes before them in a test case. Until then.... all you're doing is WHINING!

I don't believe it. I know it. Science says that the fetus is a unique human being. It has it's own set of finger prints, DNA, brain, circulatory system etc.

The need for the right case is going to be the only effective rt. behind the scenes this is and has been, going on already. SCOTUS appointments are important. More important will be the changing of hearts and minds. That tide has turned towards the pro life position in the past few years. Hopefully someday soon abortion on demand will, like slavery, be a thing only seen in our rear view mirrors, and that with no small amount of shame.
I don't believe it. I know it. Science says that the fetus is a unique human being. It has it's own set of finger prints, DNA, brain, circulatory system etc.

The need for the right case is going to be the only effective rt. behind the scenes this is and has been, going on already. SCOTUS appointments are important. More important will be the changing of hearts and minds. That tide has turned towards the pro life position in the past few years. Hopefully someday soon abortion on demand will, like slavery, be a thing only seen in our rear view mirrors, and that with no small amount of shame.

It is not even close to having those characteristics at the zygote or blastocyst stage.
You're fucking delusional. Your own link shows that only one in five people want to outlaw abortion.
Why is it you feel the need to name call? Grow up. The poll shows that most Americans want limits on abortions in the very least. Further it demonstrates that Americans think that abortion does posit a moral quotient. As science demonstrates what is actually at stake with the abortion issue I see more and more people moving in a direction to greatly limit abortion on demand.
And I, too, would love to see limits on abortions on demand. I, too, would love to see abortions more and more rare. The problem with that, however, is that the rabid pro-lifers will NEVER be satisfied until ALL abortion is criminal. So this argument has no compromise position. Kinda like arabs and jews arguing about the temple mount.

Suggesting you are delusional is not name calling... It is stating my heartfelt opinion as to the nature of your beliefs. Sorry.
And I, too, would love to see limits on abortions on demand. I, too, would love to see abortions more and more rare. The problem with that, however, is that the rabid pro-lifers will NEVER be satisfied until ALL abortion is criminal. So this argument has no compromise position. Kinda like arabs and jews arguing about the temple mount.

Suggesting you are delusional is not name calling... It is stating my heartfelt opinion as to the nature of your beliefs. Sorry.
Your claim to wanting abortions to be rare is inconsistent with your posts on the subject. I mean why should it matter to you at all given you don't value the human life in the womb?

Saying I am "fucking delusional" is name calling and juvenile. You have not proven any delusion on my part. I have certainly been willing to respond and support my assertions in a reasoned and polite way.
If you can look at that Gallup polling data and claim that the tide is turning, you are, in my humble opinion, deluding yourself. But hey, whatever gets you through the night..
That you have trouble reading the poll questions, and not understanding the move towards valuing the unborn makes your accusation of my being "fucking delusional" juvenile on its face. Ignorance tends to breed a need to be condescending in place of intelligent reasoning.
I have no trouble reading poll questions. It would seem to me that YOU have a problem interpreting numbers. But hey... You're gonna believe what you want to believe, about abortion in general, and about how Americans view it. If you want to believe that there is this groundswell of popular opinion swinging your way, who am I to disabuse you of that notion?