Abortion: wrong or just sort of wrong?

Well, the Dems have been so right about other noble institutions. I wonder what great insight we could garner from President Buchanan over this moral dilemma. Would you vote for him if he was on the ballot next round, Maine?
I have no trouble reading poll questions. It would seem to me that YOU have a problem interpreting numbers. But hey... You're gonna believe what you want to believe, about abortion in general, and about how Americans view it. If you want to believe that there is this groundswell of popular opinion swinging your way, who am I to disabuse you of that notion?

Groundswell is not what I said. I used a term "trending". But I have discovered what stumbles you; it's exaggerating what a person says.

Believe whatever fills your heart with contentment. I feel confident that I will go to my grave with a woman's right to chose still ensconced in law.
A woman should never have been given the right to indiscriminately end the life of her unborn child. It's a grotesque and abominable law.
If two woman are pregnant at the same time, 1 abortion should be free.
Regardless of if you have a tenth abortion free card.
What does that have to do with it? You claimed that supporting the legality of some act is the same as promoting the act. So either you are promoting those behaviors or you are opposed to their legality.

legality?......have laws been passed regarding a right to eat or drink?.....have I fought to prevent you from changing any such laws?.....what does your eating have to do with me or anyone else but you?.....
You are in the process of running away from your argument, as is usual for you. Your arguments are based on nothing but ignorance mixed with lies. If there were constant protests outside of churches or synagogues then there might be cause for a 35 foot buffer zone. 500 feet would be ridiculous but then is just an example of your dishonesty.

actually, I think the fact there are no protests is evidence of why your example, isn't an example.....
It is not even close to having those characteristics at the zygote or blastocyst stage.

the point remains....who gives a fuck......no woman is even aware she's pregnant at the zygote stage......you've spent ten pages defending the right to kill unborn children based upon physical characteristics of a stage of human development which never gets aborted.....
As one devout christian told me, I was always deadset against abortion, until my 14 yr old daughter got pregnant. I tortured myself over it and in the end I realized it was the best thing for everyone.

I want to add here although he never outright said it, I believe the babies father was black and that added fuel to his change of heart.
As one devout christian told me, I was always deadset against abortion, until my 14 yr old daughter got pregnant. I tortured myself over it and in the end I realized it was the best thing for everyone.

I want to add here although he never outright said it, I believe the babies father was black and that added fuel to his change of heart.
Just like every teabagging conservative here.
She mentioned a constitutional amendment procedure via Congress. That is not the only way Congress can act maine. Take a look at the Unborn victims of Violence Act from 2004. It acknowledged that the unborn child is human and afforded it basic human rights protections in all cases except abortion.

Did that require a constitutional amendment maine? Nope.

Speaking of Congress, see below. Why do you think this wasn't passed?

Congress has already had a golden opportunity to overturn Roe v. Wade via Article III, Section 2. On February 10, 2005 Texas Congressman Ron Paul submitted H.R. 776, the Sanctity of Life Act of 2005. This bill, which would have prohibited the Supreme Court from hearing abortion cases, stated:

The Supreme Court shall not have jurisdiction to review, by appeal, writ of certiorari, or otherwise, any case arising out of any statute, ordinance, rule, regulation, practice, or any part thereof, or arising out of any act interpreting, applying, enforcing, or effecting any statute, ordinance, rule, regulation, or practice, on the grounds that such statute, ordinance, rule, regulation, practice, act, or part thereof:

(1) Protects the rights of human persons between conception and birth; or

(2) Prohibits, limits, or regulates —

(A) the performance of abortions; or
(B) the provision of public expense of funds, facilities, personnel, or other assistance for the performance of abortions.

The Sanctity of Life Act of 2005 was submitted near the beginning of the 109th Congress in plenty of time to pass. The Republicans were in the majority in both houses of Congress with 231 Republicans in the House and 55 Republicans in the Senate. Many of these Republicans were endorsed by pro-life groups. The Republican president was endorsed by numerous pro-life groups. Yet this bill never passed.

gosh, did I get that switched around?....was it the cons who've supported abortion and the liberals who want to stop it?......gosh, my face is soooo red.....

When you can prove that no con ever had an abortion or supported abortion, then you'll have a leg to stand on. Good thing abortion demographics don't include political affiliation, huh.
no, I promote intelligence....

So do you think atheism should be outlawed? Because I am starting to see a flaw in your logic.

Now, are you going to acknowledge it and stop claiming that people who are pro-choice are all promoting abortions? Or are you going to be a mindless drone for your "side" and keep up the dishonest rhetoric?

Hint: One choice brings respect to you and your integrity, the other does not.